15 Dumb Things Even The Smartest People Do Sometimes

Robijn Page

Even the brightest minds have their moments of being not so sharp.

Robijn Page

We all do dumb things occasionally, and that’s just part of being human. But some of these mistakes are so common that they deserve to be called out. No matter how intelligent someone is, they’re likely guilty of falling into these traps. Just make sure the same doesn’t happen to you.

1. Procrastinating on important stuff

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You know that big project you’ve been putting off for weeks? Yeah, that one. Smart people are just as guilty of procrastination as anyone else. They’ll find every excuse in the book to avoid starting that important task, whether it’s cleaning their flat, reorganising their bookshelf, or suddenly developing a keen interest in watching paint dry. But here’s the thing: putting off important work only makes it harder in the long run. So, stop making excuses and get it done.

2. Overthinking every decision they make

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Smart people have a tendency to analyse every decision to death. They’ll make lists of pros and cons, research every possible outcome, and lose sleep over the tiniest choices. But sometimes, overthinking can lead to paralysis by analysis. It’s important to gather information and weigh your options, but at some point, you just have to trust your gut and decide. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back from taking action.

3. Neglecting their health

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Just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re immune to the consequences of neglecting your health. Many brilliant people are guilty of skipping meals, pulling all-nighters, and treating their bodies like rubbish. But no matter how much you want to believe otherwise, your brain can’t function at its best when you’re running on empty. Make time for proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep, and your mind will thank you.

4. Comparing themselves to other people

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Smart people often fall into the trap of constantly comparing themselves to others. They’ll look at their colleagues, friends, or even strangers on social media and feel like they’re falling short. But the truth is, everyone has their own unique journey and measuring yourself against others is a recipe for misery. Focus on your own progress and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

5. Ignoring their feelings

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Intelligence and emotional intelligence are two different things, and many smart people struggle with the latter. They may try to rationalise away their feelings or bottle them up until they explode. But ignoring your emotions doesn’t make them go away; it only makes them harder to deal with in the long run. Learn to acknowledge and express your feelings in a healthy way, and you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

6. Overcommitting and burning out

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Smart people often have a hard time saying no. They want to take on every project, help every friend, and be everything to everyone. But spreading yourself too thin is a guaranteed way to burn out. Learn to set boundaries and prioritise your own well-being. It’s okay to say no sometimes, and it doesn’t make you any less capable or valuable.

7. Falling for scams and frauds

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You might think that being smart makes you immune to scams and frauds, but even the most intelligent people can fall for a well-crafted con. Whether it’s a phishing email, a too-good-to-be-true investment opportunity, or a manipulative relationship, smart people are just as vulnerable to deception as anyone else. Stay vigilant and trust your instincts if something seems off.

8. Neglecting their relationships


Smart people can sometimes get so caught up in their own pursuits that they neglect the people who matter most. They may cancel plans last minute, forget important dates, or simply fail to make time for their loved ones. But no matter how brilliant you are, relationships require effort and attention. Make sure you’re investing in the people who support and care for you, or you may find yourself alone at the top.

9. Believing they’re always right

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Smart people can be stubborn, and they often have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong. They may argue their point until they’re blue in the face, even in the face of contradictory evidence. But being smart doesn’t mean you’re infallible, and refusing to consider other perspectives can limit your growth and damage your relationships. Learn to listen and be open to the possibility that you might be mistaken.

10. Overanalysing conversations and social interactions in general

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Intelligent people can sometimes get so caught up in their own heads that they overanalyse every social interaction. They’ll dissect every conversation, obsess over perceived slights, and tie themselves in knots trying to decipher hidden meanings. But most of the time, people say what they mean, and there’s no need to read between the lines. Learn to take things at face value and give others the benefit of the doubt.

11. Neglecting their creative side

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Smart people often prioritise logic and reason over creativity and imagination. They may dismiss artistic pursuits as frivolous or a waste of time. But engaging in creative activities can actually enhance your problem-solving skills and mental well-being. Don’t be afraid to tap into your creative side, whether it’s through writing, painting, music, or any other form of self-expression.

12. Putting off difficult conversations

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Even the most articulate and intelligent people can struggle with difficult conversations. They may avoid confrontation at all costs, bottle up their feelings, or resort to passive-aggressive behaviour. But putting off tough talks only makes things worse in the long run. Learn to communicate assertively and honestly, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s the only way to resolve conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.

13. Forgetting to celebrate their wins and milestones

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Smart people are often their own harshest critics. They may achieve great things but quickly move on to the next challenge without taking a moment to celebrate their successes. But acknowledging your accomplishments is important for maintaining motivation and self-esteem. Take the time to pat yourself on the back and savour your victories, no matter how small they may seem.

14. Neglecting their finances

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Intelligence doesn’t always translate to financial know-how, and many smart people struggle with money management. They overspend, don’t say anything, or make risky investments without fully understanding the consequences. But financial stability is important for both your present and future well-being. Educate yourself on basic financial principles and make a plan to secure your financial future.

15. Forgetting to enjoy the journey

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Finally, smart people can sometimes get so focused on their goals that they forget to enjoy the journey. They may view setbacks as failures rather than opportunities for growth, and they may sacrifice their happiness in pursuit of success. But life is about more than just reaching the finish line. Take the time to appreciate the small moments, learn from your mistakes, and find joy in the process of becoming your best self.