Most people want to have a decent relationship with their neighbours, or at least keep things on cordial terms.

Unfortunately, however inadvertently, you might be the one making their lives miserable. Whether it’s noise, parking disputes, or just general tension, there are some pretty clear signs that your neighbours are silently counting down the days until you pack up and leave. If you’ve ever wondered where you stand, here are a few ways to tell if your neighbours secretly (or not so secretly) can’t wait to see the back of you. And incidentally, living next to someone who does these things will likely make you feel the same about them.
1. They avoid eye contact like it’s a sport.

If your neighbours go out of their way to avoid looking at you, there’s a good chance they’re not exactly thrilled with your presence. Whether it’s pretending to check their phone, suddenly becoming fascinated with their shoelaces, or changing direction entirely when they see you, it’s a sign they’d rather not engage. A friendly wave or casual greeting is normal, but if they act like you don’t exist every single time, they might be hoping you disappear for real — preferably with a moving truck.
2. They never return things they’ve borrowed from you.

When someone actually likes their neighbour, they’ll return that borrowed rake or power drill within a reasonable time. But if your neighbour “forgets” to give things back — or worse, disappears entirely when you ask — it’s possible they’re just done with you. Holding onto your stuff might be their silent protest. Either they don’t want to deal with you again, or they hope you’ll take the hint and stop asking altogether.
Just as bad is when they refuse to let you borrow things of theirs, pretending that they’re broken or that they don’t have them when you’ve just watched them using the item — hedge cutters, mower, etc. — a few days ago.
3. They take passive-aggressive revenge.

Instead of confronting you directly, your neighbours might get creative with their frustration. Maybe they suddenly start mowing the lawn at 7 a.m. on a Saturday after your late-night party. Or perhaps they “accidentally” block your driveway right when you need to leave. If they’ve started acting out in petty ways that seem just a little too specific, there’s a good chance they’re not-so-subtly expressing their annoyance. What they don’t realise is that they’re making you dislike them just as much!
4. They never, ever offer to help you out.

Good neighbours help each other out — grabbing a package, keeping an eye on the house while you’re away, or even holding the door when your hands are full. But if your neighbours never lift a finger for you, even when it would take zero effort, they’re probably not your biggest fans. If they’re happily helping other people on the street but always seem to “miss” your requests, that’s a pretty clear sign that they’d rather pretend you don’t exist.
5. They suddenly become noise-sensitive when you’re home.

If your neighbours never had a problem with noise before but now complain about every little sound you make, they might just be looking for reasons to be annoyed. Suddenly, your normal TV volume is “too loud,” or they claim they can hear your footsteps from three houses away.
Of course, if you’re actually being loud at all hours, you might be the problem. However, if the complaints seem exaggerated or oddly timed, they might just be another way to let you know they’re over it.
6. They leave sarcastic notes instead of talking to you.

A neighbour who actually wants to resolve an issue will talk to you about it. A neighbour who wants you gone will leave you an anonymous note about your recycling habits written in a suspiciously aggressive font. If you’ve received a strongly worded note about parking, rubbish bins, or general “community standards,” your neighbours probably don’t see you as approachable — or worth the effort of an actual conversation.
7. They throw a party and somehow forget to invite you.

If your street has an annual barbecue, a holiday get-together, or casual gatherings, and you’re never included, it’s safe to assume you’re not high on the neighbourly priority list. Some people just keep to themselves, but if everyone else seems to be mingling except for you, it’s a little telling. It’s even worse if you can literally hear the party happening while you sit in your living room wondering why your invite got “lost.”
8. They only talk to you when they have a complaint.

Some neighbours will only speak to you if they have something negative to say. If the only time they knock on your door is to complain about your bin placement or ask you to “please do something” about your garden, they’re probably not keen on small talk. A complete lack of casual conversations but a consistent supply of complaints? That’s a neighbour who’s just waiting for the day they never have to knock on your door again.
9. Their dog mysteriously hates you.

Dogs can pick up on human emotions, and if your neighbour’s dog barks at you every time you pass, it might be sensing some underlying tension. While not every barking dog means your neighbour dislikes you, a consistently hostile pup paired with cold behaviour from its owner could mean something’s up. If they also make zero effort to calm the dog down, they might be secretly enjoying the fact that their furry friend is doing the work for them.
10. They put up a privacy fence overnight.

Some privacy fences are practical, but if your neighbour suddenly puts one up without warning, especially after an argument or incident, it’s probably less about “landscaping” and more about shutting you out. Bonus points if the fence is ridiculously high, aggressively positioned, or only covers the side facing your house. That’s not just privacy; that’s an unsubtle “please go away” message.
11. They report you to the council instead of talking to you first.

Getting reported for minor things like slightly overgrown grass, a parked car in the wrong spot, or an overfilled bin could be a sign that your neighbours are done with you. Instead of just asking you to fix it, they go straight to the council or landlord. When people start using official complaints rather than simple conversations, they’re making it clear that they don’t want to deal with you directly.
12. They always seem to be in a rush when they see you.

If your neighbours never have a second to chat but always have time for other people, they might not be too thrilled with you. Rushing inside the moment you step outside or suddenly becoming “too busy” whenever you try to make conversation is a dead giveaway.
A little avoidance is normal, but if it happens every single time, they’re probably hoping they can outlast you until you move.
13. They don’t acknowledge when you do something nice.

Maybe you’ve returned their lost mail, helped them move a heavy package, or kept an eye on their house while they were away. If they barely acknowledge it — or worse, act like it never happened — they’re probably not too fond of you.
Most people will at least throw out a polite “thanks” when someone helps them out. A complete lack of appreciation might mean they’d rather not owe you anything at all.
14. They straight up tell you they hope you move.

If it ever reaches the point where a neighbour says, “So… thinking of moving anytime soon?”—there’s really no mystery left. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Some will even joke about it, but the meaning is pretty clear. At that point, it might be worth assessing whether the problem is them — or if you’re actually the neighbour they can’t wait to say goodbye to.