14 Signs Of A Truly Humble Person


Given that everyone is constantly shouting about the importance of self-promotion and personal branding, it’s easy to forget the value of being humble.


But true humility isn’t about putting yourself down or pretending to be less than you are. It’s about having a realistic sense of your own strengths and weaknesses, and being able to put your ego aside for the greater good. If you’re wondering whether you or someone you know is truly humble, here are 14 signs to look out for:

1. They give credit where it’s due.

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Humble people aren’t afraid to acknowledge other people’s hard work and contributions. They don’t hog the spotlight or claim credit for work that wasn’t theirs. Instead, they make a point of recognising the efforts of their teammates and giving them the praise they deserve. They understand that success is rarely a solo effort, and they’re quick to share the glory with those who helped them along the way.

2. They’re open to feedback.

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Truly humble people don’t get defensive when they receive constructive criticism. They understand that feedback is an opportunity to learn and grow, even if it’s not always easy to hear. They listen with an open mind and don’t take things personally. They’re willing to admit when they’ve made a mistake and take steps to correct it. They see feedback as a gift, not an attack.

3. They don’t name-drop or brag.

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You won’t catch a humble person constantly dropping the names of the important people they know or the fancy places they’ve been. They don’t feel the need to prove their worth through their connections or accomplishments. Instead, they let their actions speak for themselves. They’re confident in their abilities, but they don’t feel the need to shout about them from the rooftops.

4. They’re good listeners.

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Humble people are more interested in hearing what people have to say than in hearing themselves talk. They give their full attention to the person they’re speaking with and don’t interrupt or try to one-up them with their own stories. They ask thoughtful questions and show genuine interest in the answers. They understand that everyone has something valuable to contribute, and they’re eager to learn from those around them.

5. They’re not afraid to ask for help.

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Truly humble people don’t see asking for help as a sign of weakness. They understand that no one has all the answers and that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to collaborate with people. They’re not too proud to admit when they’re struggling and ask for guidance from people more experience or expertise. They see asking for help as a sign of strength, not a personal failing.

6. They don’t judge people.

Dmytro Adamov

Humble people don’t look down on people or make snap judgments about their worth. They understand that everyone has their own struggles and that it’s not their place to pass judgment. They approach people with empathy and compassion, even when they disagree with them. They don’t assume that their way is the only way, and they’re open to learning from perspectives that differ from their own.

7. They’re not afraid to admit when they’re wrong.

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It takes a truly humble person to admit when they’ve made a mistake or got something wrong. They don’t double down on their errors or try to shift the blame onto the people around them. Instead, they take responsibility for their actions and apologise when necessary. They see mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow, not as a personal failure or a threat to their ego.

8. They don’t seek validation from anyone else.

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Humble people don’t need constant praise or validation to feel good about themselves. They have a strong sense of self-worth that comes from within, not from external sources. They don’t fish for compliments or get upset when they don’t receive the recognition they feel they deserve. They understand that true happiness and fulfilment come from living in alignment with their values, not from other people’s approval.

9. They’re not afraid to take a back seat.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Truly humble people don’t need to be the centre of attention all the time. They’re happy to let other people take the lead and shine in their own right. They don’t feel threatened by other people’s success or feel the need to compete for the spotlight. Instead, they celebrate the achievements of those around them and are happy to play a supporting role when needed.

10. They’re not afraid to ask questions.

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Humble people aren’t afraid to admit when they don’t know something. They’re curious and eager to learn, and they understand that the best way to do that is to ask questions. They don’t pretend to have all the answers or act like they’re above learning from other people. Instead, they approach every situation with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

11. They’re not afraid to take risks.

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Truly humble people don’t let their ego get in the way of taking risks and trying new things. They understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and that it’s better to try and fail than to never try at all. They don’t let the fear of looking foolish or making mistakes hold them back from pursuing their goals and dreams.

12. They don’t constantly crave attention or validation on social media.

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Humble people don’t use social media as a platform for self-promotion or attention-seeking. They don’t post constant selfies or humblebrags about their accomplishments. Instead, they use social media as a way to connect with people and share meaningful content that adds value to their followers’ lives. They understand that true connection and fulfilment come from authentic interactions, not from the number of likes or followers they have.

13. They don’t hold grudges.

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Truly humble people don’t waste their energy on holding grudges or seeking revenge. They understand that forgiveness is a sign of strength, not weakness, and that holding onto anger and resentment only hurts themselves in the long run. They’re willing to let go of past hurts and move forward with compassion and understanding. They don’t let anyone else’s actions dictate their own behaviour or emotional state.

14. They’re not afraid to apologise.

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Humble people understand the power of a sincere apology. They don’t let their pride get in the way of admitting when they’ve done something wrong and making amends. They understand that apologising isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and maturity. They’re willing to take responsibility for their actions and do what’s necessary to repair damaged relationships. They don’t make excuses or shift blame, but rather own up to their mistakes and work to make things right.