Toxic people drain your energy, manipulate your emotions, and leave you feeling like a shell of yourself.

They might be friends, family members, or romantic partners, but they all have one thing in common: they’re poison. If you’re not careful, they’ll slowly erode your self-esteem and leave you questioning your own sanity. With that in mind, here are 13 glaring red flags that scream “toxic person.”
1. They’re always the victim.

No matter what happens, toxic people always find a way to make themselves the victim. They never take responsibility for their own actions or mistakes, and they’re quick to blame everyone else for their problems. If you try to call them out on their behaviour, they’ll twist the situation around and make you feel like the bad guy. They have a martyr complex that would put even the most dramatic soap opera character to shame.
2. They’re master manipulators.

Toxic people are experts at pushing your buttons and getting you to do what they want. They’ll use guilt, shame, and even gaslighting to manipulate you into doubting yourself and bending to their will. They know exactly what to say to make you feel like you’re the one who’s being unreasonable or oversensitive. They’ll twist your words, play on your insecurities, and use your own vulnerabilities against you.
3. They’re always surrounded by drama.

If there’s one thing toxic people love, it’s drama. They thrive on chaos and conflict, and they’ll go out of their way to stir up trouble wherever they go. They’re always involved in some kind of scandal or feud, and they’ll try to drag you into their mess too. They feed off the attention and the adrenaline rush of being at the centre of a storm.
4. They never apologise or take responsibility.

Toxic people are incapable of admitting when they’re wrong. Even if they’ve done something hurtful or offensive, they’ll never offer a genuine apology. Instead, they’ll make excuses, shift the blame, or even try to gaslight you into thinking it was all in your head. They have an ego the size of a planet, and they’ll do anything to protect it, even if it means throwing you under the bus.
5. They’re always criticising and judging everyone else.

Toxic people are quick to point out the flaws and shortcomings of everyone around them. They’re constantly criticising and judging people, often behind their backs. They’ll make snide comments about your appearance, your choices, or your abilities, all under the guise of “just being honest.” But their criticism is never constructive — it’s always designed to tear you down and make you feel small.
6. They’re emotionally draining.

Being around a toxic person is like having your energy slowly sucked out of you. They’re always complaining, always negative, and always demanding your time and attention. They’ll call you at all hours of the night to vent about their latest crisis, and they’ll expect you to drop everything to be there for them. But when you need support or encouragement, they’re nowhere to be found.
7. They’re jealous and competitive.

Toxic people can’t stand to see others succeed. They’re always comparing themselves to everyone else, and they get jealous and resentful when someone else achieves something they want. They might try to undermine your accomplishments or downplay your successes, all while trying to one-up you with their own achievements. They see life as an absolute must-win, and they’ll do anything to come out on top.
8. They have a “my way or the highway” attitude.

Toxic people are all about control. They have to have things their way, and they’ll throw a fit if anyone dares to challenge them. They’re inflexible, uncompromising, and unwilling to consider other people’s needs or perspectives. If you try to assert your own boundaries or preferences, they’ll accuse you of being selfish or difficult. It’s their way or the highway, and they’ll make sure you know it.
9. They’re always the centre of attention.

Toxic people crave the spotlight like a plant craves sunlight. They’ll do anything to be the centre of attention, even if it means stealing the thunder from someone else’s big moment. They’ll interrupt conversations, make everything about them, and even create drama just to get all eyes on them. They have a pathological need for validation and admiration, and they’ll step on anyone to get it.
10. They’re inconsistent and unreliable.

Toxic people are flaky and unpredictable. They’ll make grandiose promises and then fail to follow through. They’ll say one thing to your face and then do the exact opposite behind your back. They’ll be your best friend one day and then ghost you the next. Their behaviour is erratic and inconsistent, and you never know where you stand with them. They leave you constantly questioning yourself and your own judgement.
11. They’re always the exception to the rule.

Toxic people believe that the rules don’t apply to them. They’ll break promises, cross boundaries, and violate social norms, all while expecting everyone else to fall in line. They have a sense of entitlement that’s off the charts, and they’ll use their charm or manipulation to get away with things that would never fly for anyone else. They think they’re special and above reproach, and they’ll make sure you know it.
12. They’re never happy for you.

When something good happens to you, a true friend will be thrilled for you. But a toxic person will find a way to rain on your parade. They might downplay your achievements, point out the potential downsides, or even try to make it all about them. They can’t stand to see you shine because it makes them feel small and insignificant. They’d rather drag you down to their level than celebrate your successes.
13. They make you doubt yourself.

Perhaps the most insidious thing about toxic people is the way they make you doubt your own perceptions and instincts. They’ll gaslight you, manipulate you, and twist reality until you’re not sure which way is up. They’ll make you question your own memories, feelings, and judgements, until you’re left feeling confused and unsure of yourself. They’ll erode your self-esteem and make you dependent on their approval and validation. And that’s the ultimate red flag — when someone makes you feel like you can’t trust yourself, it’s time to cut them loose and run for the hills.