15 Things Only Awkward People Understand (It’s A Struggle)


Being awkward can feel like a curse.


You’re the one always putting your foot in your mouth, tripping over thin air, or getting trapped in conversations that make you want to fake your own death. But here’s the thing: awkwardness isn’t all bad. In fact, it can be a superpower in disguise. If you’re one of the awkward tribe, you know these 15 truths all too well. Embrace your quirky, fumbling self — you’re in good company.

1. You have a love-hate relationship with small talk.


On one hand, you dread the inane chatter about weather and weekends. Your palms sweat at the thought of having to fill awkward silences with pointless babble. But on the other hand, you kind of envy the ease with which some people navigate casual conversation. You wish you could master the art of breezy banter without overthinking every word. Alas, your attempts at small talk usually end up as cringe-worthy as a middle school dance.

2. You’re a master of the awkward laugh.

Yuri Arcurs

You know that forced, slightly manic chuckle that bubbles up when you’re uncomfortable? Yeah, that’s your default reaction to pretty much everything. Someone pays you a compliment? Awkward laugh. You make a joke that falls flat? Awkward laugh. A conversation lulls into painful silence? You guessed it — awkward laugh. It’s like your brain short-circuits and the only way to break the tension is with a burst of unnatural laughter. Smooth, real smooth.

3. You’ve perfected the art of the Irish exit.

Dragos Condrea

Goodbyes are the bane of your existence. You never know when to make your exit or how to gracefully extract yourself from a conversation. So, you’ve mastered the art of the stealth departure. You wait for a lull in the chatter, then quietly slip away without a word. No awkward hugs, no prolonged farewells, just a clean getaway. It may not be the most polite move, but it definitely beats getting trapped in an endless loop of “we should hang out sometime!”

4. You replay conversations in your head for days.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

For you, social interactions don’t end when the conversation does. Oh no, that’s when the real fun begins. You’ll spend the next week replaying every word, analysing every facial expression, and dissecting every potential faux pas. Did you overshare? Did you make a stupid joke? Did you have spinach in your teeth the whole time? The possibilities for self-flagellation are endless. You’re your own worst critic and harshest judge.

5. Your facial expressions have a mind of their own.


You know that feeling when you’re trying to play it cool, but your face has other plans? Maybe you’re aiming for a nonchalant smirk, but it comes off as a pained grimace. Or you’re going for a friendly smile, but it reads as a serial killer grin. Your facial expressions are like rogue agents, constantly betraying your inner thoughts and feelings. It’s like playing a game of charades with yourself, and you’re always losing.

6. You have a knack for turning compliments into insults.

Envato Elements

Accepting compliments gracefully is not your forte. When someone praises you, your knee-jerk reaction is to deflect, downplay, or straight up deny. “Oh, this old thing? I’ve had it forever.” “Thanks, but I’m actually a terrible writer.” “Me, pretty? You should see me without makeup.” It’s like you’re allergic to acknowledging your own awesomeness. And heaven forbid you try to return the compliment — it usually comes out sounding more like a backhanded insult.

7. You’ve mastered the art of the awkward silence.

Envato Elements

In your world, awkward silences are a way of life. You’re no stranger to those painful lulls in conversation where the air feels thick with discomfort. While others scramble to fill the void with idle chatter, you embrace the quiet like an old friend. You’ve learned to sit with the unease, letting it wash over you until someone else finally cracks and speaks up. It’s a skill born of necessity, honed through years of social fumbling.

8. You have a PhD in overthinking.

Source: Envato Elements
Envato Elements

Your brain is like a hamster on a wheel, constantly churning out worst-case scenarios and imagined slights. Did your friend seem distant today? Clearly, they hate you now. Did you stumble over your words in that presentation? Obviously, everyone thinks you’re an incompetent fool. You have a knack for turning molehills into mountains, and then scaling those mountains in your mind. Overthinking is your default mode, and it’s exhausting.

9. You’re a pro at pretending to text.

Source: Unsplash

When the awkwardness gets too overwhelming, you have a go-to escape plan: fake texting. You’ll whip out your phone and start frantically tapping away, as if you’ve suddenly been summoned to a top-secret mission. Never mind that your screen is probably just open to your home screen. The goal is to look busy and unapproachable, so you can avoid any unwanted social interactions. It’s a cheap trick, but hey, it works.

10. You have a love-hate relationship with parties.

people at a party at nightSource: Unsplash

Parties are a special kind of torture for awkward people. On one hand, you crave the social connection and the chance to let loose. But on the other hand, the thought of making small talk with strangers and navigating group dynamics fills you with dread. You’ll spend the days leading up to the event agonising over what to wear, what to say, and how to act. And when you finally arrive, you’ll probably spend most of the night hovering by the snack table, praying for a swift and merciful end.

11. You’re a walking encyclopedia of useless knowledge.

Source: Unsplash

What you lack in social grace, you make up for in random facts and obscure trivia. Your brain is like a sponge for information, soaking up details on everything from ancient history to pop culture. You may not be able to smooth-talk your way through a networking event, but you can sure as hell impress people with your knowledge of 17th-century French literature. It’s not always useful, but it’s a damn good party trick.

12. You’re a master of the awkward hug.

Envato Elements

Hugging is a social minefield for awkward people. Do you go in for the full bear hug, or keep it to a quick side squeeze? Do you pat them on the back, or just dangle your arms limply? And don’t even get started on the whole “lean in” debacle. More often than not, your hugs end up as a clumsy collision of limbs and good intentions. But hey, at least you’re trying.

13. You have a signature awkward pose.


Whether it’s the “I don’t know what to do with my hands” fidget or the “I’m smiling, but I’m dying inside” grimace, you’ve got a go-to awkward pose. It’s like your body’s default setting when you’re feeling uncomfortable or self-conscious. Maybe you cross your arms tightly across your chest, or maybe you shift your weight from foot to foot like a restless toddler. Whatever it is, it’s a dead giveaway that you’re feeling out of your element.

14. You’re a pro at finding hiding spots.

Marko Ristic

When the social pressure gets too intense, you have a sixth sense for finding the perfect hiding spot. Whether it’s a quiet corner of the party or a secluded bench in the park, you know how to make yourself scarce. It’s not that you’re anti-social, per se. You just need a little alone time to recharge your batteries and gather your thoughts. And if that means ducking into the bathroom for a few minutes of solace, so be it.

15. You’re a loyal and supportive friend.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

For all your social stumbles and self-doubt, you’re one hell of a friend. You may not be the life of the party, but you’re the one who’s always there when it matters. You listen without judgment, offer support without strings, and love without condition. Your awkwardness may make it harder for you to connect with people initially, but once you do, you form deep and lasting bonds. You may be quirky and clumsy and occasionally cringeworthy, but you’re also kind, genuine, and fiercely loyal. And that’s a rare and beautiful thing.