When You’re Trying To Move On, These 14 Memories Might Hold You Back

Moving on sounds simple in theory — just let go and move forward, right?


The problem is that memories have a way of pulling you back, making you question things, and keeping you stuck in moments that no longer serve you. Some of these memories feel comforting, some feel painful, and some feel like unfinished business. If you’re struggling to move forward in life, these memories might be the ones keeping you tied to the past.

1. The way things used to be

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Nostalgia can be a tricky thing. When you’re trying to move on, your brain often filters out the bad and highlights the good, making the past seem better than it actually was. You might find yourself reminiscing about the best moments, conveniently forgetting the ones that made you want to leave in the first place. It’s easy to hold onto a past version of your life, relationship, or situation, but it’s important to remind yourself that if it was really as perfect as your memory suggests, you wouldn’t be trying to move on from it now.

2. The “what if” moments

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Few things keep people stuck more than wondering what could have been. What if you had tried harder? What if they had changed? What if you had made a different decision? These thoughts create endless loops that make moving on feel impossible. The truth is, you’ll never have every answer. You can only make peace with what happened and remind yourself that if something was meant for you, you wouldn’t have to wonder – it would have worked out.

3. The firsts that felt special

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Firsts always stick with you— your first love, your first big opportunity, the first time you truly felt happy in a situation. Those memories can feel impossible to let go of because they’re tied to major moments of growth and change. But just because something was special doesn’t mean it was meant to last forever. Moving forward doesn’t erase those experiences; it just means making space for new ones.

4. The promises that were never kept

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Sometimes, what holds people back isn’t just what happened — it’s what never happened. The future you thought you were building with someone, the words they said that never turned into action, the commitment that never materialised. Letting go of the idea of something is just as important as letting go of what actually existed. If someone truly meant what they promised, you wouldn’t be standing here trying to move on.

5. The good times that overshadow the bad

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When you’re trying to move on, your mind can conveniently edit out all the negatives and focus only on the highlights. The inside jokes, the laughter, the moments that made you feel alive — those are the ones that resurface. But remind yourself that the whole picture matters. The bad outweighed the good enough for you to walk away. Don’t let selective memory make you doubt your decision.

6. The things you never got closure on

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Unanswered questions are one of the hardest things to move on from. When someone leaves without an explanation, when a situation ends without clear reasons, or when you never get to say what you really wanted to — closure feels like an unfinished conversation. Of course, the truth is that closure isn’t something someone else gives you; it’s something you create for yourself. You don’t need all the answers to move forward. You just need to decide that you deserve peace, even without them.

7. The version of yourself that existed back then

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It’s not always the people or places we miss; it’s who we were when we were with them. Maybe you were happier, more carefree, or just felt like a different person, and you miss that version of yourself. But that person isn’t gone, you know. You’re still evolving, still growing, still capable of finding joy. You don’t need to return to the past to reclaim the best parts of yourself; you just need to bring them into your future.

8. The “almosts” that never fully happened

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Some of the hardest memories to move on from aren’t even the ones that happened — they’re the ones that almost did. The relationship that never quite turned into something real, the job offer that slipped through, the dream that stayed just out of reach. But “almost” means it wasn’t meant to be. Instead of mourning what could have been, focus on what still can be. Your future holds real opportunities, not just almosts.

9. The way someone once made you feel

woman in beanie looking to sideSource: Unsplash

Maybe they made you feel safe. Maybe they made you feel seen in a way no one else had. Maybe, for a while, they made you feel like you were the most important person in the world. But if you’re trying to move on, chances are, that feeling didn’t last. You’re still worthy of feeling that way, but with someone or something that actually lasts. Don’t let past emotions trick you into believing that was the only time you’ll ever feel that way.

10. The time and energy you invested

guy on his ownSource: Unsplash

It’s hard to walk away when you’ve put so much effort into something. You tell yourself, “But I spent years trying to make this work” or “I gave them so much of myself” — and that makes it feel like leaving is wasting all of that. Of course, staying stuck doesn’t make that time any more valuable. The real waste would be holding onto something that isn’t meant for you just because you’re afraid of starting over.

11. The way they made you feel like you weren’t enough

woman outside pensiveSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, the hardest thing to move on from isn’t love, it’s the way someone made you feel about yourself. If they made you feel unworthy, unimportant, or like you had to earn their attention, those thoughts can stick with you long after they’re gone. But you don’t have to carry that with you. Their inability to see your worth doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Moving on means leaving behind the false narratives they created about you.

12. The regrets that replay in your mind

serious man standing on barren roadSource: Unsplash

Did you say the wrong thing? Did you walk away too soon? Should you have fought harder? Regret is one of the biggest roadblocks to moving forward, because it keeps you living in a past you can’t change. The only thing you can control is what you do now. Instead of looking back with regret, look forward with the knowledge that you won’t repeat the same mistakes.

13. The place that still holds meaning

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Maybe it’s a specific coffee shop, a song, a city — certain places and things can transport you back in time, making you feel like you’re still there emotionally, even if you’ve moved on physically. Instead of avoiding those places forever, try reclaiming them. Make new memories, rewrite their meaning, and remind yourself that you’re not trapped in the past.

14. The fear of moving forward without them

woman with chin in hand looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

Sometimes, what holds us back isn’t the past itself, it’s the fear of stepping into the unknown. Letting go means embracing uncertainty, and that can feel terrifying when you’ve been tied to something for so long. But staying stuck in the past is just as scary because it means never finding out what’s ahead. The next chapter of your life deserves your full presence. Letting go isn’t about forgetting; it’s about making room for what’s next.