Every generation has its unique quirks, but the way boomers grew up feels like a completely different planet compared to today.

To be fair, it kind of was. A lot of the things that were common during childhood for boomers and even Gen X must feel like ancient history to Gen Z. The world is changing so quickly and technology advancing at such a crazy rate that it’s no wonder things that were quite normal for our generation to seem completely out of places for younger people, especially these.
1. Having to memorise phone numbers

Before smartphones stored everything, boomers had to keep a mental Rolodex of numbers for friends, family, and emergency contacts. If you lost your address book, you were in trouble. Gen Z will never know the panic of dialling the wrong number after all that effort.
2. Calling someone’s house and hoping they were home

No texting “U there?” — boomers had to call a landline and take their chances. If they weren’t home, you’d just try again later, and if someone else answered, you’d awkwardly ask to speak to them. The concept of voicemail was a luxury that came much later.
3. Using encyclopaedias for school projects

Boomers didn’t have Wikipedia or Google, just a dusty set of encyclopaedias that were outdated the second they were printed. They’d spend hours flipping through these giant books, hoping the information they needed was in there. Research wasn’t a click away; it was a full-on workout, especially when you had to navigate the Dewey Decimal System.
4. Having only three TV channels (if you were lucky)

Boomers didn’t grow up with endless streaming options. They had three or four channels, and if nothing good was on, tough luck. And let’s not forget: you actually had to get up to change the channel because remote controls weren’t standard yet.
5. Waiting weeks for photos to be developed

Taking photos was never about instant gratification. You’d snap a picture, drop the roll of film off at a shop, and then wait a week or more to see if it even turned out right. Half the time, someone’s eyes were closed, but it was too late to retake it.
6. Playing outside until the streetlights came on

Boomer kids didn’t have smartphones, so their social lives revolved around neighbourhood games and bike rides. Parents didn’t track them with GPS, they just trusted they’d be home by dark. For Gen Z, the concept of “come home when the streetlights are on” might sound like another world, but that’s how it was back then.
7. Getting news from the newspaper

If you wanted to know what was happening in the world, you read the paper. There was no scrolling Twitter or checking live updates, and if you missed the morning delivery, you had to pop to the shops or wait until the next day to catch up.
8. Watching Saturday morning cartoons as a ritual

Boomers couldn’t stream cartoons whenever they wanted. Saturday mornings were sacred — you’d grab your breakfast and park yourself in front of the TV until lunchtime. If you missed it, you missed it. No reruns, no DVR, no second chances.
9. Writing letters to keep in touch

If you moved away from a friend, you didn’t stay in touch with Snapchat or Instagram. You wrote letters on actual paper. Boomers learned the art of penmanship and waited days or weeks for a reply. For Gen Z, that kind of patience is almost unimaginable. Many of them don’t even know how to do joined-up handwriting!
10. Using a phone box to call home

If you were out and needed to call home, you’d find a phone box, drop in a coin, and hope your parents picked up. Forget texting or quick calls — this was old-school communication at its finest. Running out of coins mid-conversation was a very real struggle.
11. Listening to music on vinyl, tapes, or the radio

Music wasn’t on demand back then. Boomers either listened to records, waited for their favourite song on the radio, or made mixtapes painstakingly recorded from cassette players. If a tape got tangled, you’d carefully rewind it with a pencil. Spotify would’ve blown their minds.
12. Dressing up for flights

Flying used to be a big deal, and boomers treated it like an event. People dressed in their Sunday best to board a plane, and flight attendants were seen as glamorous. These days, track pants and hoodies rule the skies, and nobody bats an eye.
13. Sharing one phone line with the whole family

Privacy on calls? Not a chance. Boomers grew up in households where everyone shared a single landline. If you were lucky, there might be an extension in another room, but good luck having a personal conversation without someone listening in.
14. Watching the moon landing live

For boomers, the moon landing in 1969 was the event of a lifetime. Families gathered around tiny black-and-white TVs to watch history unfold in real time. Gen Z might hear about these stories, but experiencing something that monumental together is a different kind of magic.
15. Walking to school (sometimes miles away)

Many boomers love to tell tales of how they walked miles to school in all kinds of weather. While it might sound exaggerated, for many, walking really was the only option. School buses and parent drop-offs weren’t as common as they are today.
16. Fixing things instead of replacing them

If something broke, boomers didn’t toss it, they fixed it. From sewing holes in clothes to repairing appliances, they were resourceful and knew how to make things last. For Gen Z, used to constant upgrades, that level of practicality feels almost revolutionary.