At one point or another, we’ve all been faced with those tempting choices that seem so good in the moment, but deep down, we know they’re probably not the best idea. Sometimes it’s hard to resist, but trust me, there are some things you just shouldn’t do, no matter how tempting they might be.
1. Never sacrifice your health for anything.

Look, your health is your most valuable asset. It’s the foundation for everything else in your life, so don’t let a demanding job, a toxic relationship, or any other external factor convince you to skip sleep, eat poorly, or neglect your mental and physical well-being. It’s tempting to burn the candle at both ends, but it’s a recipe for burnout, illness, and a whole lot of regret. Remember, you only get one body and mind, so take care of them.
2. Never compromise your values for anyone.

Your values are your guiding principles, your moral compass. They’re what make you, you. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing something that goes against your beliefs or makes you feel icky inside. Whether it’s a shady business deal, a toxic friendship, or a relationship that compromises your integrity, it’s never worth sacrificing your values for the sake of pleasing other people or achieving short-term gains. Stick to your guns.
3. Never let anyone make you feel small or unworthy.

You are worthy of love, respect, and happiness. Don’t let anyone – a partner, a family member, a boss, or even a stranger – make you feel otherwise. If someone constantly puts you down, criticizes you, or makes you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s time to distance yourself from that negativity. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you feel valued.
4. Never give up on your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.

Your dreams are what give your life meaning and purpose. Don’t let anyone tell you that your aspirations are silly, unrealistic, or unattainable. It’s easy to get discouraged when faced with obstacles and setbacks, but don’t give up. Keep chasing those dreams, even if it takes longer than you expected or requires more effort than you anticipated. The journey might be tough, but the rewards are worth it.
5. Never stay in a toxic relationship, even if you’re lonely.

Loneliness can be a powerful motivator, but it’s not a good reason to stay in a relationship that’s making you unhappy. If your partner is controlling, manipulative, abusive, or simply not meeting your needs, it’s time to walk away. It might be scary to be alone, but it’s even scarier to stay in a situation that’s draining your energy and eroding your self-worth. You deserve to be in a relationship that makes you feel loved, supported, and respected.
6. Never stop learning and growing.

The world is constantly changing, and so are you. Don’t get stuck in a rut or become complacent. Keep your mind active and your curiosity alive. Read books, take classes, learn new skills, and challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Learning is not just for school; it’s a lifelong journey that keeps your mind sharp, your heart open, and your soul nourished.
7. Never compare yourself to other people.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to your friends, colleagues, or even influencers you’ve never even met, especially with social media constantly bombarding us with images of seemingly perfect lives. But remember, those images are often curated and filtered. Everyone has their own struggles and insecurities. Instead of comparing yourself to other people, focus on your own journey, your own progress, and your own unique strengths and talents. You are enough, just as you are.
8. Never let fear hold you back.

Fear can be paralysing. It can stop you from taking risks, trying new things, and pursuing your dreams. But remember, fear is often just a product of our imagination. It’s a “false evidence appearing real.” Don’t let fear dictate your choices or hold you back from living your best life. Face your fears head-on, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace the unknown. The most rewarding experiences often lie on the other side of fear.
9. Never betray your own intuition.

Your gut feeling is your most reliable internal compass. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to question things, even if it means going against the grain. Your intuition is often more accurate than you realize, and it can protect you from making harmful choices.
10. Never stop believing in yourself, even when other people doubt you.

Self-belief is a powerful force. It’s what fuels your motivation, resilience, and determination. When you believe in yourself, you unlock your full potential and open yourself up to endless possibilities. Don’t let anyone’s doubts or negativity dim your light. Trust in your abilities, embrace your strengths, and never stop believing in your own incredible potential.
11. Never hold on to resentment or anger.

Resentment and anger are heavy burdens to carry. They poison your mind, body, and spirit. Holding on to past hurts and grievances only keeps you trapped in a cycle of pain and negativity. Choose to forgive, let go, and move forward. It doesn’t mean condoning the wrong that was done, but it does mean freeing yourself from its grip and deciding to live a life filled with peace and positivity.
12. Never stop being kind to yourself and everyone around you.

Kindness is a gift you give to yourself and other people, and while it costs nothing, it can make an unbelievable difference. Treat yourself with compassion, understanding, and love. Speak kindly to yourself, forgive yourself for mistakes, and celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Extend that same kindness to other people, too, by offering support, empathy, and a listening ear. You’d be shocked at how much of a ripple effect it can create.
13. Never lose your sense of wonder and curiosity.

As easy as it is to forget at times, especially given all the terrible things going on out there, the world is full of wonder, beauty, and mysteries. Don’t let the daily grind dull your sense of awe and curiosity. Embrace your inner child, ask questions, pursue new experiences, and never stop learning. That’s what makes life worth living.