14 Uniquely Gen X Habits Only They Still Have

Gen X often gets overlooked between the boomers and millennials, but they’ve definitely got their own distinct way of doing things.

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Born in a time before the internet took over (“Thank God!” they exclaim), they straddle the line between old-school habits and modern tech. While younger generations have moved on, these little quirks still set Gen X apart. If you were born between 1965 and 1980, chances are, a few of these might resonate with you.

1. Leaving voicemails like it’s still the ’90s


While younger people rarely bother with voicemails — most don’t even listen to them, in fact — Gen X still sees them as a normal part of communication. If they call and you don’t pick up, you can bet they’ll leave a detailed message rather than just texting. It’s more than just a habit; it’s a sign of their phone etiquette. They grew up in a time when missing a call actually meant missing information, so leaving a message was the only way to keep someone in the loop.

2. Writing everything down in an actual notebook

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While everyone else relies on their phone’s Notes app or Google Docs, this generation still swears by a good old-fashioned notebook. To-do lists, reminders, important dates — it’s all handwritten, often in neat cursive or scribbled shorthand. There’s something satisfying about physically writing things down, and for them, it just feels more reliable than trusting everything to a screen that could glitch or run out of battery.

3. Watching TV shows at their scheduled time

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Streaming services have made binge-watching the norm, but Gen X still remembers the days when TV shows aired at a specific time, and if you missed them, that was it. While younger generations are all about ‘on demand,’ Gen X still watches live TV, sometimes even sticking to their weekly show schedule. For them, there’s still something special about sitting down to watch a show when it airs, whether that’s “Corrie” or “Strictly Come Dancing.” They’re also more likely to channel surf instead of endlessly scrolling through streaming options.

4. Owning an actual alarm clock

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Most people now use their phone as an alarm, but this generation still has a real clock by their bedside. Whether it’s a digital model or a classic one with a loud ringing bell, it’s there, ready to wake them up. It’s not just nostalgia, it’s practical. They don’t trust their phone not to run out of battery overnight, and they like having a separate device that doesn’t tempt them to check emails or social media first thing in the morning.

5. Using cash for small purchases

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While younger generations are all about contactless payments and Apple Pay, Gen X still carries actual cash. They don’t feel comfortable relying entirely on digital payments and always like having some notes and coins on hand just in case. Whether it’s tipping, splitting a bill, or buying something small, they still pull out cash while younger people awkwardly look around for a card reader.

6. Memorising phone numbers

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Before mobile phones stored everything, Gen X had to actually memorise numbers. While most people now can’t even recall their best friend’s number, they still have a few key numbers locked in their brain. They don’t fully trust that their phone won’t die or get lost, so knowing at least a few important numbers gives them a sense of security.

7. Owning an actual map (and knowing how to read it)

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Google Maps is great, but Gen X remembers when you actually had to read a paper map. Many still keep one in their car, just in case technology fails. They also have an incredible sense of direction compared to younger generations, who rely entirely on GPS. If you need someone who can actually tell you which way is north, ask someone from this generation. They’ll be able to help you out, no doubt.

8. Listening to full albums instead of just playlists

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Streaming has made it easy to jump between songs, but this generation still listens to albums from start to finish. They grew up in the era of vinyl, cassettes, and CDs, when artists designed albums to be experienced as a whole. For them, it’s about the journey — hearing every track in order, as the artist intended. They still appreciate deep cuts and B-sides rather than just skipping to the most popular song.

9. Wearing a watch for more than just fashion

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Smartwatches might be everywhere now, but Gen X still wears classic watches. For them, it’s not just about style; it’s a habit. Checking the time by flicking their wrist is second nature, and they don’t see the point in constantly reaching for their phone. While younger people see watches as an accessory, this generation actually relies on them. Some even still have an old-school Casio or a watch with a calculator function.

10. Burning CDs or making mixtapes

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While playlists are the modern version, there’s something special about a physical mixtape or a burned CD. Gen X still remembers the effort it took to record songs from the radio or perfectly time each track on a cassette. Some still make CDs for road trips or special occasions, believing there’s more meaning in a curated selection of songs when it’s something you can actually hold.

11. Printing photos instead of just keeping them on their phone

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Most people now keep their memories in digital form, but this generation still loves a printed photo. They have actual photo albums, framed pictures, and stacks of old snapshots from the days of film cameras. For them, a photo isn’t just something you scroll past; it’s something you hold, display, and look back on without needing a screen.

12. Reading actual newspapers and magazines

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While news has moved online, this generation still loves the feeling of flipping through a newspaper or magazine. Whether it’s grabbing a Sunday paper or subscribing to a favourite publication, they enjoy reading the old-school way. It’s not that they don’t use digital news; they just like having a physical copy they can hold, fold, and read at their own pace without endless notifications popping up.

13. Calling instead of texting

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While millennials and Gen Z default to texting, Gen X still prefers an actual phone call. If they have something to say, they’d rather just pick up the phone and get it over with, rather than waiting for a back-and-forth text exchange. It’s not about being old-fashioned; it’s about efficiency. Why type out a long message when you can just talk and sort things out in two minutes?

14. Refusing to rely on tech for everything

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While younger generations embrace every new gadget, this generation still likes doing things the old way sometimes. They might use tech, but they don’t fully trust it, whether it’s refusing to use cloud storage, keeping a written address book, or still balancing a chequebook. They like having backup plans, knowing that sometimes, old-school methods are more reliable. While others panic when their phone dies or Wi-Fi goes down, Gen X just shrugs and carries on.