16 Phrases That Reveal A Complete Lack Of Consideration

Milan Markovic

Some people have no consideration for anyone but themselves.

Milan Markovic

What they want comes first, and they don’t give a flying fig about how their actions might be affecting the people around them. These inconsiderate people reveal their true colours through the things they say, and if you hear any of these 16 phrases coming out of someone’s mouth, you can bet your bottom dollar that they’re not going to be winning any awards for thoughtfulness anytime soon.

1. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”


While it’s important to have a strong sense of self and not be swayed by the opinions of others, there’s a difference between being confident and being downright inconsiderate. If someone is constantly dismissing the thoughts and feelings of those around them with this phrase, it’s obvious that they don’t give a toss about anyone but themselves. It’s one thing to stand up for what you believe in, but it’s another to completely disregard people’s perspectives.

2. “That’s not my problem.”

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If someone is always quick to wash their hands of any responsibility or involvement in a situation, it’s a pretty clear indication that they’re not the most considerate person in the world. Sure, we all have our own issues to deal with, but completely dismissing people’s problems with this phrase shows you don’t care about anyone but yourself. A little empathy and willingness to help goes a long way. If only they understood this!

3. “I’m just being honest.”

Konstantin Postumitenko

Honesty is certainly an admirable trait, but there’s a difference between being truthful and being tactless. If someone is constantly using this phrase as an excuse to say hurtful or insensitive things, it’s a clear sign that they’re more interested in being “right” than they are in being considerate of anyone else’s feelings. It’s possible to be honest without being a complete jerk about it. Seems like some people missed that memo.

4. “You’re being too sensitive.”

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Gotta love a classic gaslighting technique. If someone is constantly dismissing your feelings and telling you that you’re overreacting, they obviously don’t give a toss about your emotional well-being. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity, and it’s important to be respectful of that. But apparently, some people think that being considerate is just too much of a burden, so they’d rather make you feel like the problem instead.

5. “I’m just joking.”

Envato Elements

Humour is a great way to bond with people and lighten the mood, but there’s a difference between good-natured ribbing and being downright mean. If someone is constantly making jokes at your expense and then trying to pass it off as “just joking” when you get upset, they couldn’t care less about your feelings. A truly considerate person knows how to read the room and adjust their humour accordingly. That’s obviously too much to ask for from some people.

6. “I don’t have time for this.”

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We all have busy lives and limited time to spare, but completely dismissing someone’s concerns or needs with this phrase is a pretty clear indication that you don’t consider them a priority. If someone is always too busy to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand, it’s a sign that they’re not the most considerate person in the world. It’s important to make time for the people and things that matter, but some people just can’t be bothered.

7. “You should have known better.”

Envato Elements

Hindsight is always 20/20, but using this phrase to shame someone for a mistake or misstep just proves that you have no empathy or consideration for their situation. Everyone makes mistakes, and a truly considerate person understands that and offers support and guidance instead of judgment and condemnation. But apparently, some people get off on making others feel small and stupid.

8. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”

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Just because something isn’t a big deal to you doesn’t mean it’s not important to someone else. Dismissing someone’s concerns or feelings with this phrase sends the message that you don’t care about their perspective or experience. A considerate person takes the time to understand where people are coming from, even if they don’t necessarily agree.

9. “You’re overreacting.”


Similar to “you’re being too sensitive,” this phrase is often used to gaslight someone and make them feel like their emotions are invalid or unjustified. If someone is constantly telling you that you’re overreacting, they don’t take you seriously, nor do they care about your feelings. A considerate person validates your feelings and tries to understand where you’re coming from, even if they don’t necessarily agree with your reaction.

10. “I don’t see why I should have to change.”

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If someone is unwilling to make even small adjustments to their behaviour or habits for someone else’s sake, they’re not the most considerate person in the world. Relationships often require compromise and a willingness to meet people halfway, but apparently, some people think they’re above all that. It’s one thing to have strong convictions, but it’s another to be completely inflexible and unwilling to consider anyone else’s needs.

11. “That’s just the way I am.”

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Using this as an excuse for inconsiderate or hurtful behaviour is a cop-out, plain and simple. Just because something is a part of your personality doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to inflict it upon otther people without any regard for their feelings. A truly considerate person is always striving to be the best version of themselves and is willing to work on their flaws for the sake of those around them. Of course, some people think they’re perfect just the way they are, even if that means being a complete jerk.

12. “I’m not responsible for your feelings.”


While it’s true that we can’t control how other people feel, we do have a responsibility to be mindful of the impact our words and actions have on those around us. If someone is constantly using this phrase to absolve themselves of any accountability for their inconsiderate behaviour, they obviously only care about themselves. A considerate person understands that their choices have consequences and tries to act in a way that’s supporting and encouraging.

13. “I’m just being realistic.”

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

There’s a difference between being realistic and being a complete Debbie Downer. If someone is constantly shutting down ideas or aspirations with this phrase, they don’t support other people’s dreams or goals. A considerate person offers encouragement and support, even if they have doubts or concerns. Sadly, some people think it’s their job to be the voice of doom and gloom, regardless of how it might affect the people around them.

14. “I don’t have the energy for this.”

Envato Elements

We all have days where we’re feeling drained or overwhelmed, but completely dismissing someone’s needs or concerns with this phrase is a pretty clear indication that you don’t consider them a priority. If someone is always too tired or busy to lend a listening ear or offer a helping hand, it’s a sign that they’re not the most considerate person in the world. It’s important to take care of ourselves, but it’s also important to be there for the people who matter to us.

15. “I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal out of this.”

Envato Elements

Just because something doesn’t seem like a big deal to you doesn’t mean it’s not important to someone else. Dismissing someone’s concerns or feelings with this phrase is an obvious way to show just how little you care about their perspective or experience. A considerate person takes the time to understand where people are coming from and validates their emotions, even if they don’t necessarily agree with the scale of their reaction.

16. “You need to get over it.”

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Everyone processes things differently and at their own pace. Telling someone to simply “get over” something that’s causing them pain or distress is a clear sign that you have no empathy or consideration for their emotional well-being. A truly considerate person offers support and understanding, even if they don’t necessarily relate to the situation. What’s wrong with you?