Some people just love to have a whinge about everything, from the weather to traffic to kids playing in their own gardens.

You might even be one of them! While it’s perfectly normal to feel a bit grumpy now and then, certain phrases make you sound a little older and crankier than you actually are. If you’re ready to embrace your inner curmudgeon, here are 15 phrases that can make you seem old and cranky. If, however, you’d rather be seen as a bit cheerier and happy-go-lucky, you might want to ban these from your vocabulary, at least for a while.
1. “Back in my day…”

It’s the ultimate “grumpy old person” phrase that lets everyone know you’re about to complain about how things were “better” when you were younger. While it might be true that things were different, it often comes across as dismissive of the way things are now.
2. “Kids these days…”

Ah, the classic. If you find yourself grumbling about how the younger generation doesn’t know how to “do things right,” it might be time to check yourself. I get it—times change, but every generation has its own quirks, and not all of them are bad.
3. “What happened to manners?”

If you find yourself wondering aloud why people don’t say “please” and “thank you” anymore, you’re veering into curmudgeon territory. While good manners are important, it can come across as grumpy when you’re constantly lamenting their absence.
4. “This world’s going to hell in a handbasket.”

When you’re convinced that everything is falling apart, this phrase will make you sound like you’re in full-on cranky mode. Yes, the world has its challenges, but saying things like this doesn’t do much to help solve them, does it?
5. “They don’t make things like they used to.”

It’s true that products have evolved, but saying this makes you sound like someone who’s had enough of progress. Sure, things were made differently in the past, but that doesn’t mean they were always better.
6. “I remember when TV was good.”

If you catch yourself saying this, it’s a sign that you’ve watched one too many reruns of old sitcoms. TV has certainly changed over the years, but there’s plenty of high-quality content out there today. Maybe it’s time to try a new show?
7. “Why do we need all these gadgets?”

If you’re always baffled by the latest tech trends, this phrase will make you sound like someone who prefers rotary phones to smartphones. Technology may be overwhelming at times, but it’s also here to stay. Embrace the change!
8. “I don’t get this modern music.”

When you find yourself groaning about how “music used to have real meaning,” it’s a classic sign of curmudgeonly behaviour. Music evolves, and while it’s okay to prefer one era over another, knocking new music completely just makes you sound out of touch.
9. “When I was your age…”

This phrase is the verbal equivalent of shaking your fist at the sky. It’s a guaranteed way to let everyone know that you think things were so much harder or better when you were younger. Spoiler alert: every generation says this.
10. “Don’t get me started on the weather.”

If you’re always complaining about the weather, it’s an obvious sign of a curmudgeon in the making. Yes, the weather can be frustrating, but it’s hard to have a conversation without hearing about how it’s “too hot” or “too cold.”
11. “People don’t respect their elders anymore.”

This one will make you sound like you’re stuck in a time loop, constantly reminiscing about when everyone was “so much more respectful.” Sure, respect is important, but the world’s not as disrespectful as it might seem from the outside.
12. “Everything was better before social media.”

While it’s easy to get frustrated with social media, claiming it’s ruined everything ignores the good that it can do. Social media, like anything, has its ups and downs, and it’s okay to use it in a way that benefits you rather than letting it cause frustration.
13. “I’m too old for this nonsense.”

When you throw your hands up and say you’re too old for something, it’s basically an automatic invitation to sound cranky. There’s always something new to learn or try, no matter your age. Stay curious, not frustrated!
14. “I don’t need all this newfangled stuff.”

When technology or trends leave you feeling confused, it’s easy to dismiss them with this phrase. The world changes, and while it can be overwhelming, you’re never too old to learn about the new things that pop up. Embrace your inner explorer!
15. “What’s the point of all this?”

Feeling frustrated with the world’s direction or purpose is understandable, but when you constantly ask “What’s the point?” you risk sounding like someone who’s given up on figuring it out. Instead of focusing on the negatives, try looking for the meaning in the little things.