The Top 13 Lies Kids Tell (And Most Parents Buy)

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Kids are bizarrely good at lying — it’s kind of scary!

While most of the lies they tell are more like minor fibs meant to keep them out of trouble and prevent you from being angry or disappointing, others are more serious and need to be dealt with directly. After all, honesty is the best policy, but that doesn’t stop kids from coming out with these lies from time to time.

1. “I already brushed my teeth.”

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This is a classic bedtime stall tactic. You ask your little one if they’ve brushed their teeth, and they flash you a toothy grin, claiming they already have. Of course, a quick sniff test reveals the truth: that minty toothpaste smell is nowhere to be found. You might wonder why they even bother with this one, but hey, every minute counts when it comes to delaying bedtime.

2. “The dog ate my homework.”

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This excuse has been around for generations, and yet, we still fall for it. Maybe it’s because we secretly wish we could blame our furry friends for our own mishaps. Or perhaps it’s the sheer absurdity of the claim that tickles our funny bone. Whatever the reason, this age-old lie continues to be a favourite among procrastinating students.

3. “I didn’t do it.”

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This one’s a real head-scratcher. You catch your child red-handed, surrounded by a mountain of evidence, and yet, they maintain their innocence with a straight face. It’s almost impressive, the level of denial they can muster. But as parents, we know better. We’ve seen that mischievous glint in their eyes before, and we know they’re up to something.

4. “I’ll clean my room later.”

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This is the promise that’s broken more often than New Year’s resolutions. You might even believe them for a moment, picturing a pristine bedroom with everything in its place. But deep down, you know that “later” will never come. It’s a classic delaying tactic, and we fall for it time and time again.

5. “I’m not tired.”

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This one usually happens around bedtime, when your little one is yawning and rubbing their eyes but insists they’re wide awake. Maybe they’re afraid of missing out on something, or perhaps they just don’t want the day to end. Whatever the reason, their droopy eyelids and grumpy demeanour tell a different story.

6. “I already ate my vegetables.”

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This lie is often accompanied by a suspicious bulge in their cheek or a hidden pile of broccoli under the table. They might even go so far as to show you an empty plate, claiming they’ve devoured every last bite. But you know better. You’ve seen their picky eating habits, and you know they’re not fooling anyone.

7. “I don’t know how that happened.”

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This is the go-to excuse for any unexplained mess or broken object. A spilled glass of milk? A shattered vase? A mysterious crayon drawing on the wall? It’s always, “I don’t know how that happened.” It’s almost like they think they can escape responsibility by simply claiming ignorance. But as parents, we know that sometimes, kids just don’t want to fess up to their little accidents.

8. “I’m not feeling well.”


This one can be tricky. Sometimes, kids genuinely are feeling under the weather, but other times, they’re just trying to get out of school or avoid an unpleasant task. It’s a classic excuse, and it’s often accompanied by a dramatic display of coughing, sneezing, or stomach aches. As parents, we have to use our intuition and a bit of detective work to determine if they’re truly sick or just playing hooky.

9. “But everyone else is doing it!”


This age-old excuse is a classic attempt to deflect responsibility and justify questionable behaviour. It preys on our fear of missing out and our desire to fit in. However, just because “everyone else” is doing something doesn’t make it right. As parents, we need to teach our children to think for themselves and make responsible choices, regardless of peer pressure.

10. “I promise I won’t do it again.”

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Ah, the empty promise. We’ve all heard this one countless times, usually followed by a sheepish grin and crossed fingers behind their back. It’s a desperate plea for forgiveness, a last-ditch effort to avoid consequences. While we want to believe our children will learn from their mistakes, we also know that sometimes, promises are made to be broken.

11. “I’m almost done.”

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This is the ultimate stalling tactic when it comes to chores or homework. You ask your child how much longer they’ll be, and they reply with an optimistic “almost done.” But “almost done” can mean anything from five minutes to five hours. It’s a vague and elusive concept, designed to buy them a little more time to procrastinate.

12. “I forgot.”

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This is the excuse that covers a multitude of sins. Forgot to take out the rubbish? Forgot to feed the dog? Forgot to bring home that permission slip? It’s a convenient way to avoid responsibility and blame a faulty memory. While it’s true that kids can be forgetful, sometimes, this excuse is just a way to avoid admitting they simply didn’t want to do something.

13. “It wasn’t me, it was my imaginary friend.”


This one’s a bit of a wildcard, reserved for those kids with a particularly active imagination. When something goes wrong, they blame their invisible friend, hoping to escape any repercussions. It’s a creative excuse, to be sure, but it’s also a clear sign that they’re trying to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.