Sometimes, people mock or belittle you in ways so subtle that you don’t even realise it’s happening until later.

Instead of outright saying something rude, they hide it behind humour, sarcasm, or backhanded compliments. You end up feeling uneasy, questioning whether you’re being overly sensitive or if they really meant what they said. If you’ve ever felt like someone was making fun of you but couldn’t quite put your finger on how, here are some sneaky ways people do it without actually saying it directly.
1. Laughing just a little too hard at your mistakes

Everyone messes up sometimes, and a little lighthearted laughter can be normal. But when someone laughs too long or too hard over a small mistake, it can feel less like they’re laughing with you and more like they’re laughing at you. Pay attention to how they react when other people make similar mistakes. If they brush it off for someone else but turn your slip-up into a running joke, they might be using humour as a way to put you down.
2. Exaggerating your traits or habits

If someone constantly mimics the way you talk, walk, or gesture, but in a way that makes you look silly or dramatic, they might be mocking you under the guise of “just joking.” While playful impressions can be harmless among friends, if it feels excessive or like it’s always at your expense, they may be using it to belittle you in a way that doesn’t seem outright mean.
3. Giving backhanded compliments

“Wow, you actually look nice today!” or “I wish I had the confidence to wear that.” These types of comments may sound like compliments at first, but there’s an underlying jab that makes them feel more insulting than flattering. Backhanded compliments are a sneaky way to disguise criticism as kindness, making it harder to call them out without seeming overly sensitive.
4. Rolling their eyes when you talk

Eye-rolling is one of the most passive-aggressive ways to show disrespect. It signals that someone finds what you’re saying annoying, stupid, or unworthy of their attention. Even if they don’t say anything outright, frequent eye rolls can be a subtle way of making fun of you without using words. If they do it often, it’s a clear sign they don’t take you seriously.
5. Smirking at the wrong moments

A smirk can say a lot without a single word. If someone smirks when you’re being serious, telling a story, or opening up about something important, it’s often a subtle sign of mockery. Unlike a genuine smile, which is warm and engaging, a smirk can feel condescending — as if they’re amused at your expense rather than interested in what you’re saying.
6. Overly dramatic reactions to what you say

If someone gasps dramatically or says, “Oh my gosh, you’re SO funny!” in a tone that feels sarcastic rather than genuine, they might be making fun of you. These exaggerated reactions can make you feel like you’ve said something ridiculous when, in reality, they’re just looking for a way to undermine you in front of other people. (In reality, it just makes them seem like a jerk!)
7. “Forgetting” things that matter to you

It’s normal to forget small details sometimes, but if someone repeatedly “forgets” things that are important to you — your name, your interests, your achievements — it can be a subtle form of disrespect. Consistently acting as if you’re unimportant or forgettable can be a passive-aggressive way of making fun of you without being openly mean. Sure, there’s a chance they genuinely have memory issues, but if they don’t seem to have this issue with anyone else, that’s unlikely.
8. Mocking your excitement

If you’re excited about something and someone responds with “Wow, you really care about that, huh?” or mimics your enthusiasm in a mocking tone, they’re making fun of you. This is a common tactic used to make people feel embarrassed about their interests. It’s their way of saying your excitement is silly or over the top, when in reality, they just enjoy putting people down.
9. Making jokes that only target you

If someone is always joking at your expense but never seems to poke fun at anyone else in the same way, they might be disguising insults as humour. Good-natured teasing should go both ways. If you’re always the punchline while they never let themselves be the butt of the joke, it’s not lighthearted fun — it’s a pattern of subtle mockery. They need to learn the definition of banter!
10. “Accidentally” mispronouncing your name

Mispronouncing someone’s name can happen once or twice, but if someone constantly says your name wrong, especially in an exaggerated or dismissive way, it can be a form of belittling you. People who do this often pretend it’s an honest mistake, but if they make an effort to get everyone else’s name right, it’s a sign they’re not taking you seriously on purpose.
11. Acting surprised when you do something well

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to be that good at it!” might sound like a compliment, but it can also be a subtle insult. Implying that your success is shocking suggests that they didn’t think you were capable in the first place. If this happens often, it can be a way of undermining your abilities while pretending to be impressed.
12. Using “friendly” nicknames that feel insulting

Nicknames can be fun and affectionate, but if someone constantly calls you something that feels belittling, such as “kiddo,” “smarty pants,” or “little one,” it might not be as harmless as they claim (and it’s also kinda gross). If they wouldn’t use the same tone or nickname with anyone else, it could be their way of subtly putting you in a lower position without outright insulting you.
13. Interrupting or talking over you

Consistently cutting someone off or talking over them in conversations can be a way to show dominance or make someone feel like their words don’t matter. When it’s done in a way that seems intentional, especially when they let other people speak uninterrupted, it’s often a form of subtle dismissal that shows they don’t take you seriously.
14. Pretending they were “just joking” when you call them out

One of the most frustrating ways people make fun of you is by backtracking the moment you confront them. If you call them out on a rude comment, and they respond with, “Relax, I was just joking,” or, “You take things too seriously,” they’re shifting the blame onto you. Genuine jokes are meant to be fun for everyone. If a comment feels mean-spirited and the only one laughing is them, it wasn’t a joke — it was a way to mock you while avoiding responsibility.