Ever been told you have an “old soul” or that you seem older than your actual age?

While some people naturally carry a more mature energy, certain behaviours can make you come across as much older than you are, whether you mean to or not — and not in a good way. From how you communicate to the way you spend your free time, here are some things that can make you seem like you’ve been on this planet a lot longer than you have. Of course, you might not care, and that’s fair enough. However, if you’re trying to be “down with the kids,” you might want to make a few adjustments.
1. Preferring phone calls over texts

Most people these days default to texting, voice notes, or quick DMs, but if you’re the type who always insists on actual phone calls, it can make you seem a little old-school. There’s nothing wrong with wanting real conversation, and hearing someone’s voice rather than just reading words on a screen can definitely help with clarity. However, to younger generations, picking up the phone for a casual chat might feel more like something their parents (or even their grandparents) would do.
2. Complaining about “how things used to be”

If you regularly find yourself saying, “Back in my day…” or talking about how things used to be better, you might be giving off older energy. We all get a bit nostalgic sometimes, and that’s fine, but constantly comparing the present to the past can make you sound like you’re longing for a different era, even if you’re not that far removed from it. Actual old people have a reason to do this — their best days are likely behind them, and they miss the joys of youth. However, if you’re in your 30s, 40s, or even your 50s, you should be looking ahead rather than backwards.
3. Struggling to keep up with new technology

If you need someone to walk you through the latest app update, refuse to use contactless payments, or still rely on paper maps instead of GPS, you might be giving off a more seasoned vibe. We’ve moved past the days of printing out directions from Mappy (which are likely hideously outdated and will direct you to drive off the end of a cliff or something), so why are you fighting it? Even if you’re young, struggling with basic tech makes you seem like you’re from a different generation, especially when younger people pick things up effortlessly.
4. Making “back in school” references too often

Do you find yourself saying things like, “This reminds me of a class I took in uni,” even though you graduated a while ago? If you keep referencing your school days, it might make you seem like they were a lifetime ago. People who are still in their early 20s or 30s don’t usually reminisce about school as if it were decades ago — so if you do, it might give the impression that you’re older than you actually are.
5. Going to bed way too early

Sure, getting a full eight hours of sleep is great, but if you’re regularly in bed by 9 p.m. while your peers are still out or at least watching Netflix, it can make you seem a little older. Of course, it’ll also make you more well-rested, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Still, while prioritising rest is smart, having a bedtime that rivals your grandparents’ can definitely make you seem like you’ve skipped a few decades.
6. Refusing to keep up with pop culture

If you constantly ask, “Who’s that?” when people talk about a celebrity, or you have no idea what the latest TikTok trend is, you might seem a little out of touch with younger generations. You don’t have to be obsessed with pop culture, by any means, but completely avoiding it can make it seem like you’re living in a different era — or at least not keeping up with the world around you.
7. Dressing in a way that’s more “classic” than trendy

Fashion doesn’t define your age, but if your style leans more towards practicality than trends, people might assume you’re older. If you swear by “good sensible shoes” or love a nice cardigan for its functionality, you might be sending out a more mature vibe. Of course, timeless style is always a win, but if you find yourself rejecting trends purely because they seem too young, it might be making you appear older than you are.
8. Having strong opinions about music from “your generation”

Do you insist that music was better back when you were younger? If you’re still raving about a band that peaked 15 years ago while dismissing anything new, you might be making yourself seem a bit beyond your years, as if you’re from your parents’ generation rather than your own. Even if you prefer older music, writing off newer artists completely can make you sound like someone reminiscing about their youth rather than still living in it.
9. Complaining about loud music

Enjoying a quieter atmosphere is totally understandable, but if you’re always the one complaining about the volume in a bar, restaurant, or even a friend’s house, you might be giving off older energy. While no one wants to shout over music, constantly calling things “too loud” can make it seem like you’re more ready for a quiet coffee shop than a night out.
10. Preferring physical books over e-books

There’s something undeniably great about holding a real book, but if you refuse to even consider an e-reader because “I just love the feel of paper,” it might make you seem like you’re from another era. It’s not about what you read; it’s about how rigid you are about change. Being open to new formats makes you seem more in tune with modern life.
11. Sticking to the same habits for years

Do you go to the same restaurant, order the same thing, and take the same route everywhere? If you’ve settled into routines and aren’t open to trying new things, you might be coming across as older than you are. People associate youth with spontaneity and flexibility, so being overly set in your ways can make you seem like someone who’s been doing things the same way for decades.
12. Avoiding slang and casual speech

If you find yourself resisting modern slang or rolling your eyes at phrases like “vibe check” or “it’s giving,” you might be showing your age — at least in spirit. (To be fair, some of the things kids these days say are a bit strange, right?) You don’t have to force slang into every conversation, but outright rejecting it or calling it “ridiculous” can make you seem older than you actually are.
13. Struggling with social media

Not everyone needs to be glued to Instagram or TikTok, but if you’re completely lost when it comes to social media or insist that “real conversations don’t happen online,” you might be coming off as a bit old-fashioned (or just… old). Even if you’re not an influencer, understanding how digital communication works keeps you in touch with the world around you.
14. Preferring physical copies of everything

Still printing out tickets instead of using your phone? Carrying cash when everyone else is tapping their card? These small habits can make you seem like you’re from an earlier generation. While there’s nothing wrong with liking physical copies, being resistant to digital alternatives can make it seem like you’re struggling to keep up with the times.
At the end of the day, acting “older” isn’t a bad thing — it just means you might have some habits that make people assume you’ve been around a little longer than you actually have. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is totally up to you!