It’s never okay to comment on someone’s body, but lots of people do it, and they don’t think it’s a big deal.

Whether it’s a well-meaning remark or outright rudeness, dealing with these situations can feel overwhelmingly frustrating. Why do they need to say anything at all? Why does what you look like matter to them in any way? The good thing is that having a comeback ready when someone starts making observations about your body, positive or negative, can make a big difference. Sure, you don’t want to jump down their throats and cause a big drama, but it also needs to be made clear that you’re not feeling it. You can easily reclaim the conversation with confidence and grace by using one of these modern, empowering responses to shut down those comments, all while staying cool and collected.
1. “Why is my weight any of your business?”

One of the simplest ways to handle intrusive remarks is by questioning their relevance. This is both polite and direct, making it clear that you don’t see your weight as a topic for public discussion. It subtly puts the responsibility back on the other person to justify their comment. In most cases, they’ll feel uncomfortable and realise they’ve crossed a line. By asking this question calmly and confidently, you shift the dynamic in your favour, setting a boundary without escalating the situation. It’s an effective way to end the conversation without engaging further.
2. “That’s funny — my doctor isn’t worried, but thanks for your concern.”

This response takes a slightly sarcastic tone while addressing their comment head-on. By referencing your doctor, you’re reminding them that any opinions about your health are unnecessary and irrelevant. It also emphasises that you’re already taking care of yourself, making their unsolicited input redundant. This one’s particularly useful when someone tries to mask their criticism as concern. It’s a firm yet still pretty laid-back way to draw a line and let them know that their comments aren’t helpful or appreciated. Most importantly, it allows you to maintain your confidence and composure.
3. “I didn’t realise my body was up for discussion.”

Calling out the inappropriateness of their comment can be a powerful way to shut things down. This is direct and straightforward, making it clear that you don’t welcome or entertain remarks about your weight. It forces the other person to consider why they thought it was acceptable to bring it up. By pointing out how invasive their comment is, you establish a firm boundary while keeping the tone calm. It’s an assertive response that often leaves people at a loss for words, making them less likely to repeat the behaviour in the future.
4. “That’s an interesting choice of conversation topic.”

Sometimes, a little sarcasm can be just the thing to deflect an unsolicited remark. This is subtle enough not to cause a major blow-out, but pointed enough to make them think about their words. It’s a clever way to change the topic without directly engaging with their comment. By using humour, you take control of the situation while keeping things light. It works particularly well when you want to address the issue without creating a tense atmosphere, especially when you’re in a group situation.
5. “I’m not sure why you think that’s okay to say.”

This one directly challenges their behaviour in a way that’s both respectful and assertive. It invites them to reflect on their words and question their own intentions. For many people, hearing this will prompt an apology or at least a moment of self-awareness. What makes this response effective is its simplicity; it doesn’t require you to defend or explain yourself. Instead, it places the focus on their actions, subtly encouraging them to reconsider making similar comments in the future.
6. “Let’s talk about something more interesting.”

Redirecting the conversation is an easy and effective way to move past uncomfortable comments. This politely acknowledges their remark while making it clear that you’re not engaging with it, while also changing the focus to a more positive or neutral topic, keeping the situation light. It works well in casual or social settings where you don’t want to escalate the issue. By steering the conversation in a different direction, you regain control while avoiding unnecessary confrontation.
7. “I prefer to focus on things that actually matter.”

When someone comments on your weight, it’s often an attempt to trivialise or judge. This response reclaims the narrative, reminding them that there are far more important things to focus on than appearance. It’s a confident way to shift the power dynamic back to you. By reframing the conversation, you subtly highlight how shallow their comment is without directly criticising them. It keeps the tone calm while firmly asserting your priorities and self-worth.
8. “Wow, you must be fun at parties.”

A bit of playful sarcasm can be the perfect way to shut down unsolicited remarks. This lightly mocks the comment without escalating the situation, making it clear that you don’t take their opinion seriously. It’s especially effective when the remark is particularly rude or intrusive. Using humour in this way helps you stay in control of the conversation while deflecting negativity. It also sends a clear message that their behaviour isn’t worth your energy or attention.
9. “That’s not really an appropriate thing to say.”

This straightforward response sets a clear boundary without being confrontational. It lets the other person know that their comment was out of line and that you won’t entertain such discussions. Most people will back off and apologise when faced with this calm but firm reply. What makes this comeback effective is its directness. It doesn’t invite further debate or explanation, keeping the focus on maintaining your boundaries and moving the conversation forward.
10. “I’m not here to meet your standards, but thanks anyway.”

This is empowering because it reminds them that their opinion isn’t relevant to your life. It’s a bold way to assert your confidence and make it clear that you don’t seek or need their approval. It’s perfect for shutting down judgmental comments with a touch of wit. By rejecting their standards outright, you reinforce your self-worth and take control of the narrative. It leaves little room for further discussion, making it an effective way to end the conversation on your terms.
11. “Interesting comment — did you mean it to sound rude?”

This pointed question forces them to reflect on their tone and intentions. It’s an effective way to highlight how their words may have come across without outright accusing them of being rude. Most people will feel embarrassed and either apologise or backtrack. Using it shows that you’re not afraid to call out inappropriate behaviour while keeping the tone civil. It’s a clever way to assert your boundaries and make them think twice before commenting again.
12. “That’s a bold thing to say out loud.”

For comments that are especially audacious, this one lightly calls out their audacity without escalating the situation. It’s a playful way to put the focus back on their lack of tact while keeping the atmosphere light. Most people will take the hint and back off, realising they’ve overstepped. It’s a particularly effective way to respond when you want to maintain your composure while shutting down the conversation.
13. “I’m happy with my body — are you happy with your attitude?”

This bold and confident response flips the narrative, reminding them that their judgement isn’t welcome. It’s an assertive way to stand your ground and challenge their behaviour without being overly aggressive. By flipping the focus to their attitude, you reclaim the conversation and reinforce your own self-confidence. It’s pretty effective at shutting down negativity while keeping the interaction brief.
14. “I didn’t ask for your opinion, but thanks anyway.”

This polite yet firm response makes it clear that their comment wasn’t invited or necessary. It’s a great way to set a boundary without escalating the situation or getting drawn into unnecessary explanations. By staying calm and composed, you show that you’re not interested in engaging with their opinion. It has the added benefit of helping you to move on quickly while maintaining your confidence.
15. “My weight isn’t a topic I discuss, but nice try.”

Adding a touch of humour can help defuse the tension while still setting a clear boundary. This one makes it clear that you’re not open to discussing your body, and kindly but firmly lets them know they’ve overstepped. Using a light-hearted tone helps you keep control of the conversation without making things awkward. It’s an easy way to assert yourself while keeping the interaction brief.
16. “I don’t need to explain myself to you.”

This is direct and unapologetic, which makes it perfect for shutting down persistent or overly intrusive comments. It reminds them that your body and choices are your own, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation. It’s a powerful statement that puts an immediate stop to the conversation, leaving no room for further discussion. By asserting your autonomy, you take control of the situation and reinforce your self-worth.