15 Things Smart People Say When Talking To Someone Less Intelligent

Dmytro Sheremeta

Being smart doesn’t give you a free pass to be a condescending jerk.

Dmytro Sheremeta

Just because you might have a few more IQ points than the person you’re talking to doesn’t mean you have to rub it in their face. In fact, truly intelligent people know how to communicate effectively with anyone, regardless of their cognitive abilities. They don’t dumb themselves down, but they also don’t make others feel inferior. Here are 15 things you’ll hear smart people say when talking to someone less intelligent.

1. “That’s an interesting perspective. Can you tell me more about why you think that?”

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Smart people are curious and always looking to learn, even from those who might not be as intellectually gifted. When someone shares an opinion or idea that seems a bit off-base, they don’t just dismiss it out of hand. Instead, they ask follow-up questions to understand the reasoning behind it. This shows respect for the other person’s viewpoint and also helps them clarify their own thinking. It’s a win-win.

2. “I hear what you’re saying, but have you considered [alternative perspective]?”


When someone is making an argument that seems flawed or incomplete, smart people don’t just shut them down. They gently offer an alternative viewpoint or piece of information that might help expand their understanding. They do this not to prove the other person wrong, but to encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness. It’s about broadening horizons, not scoring points.

3. “Let me see if I understand what you’re saying. You think [summary of their point]?”

Konstantin Postumitenko

Smart people know that communication is a two-way street. They don’t just wait for their turn to speak — they actively listen and try to understand the other person’s perspective. One way they do this is by paraphrasing or summarising what they’ve heard to ensure they’ve got it right. This shows that they value the other person’s input and are committed to finding common ground.

4. “That’s a complex issue with a lot of nuances. Let’s break it down into smaller parts.”

Envato Elements

When discussing a complicated topic with someone who might not have the same level of knowledge or understanding, smart people don’t just throw a bunch of jargon or abstract concepts at them. They break it down into simpler, more digestible pieces. They use clear, concrete examples and analogies to illustrate their points. They meet the other person where they’re at and help them build a foundation of understanding.

5. “I’m not an expert on that topic, but here’s what I do know…”

Envato Elements

Smart people are confident in their knowledge, but they’re also humble enough to admit when they don’t know something. They don’t try to bluff their way through a conversation or pretend to be an authority on every subject. Instead, they’re upfront about the limits of their expertise and share what they do know in a clear, non-condescending way. This helps build trust and credibility with the other person.

6. “That’s a great question. Let me think about that for a moment.”


When someone asks a particularly insightful or thought-provoking question, smart people don’t just fire off a half-baked answer. They take a moment to really consider it and formulate a thoughtful response. They might even say something like, “You know, I hadn’t considered that angle before. Thanks for bringing it up.” This shows that they value intellectual curiosity and are always open to learning and growing.

7. “I can see why you might think that, but the evidence actually shows [fact or statistic].”

Envato Elements

When someone makes a claim that’s not supported by the facts, smart people don’t just say “you’re wrong” and leave it at that. They gently correct the misconception by citing credible sources or data. They do this not to show off their own knowledge, but to help the other person develop a more accurate understanding of the issue. It’s about education, not ego.

8. “I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this. It’s given me a lot to think about.”

Envato Elements

Smart people know that every conversation is an opportunity to learn and grow, even if the other person isn’t as intellectually advanced as they are. They don’t just dismiss ideas that are different from their own — they actively seek out diverse perspectives and use them to challenge and refine their own thinking. They express genuine appreciation for the other person’s contributions, even if they don’t agree with everything they say.

9. “I know this is a complex topic, so please let me know if anything I’m saying is unclear.”

max gurov

When discussing a complicated or technical subject with someone who might not have the same background knowledge, smart people don’t just assume that everything they’re saying is making sense. They check in periodically to make sure the other person is following along and invite them to ask questions or seek clarification if needed. This shows that they care about effective communication and are willing to adjust their approach to meet the other person’s needs.

10. “I’m not sure I agree with that, but I respect your right to your opinion.”

Source: Pexels

Smart people understand that not everyone is going to see things the same way they do, and that’s okay. When they encounter an opinion or belief that they don’t share, they don’t just shut it down or try to force their own views on the other person. They acknowledge the disagreement respectfully and affirm the other person’s right to their own perspective. This doesn’t mean they have to agree with it, but they can still engage in civil, productive dialogue.

11. “I’ve never thought about it from that angle before. Thanks for giving me a new perspective.”

Source: Unsplash

Smart people are always looking for ways to expand their own understanding and challenge their assumptions. When someone offers a viewpoint they hadn’t considered before, they don’t just dismiss it out of hand. They express genuine appreciation for the fresh insight and take some time to mull it over. They’re not afraid to admit when someone else has taught them something new, even if that person isn’t as intellectually advanced as they are.

12. “I know I can be a bit of a nerd about this stuff, so please tell me if I’m getting too technical.”

Source: Unsplash

Smart people are often passionate about their areas of expertise, and it’s easy for them to get caught up in the details when discussing them. But they also know that not everyone shares their level of enthusiasm or background knowledge. So they make a point of checking in with the other person to make sure they’re not overwhelming them with jargon or technical minutiae. They’re willing to backtrack or simplify their language if needed to keep the conversation accessible and engaging.

13. “I can tell you’ve put a lot of thought into this. Even if we don’t agree on everything, I appreciate your perspective.”

male and female colleaguesSource: Unsplash

Smart people know that intelligence comes in many forms, and that someone doesn’t have to be a genius to have valuable insights and opinions. When they engage in a discussion with someone who might not be as intellectually gifted as they are, they still show respect for the effort and thought that person has put into forming their views. They don’t just dismiss them as “stupid” or “ignorant” — they look for the kernel of truth or insight in what they’re saying and build on that.

14. “I’m sorry if I came across as condescending earlier. That wasn’t my intent.”

colleagues standing around chattingSource: Unsplash

Even smart people can sometimes slip up and say something that comes across as arrogant or patronising, especially when talking to someone they perceive as less intelligent. But the truly wise ones are quick to recognize when they’ve made this mistake and apologise for it. They don’t double down or try to justify their behaviour — they simply acknowledge the impact of their words and commit to doing better next time.

15. “I’m always looking to learn from others, regardless of their background or expertise. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me.”

colleagues standing around in officeSource: Unsplash

At the end of the day, smart people know that intelligence isn’t a fixed trait or a hierarchy that puts them above others. It’s a continuum that everyone is on, and we all have something to learn from each other. They approach every conversation with curiosity and humility, recognising that even someone with less formal education or cognitive ability than them might have valuable insights and experiences to share. They don’t just talk at people — they engage with them as equals and see every interaction as an opportunity for mutual growth and understanding.