People Who Take Forever to Make Decisions Usually Have These 14 Habits

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Some decisions require serious mulling over and aren’t made quickly — and that’s fair enough.

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However, some people seem to take forever to make even the simplest choices, and it often comes down to certain bad habits they’ve developed over the years that keep them crippled by uncertainty. If you find yourself constantly second-guessing every decision, you might recognise a few of these in your own behaviour.

1. Overthinking every option

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If you’re someone who takes forever to make a decision, you probably find yourself over-analysing everything. It’s not just about the big stuff – even choosing between two options for lunch can become a mental marathon. You get stuck in a loop of thinking about all the potential outcomes, which can leave you feeling completely paralysed.

2. Fear of making the wrong choice

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Let’s face it, no one wants to make a mistake, but some people let that fear control them. When you’re scared of picking the wrong option, it can feel like you’re walking on eggshells, waiting for the wrong decision to come back and bite you. The fear can be so overwhelming that it leads to indecision and delays.

3. Looking for perfection

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If you’re aiming for perfection, every decision becomes a mini crisis. For some people, the idea of settling for something less than perfect is unthinkable. As a result, they take their time weighing every option, hoping that the perfect solution will eventually present itself – but that rarely happens!

4. Needing validation and approval from other people

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Sometimes, making a decision on your own just doesn’t feel right. People who take a long time to decide often seek validation from friends, family, or colleagues before committing to a choice. Constantly needing to check in with people can delay the process and add even more pressure.

5. Avoiding confrontation

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No one likes to be the bad guy, and some people will delay decisions to avoid conflict. They’ll put off making a choice, hoping the situation will resolve itself without them having to pick a side. Unfortunately, that usually just makes things worse in the long run.

6. Being overly self-critical

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Being your own worst critic doesn’t help when it comes to decision-making. People who struggle to make decisions often doubt their own abilities, second-guessing whether their choices will live up to their (sometimes unrealistic) standards. All that self-criticism creates a cycle of indecision as they try to perfect each choice.

7. Thinking there’s a ‘right’ answer

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For some, there’s always a ‘right’ answer, and anything else is just wrong. This belief can make decision-making feel like a high-stakes game. You spend so much time searching for that one perfect solution, even for something as trivial as picking a movie to watch. The pressure of trying to find the ‘right’ answer can stall you from making any decision at all.

8. Having too many options

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While having options is great, having too many can lead to decision fatigue. When you’re faced with an overwhelming number of possibilities, it’s easy to freeze up. People who take forever to decide can get bogged down in the details, trying to figure out the pros and cons of every single option. It can make even the simplest decision feel like a huge undertaking.

9. Being influenced by external pressure

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External pressure can be a real decision-making killer. Whether it’s from family, friends, or even societal expectations, some people find it hard to make choices without worrying about what other people think. The need for approval or reassurance can create hesitation, as they want everyone to be on board with their decision.

10. Worrying about the future

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When you’re constantly worrying about the future, it’s easy to get stuck in indecision. People who have trouble making decisions tend to focus on the long-term consequences, wondering how their choices might affect them in years to come. They may get bogged down in the uncertainty of the future, making it harder to take action in the present.

11. Perfectionism in small things

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It’s not just the big life decisions that slow them down – even the little ones can cause a delay. Picking out an outfit or choosing where to eat for dinner becomes a decision-making nightmare for someone who is a perfectionist. They want every choice to be flawless, so they agonise over every little detail.

12. An all-or-nothing mindset


Some people approach decisions with an all-or-nothing attitude. They believe that a decision is either completely right or completely wrong, with no room for grey areas. Thinking this way can make even simple choices feel like a huge burden, as they try to make the ‘perfect’ choice without considering that most decisions come with some level of compromise.

13. Procrastination

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Procrastination often goes hand-in-hand with indecision. If you’re someone who struggles to make choices, you might put them off in the hope that time will offer some clarity. But instead of getting closer to a decision, procrastination makes it harder to choose, leading to even more stress as time ticks on.

14. Letting emotions drive decisions

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For some people, their emotions take the driver’s seat when it comes to decision-making. Rather than making choices based on logic or reason, they wait for their feelings to tell them what to do. That emotional rollercoaster can cause delays, as they wait for the right mood or the perfect emotional clarity before committing to anything.