14 Phrases That Will Make A Passive-Aggressive Person Squirm

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Passive-aggressive people are masters of veiled insults and backhanded compliments.

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They’ll make you question your own sanity and leave you feeling frustrated and confused. But don’t let them get away with their sneaky tactics. Fight fire with fire – or, in this case, passive-aggression with direct communication. Here are 14 phrases that will cut through their smokescreen and make them squirm. This isn’t about stooping to their level; it’s about asserting yourself and snatching back the power they think they’re stealing from you.

“Thanks for letting me know how you really feel.”

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This is a great response to a passive-aggressive comment disguised as a compliment. It exposes their hidden intentions and forces them to acknowledge their true feelings. It’s a polite way of saying, “I see through your bull, mate.”

“I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, but it sounds a bit passive-aggressive.”

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Calling out their passive-aggressiveness directly can be disarming. It forces them to confront their behaviour and may even make them reconsider their approach. It’s a bold move, but it can be surprisingly effective.

“Could you please clarify what you mean by that?”

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This phrase is perfect for when they make a vague or ambiguous comment. It forces them to elaborate and explain themselves, which can often reveal their true intentions. It also puts the ball back in their court, making them responsible for their words.

“I’m happy to discuss this further when you’re ready to communicate directly.”


This is a firm but polite way to shut down their passive-aggressive behaviour. It sets a boundary and lets them know that you won’t tolerate their indirect communication. It’s a clear message that you expect respectful and straightforward conversation.

“It sounds like you’re upset about something. Would you like to talk about it?”

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This phrase can be surprisingly effective in diffusing passive-aggressiveness. It acknowledges their underlying emotions and invites them to express themselves in a healthy way. It’s a compassionate approach that may even help them open up and communicate more directly.

“I’m not going to engage in this kind of conversation.”

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Sometimes, the best response to passive-aggressiveness is to simply refuse to participate. This phrase makes it clear that you won’t tolerate their behaviour and will walk away from the conversation if they continue. It’s a powerful way to set a boundary and protect yourself from their negativity.

“I’m not interested in playing games. Let me know when you’re ready to be honest.”

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This phrase is a direct challenge to their passive-aggressive tactics. It exposes their manipulative behaviour and calls them out for their lack of authenticity. It’s a bold move, but it can be effective in shaking them out of their passive-aggressive rut.

“Your words and actions don’t seem to match up.”

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This phrase highlights the discrepancy between their words and their behaviour. It exposes their insincerity and forces them to confront the inconsistencies in their communication. It’s a powerful way to hold them accountable and demand transparency.

“It seems like you have a lot of resentment bottled up. Maybe you should talk to someone about it.”

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This phrase is a bit of a jab, but it can be effective in highlighting the underlying anger and frustration fuelling their passive-aggressiveness. It suggests that they need to deal with their emotions in a healthy way instead of taking them out on you.

“I’m not responsible for your happiness. You need to take ownership of your own feelings.”

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This phrase is a firm reminder that you’re not responsible for their emotional well-being. It sets a boundary and empowers you to distance yourself from their negativity. It’s a clear message that you won’t allow them to dump their emotional baggage on you.

“I’m not going to apologise for something I didn’t do.”

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Passive-aggressive people often try to guilt-trip you into apologising for their own bad behaviour. This phrase is a firm refusal to play their game. It asserts your innocence and refuses to take the blame for their actions.

“I’m not sure what you’re hoping to achieve with this behaviour, but it’s not working.”

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This phrase challenges the effectiveness of their passive-aggressive tactics. It exposes their attempts to manipulate and control you, and it may even make them reconsider their approach. It’s a way of saying, “Your game is weak, mate.”

“I’m not going to let you make me feel bad about myself.”

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Passive-aggressive people often try to undermine your confidence and make you doubt yourself. This phrase is a declaration of self-worth and a refusal to be affected by their negativity. It’s a way of saying, “Your words can’t hurt me.”

“I’m done with this conversation. We can talk again when you’re ready to be respectful.”

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This phrase is the ultimate shutdown. It ends the conversation on your terms and sends a clear message that you won’t tolerate their disrespectful behaviour. It’s a powerful way to reclaim your power and protect your emotional well-being.