Breaking free from a narcissist’s grasp is a huge step, but it doesn’t always mean a clean break. If you’ve managed to move on without them, you might notice some interesting (and sometimes infuriating) reactions. So, grab a coffee because I’m about to spill the tea on what might happen when a narcissist realizes you’re thriving without them.
1. They’ll try to suck you back in.

Hoovering is a narcissist’s favourite trick to suck you back into their orbit, Psychology Today explains. Expect a barrage of sweet talk, apologies (that aren’t really apologies), and promises of change. They might act as if they’re the ones who messed up and desperately want you back. Don’t fall for it! It’s just a manipulation tactic to regain control.
2. They’ll act like they don’t care.

Narcissists thrive on attention and control. When they see you’ve moved on, they might try to play it cool and pretend they don’t care. They’ll act indifferent, post happy pictures on social media, or even start dating someone new right away. Don’t be fooled, though. This is often a façade to mask their bruised ego.
3. They’ll spread rumours and smear your name.

If a narcissist can’t control you, they might try to control how others see you. They’ll gossip, spread lies, and try to make you look bad. This is their way of getting back at you and trying to isolate you from your support system. Rise above it and remember, people who truly care about you won’t believe their nonsense.
4. They’ll stalk you online or in person.

Narcissists are notorious for their obsessive behaviour. They might start following you on social media, checking up on your friends, or even showing up at places they know you’ll be. This is their way of trying to stay in your life and keep tabs on you, even if it’s from a distance. Block them, ignore them, and do what you need to protect yourself.
5. They’ll try to sabotage your new relationships.

If you start dating someone new, a narcissist might try to interfere. They might reach out to your new partner, spread rumours about you, or even try to seduce them. They can’t stand the thought of you being happy with someone else, so they’ll do everything possible to undermine your new relationship.
6. They’ll try to make you jealous.

Narcissists love to play games, and one of their favourite tactics is to make you jealous. They might flaunt their new relationships, post pictures with attractive people on social media, or even try to get your attention by flirting with your friends. Don’t let them get to you. Remember, their actions are a reflection of their own insecurities, not your worth.
7. They’ll try to make you feel guilty.

Narcissists are masters of manipulation, and they’ll often try to guilt you into coming back to them. They might say things like, “I’m so lost without you” or “You’re the only one who understands me.” They’ll try to make you feel responsible for their happiness, even though they’re the ones who caused the problems in the first place.
8. They’ll have a sudden epiphany about how much they love you.

After a period of silence or indifference, a narcissist might suddenly reappear, declaring their undying love for you. They might apologize for their past behaviour, promise to change, and beg for another chance. Don’t be fooled by this sudden change of heart. It’s likely just another manipulation tactic to get you back under their control.
9. They’ll try to play the victim.

Narcissists are experts at turning the tables and making themselves look like the victim. They might blame you for the relationship ending, claim that you were the one who was abusive or controlling, or even exaggerate their own pain and suffering. This is their way of trying to garner sympathy and manipulate others into taking their side. Don’t fall for their sob story. Remember, you’re the one who escaped their toxic grasp.
10. They’ll become overly competitive.

Narcissists hate to lose, especially when it comes to someone they once considered their possession. When they see you moving on and succeeding without them, they might become overly competitive. They might try to outdo you in your career, your social life, or even your new relationship. They want to prove that they’re better than you, even if it means resorting to petty and childish tactics.
11. They’ll try to undermine your confidence.

Narcissists thrive on making others feel small and insecure. When they see you thriving without them, they might try to undermine your confidence. They might criticize your appearance, your choices, or your accomplishments. They might even try to gaslight you into doubting your own sanity. Don’t let them get to you. Remember, their words are a reflection of their own insecurities, not your worth.
12. They’ll try to control your narrative.

Narcissists want to control how others see them, and that includes how others see you. They might try to rewrite the history of your relationship, painting themselves in a more favourable light and casting you as the villain. They might also try to control your narrative by spreading rumours, gossiping, or even threatening you. Don’t let them control your story. Speak your truth and stand up for yourself.
13. They’ll project their own insecurities onto you.

Narcissists often project their own flaws and insecurities onto others. If they feel insecure about their own appearance, they might criticize yours. If they feel inadequate in their own career, they might try to sabotage yours. This projection is a defence mechanism that allows them to avoid facing their own shortcomings.
14. They’ll try to punish you for leaving.

Leaving a narcissist is a major blow to their ego, and they might try to punish you for it. They might withhold financial support, deny you access to your children, or even threaten you with physical harm. This is their way of trying to maintain control and make you regret your decision to leave.
15. They’ll eventually move on, but they’ll never truly let you go.

Narcissists are notorious for their inability to let go. Even if they move on and find someone new, they’ll likely still keep tabs on you and try to maintain some level of control over your life. They might continue to stalk you online, try to sabotage your relationships, or even try to hoover you back in years later. It’s important to be aware of this and take steps to protect yourself from their continued influence.