10 Ways Emotionally Stable People Get Over Breakups

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Breakups are never easy, but emotionally stable people tend to handle them better than most.

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They have a set of coping strategies that help them heal faster and come out stronger on the other side. If you want to know how to bounce back from a breakup like a pro, take a page from their playbook. Here are 10 no-nonsense ways emotionally stable people get over breakups and move on with their lives.

1. They don’t wallow in self-pity.

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Emotionally stable people understand that breakups suck, but they refuse to let themselves drown in misery. They acknowledge their pain, but they don’t allow it to consume them. Instead of constantly rehashing what went wrong or blaming themselves, they focus on what they can control – their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. They make a conscious effort to shift their mindset from victim to victor.

2. They lean on their support system.


Emotionally stable people know they don’t have to go through a breakup alone. They reach out to trusted friends and family members for support, whether it’s to vent, get advice, or just have some fun and take their mind off things. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable and admit when they need help. At the same time, they’re careful not to overburden their loved ones or use them as a crutch.

3. They prioritise self-care.


They recognise that taking care of themselves is crucial during a breakup. They make sure to eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. They engage in activities that bring them joy and relaxation, like reading, painting, or taking a bubble bath. They treat themselves with compassion and don’t neglect their physical or emotional needs.

4. They stay busy and productive.

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Emotionally stable people don’t just sit around moping after a breakup. They keep themselves occupied with work, hobbies, and social activities. They set goals for themselves and work towards them. They volunteer, take classes, or pick up new skills. By staying busy and productive, they boost their self-esteem and create a sense of purpose outside of their former relationship.

5. They don’t idealise their ex.

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They resist the urge to put their ex on a pedestal. They don’t obsess over their ex’s good qualities while ignoring their flaws. They don’t convince themselves that their ex was “the one” or that they’ll never find love again. Instead, they remind themselves of the reasons why the relationship didn’t work out and trust that there are plenty of other compatible people out there.

6. They don’t stalk their ex on social media.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

Emotionally stable people know that constantly checking their ex’s Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter will only prolong their pain. They unfollow, unfriend, or block their ex if necessary. They don’t torture themselves by looking at photos of their ex with a new partner or reading into every cryptic post. They focus on their own healing instead of fixating on their ex’s every move.

7. They allow themselves to grieve.

serious guy with hoodie up outsideSource: Unsplash

They don’t try to suppress their emotions or pretend everything is fine when it’s not. They give themselves permission to feel sad, angry, confused, or scared after a breakup. They cry when they need to cry. They write in a journal or talk to a therapist to process their feelings. They understand that grieving is a natural and necessary part of the healing process.

8. They learn from the experience.

blonde woman looking fed upSource: Unsplash

Emotionally stable people view breakups as opportunities for growth and self-reflection. They take an honest look at their role in the relationship’s demise and identify areas where they can improve. They examine their patterns and work on breaking unhealthy cycles. They apply the lessons they’ve learned to future relationships and strive to become better partners.

9. They forgive their ex (and themselves).

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They understand that holding onto anger and resentment will only hurt them in the long run. They work on forgiving their ex, not necessarily because their ex deserves it, but because they deserve peace. They also forgive themselves for any mistakes they made in the relationship. They release the past and focus on creating a better future.

10. They embrace their single status.

serious man on beach looking to sideSource: Unsplash

Emotionally stable people don’t view being single as a curse. They see it as a chance to focus on themselves and their own needs. They enjoy the freedom and independence that comes with not being in a relationship. They pursue their passions, travel, spend time with friends, and relish in the possibilities of a fresh start. They know that a fulfilling life doesn’t require a romantic partner.