16 Apologies You Never Have To Give (No Matter What Anyone Says)

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We all want to be polite and considerate, but let’s be real—sometimes we apologise for things we shouldn’t.

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If you find yourself saying “sorry” for these things, stop right there! There are certain things that are totally within your rights to do, no explanations or apologies needed. Even if people try to make you feel bad, or you have an inherent sense of guilt, you never need to apologise for these things.

1. Saying “no” to something you don’t want to do

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Your time and energy are precious, and you have the right to protect them. Whether it’s turning down a party invite or a work favour, saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad person. You never have to apologise for prioritising yourself and setting boundaries.

2. Taking time for yourself

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Need a quiet day to recharge, a solo trip, or a few minutes to breathe? That’s not selfish; that’s self-care. You don’t owe anyone an apology for looking after your mental and physical well-being. You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all!

3. Expressing your feelings

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Your feelings are valid, full stop. Whether you’re sad, angry, excited, or hurt, you don’t have to apologise for how you feel. It’s healthy to acknowledge your emotions. As long as you’re expressing yourself respectfully, there’s no reason to say sorry.

4. Prioritising your health


Skipping plans because you’re not feeling well? Taking a mental health day? Choosing a salad over takeaway? You don’t have to apologise for taking care of your health. Your well-being matters more than keeping everyone else happy.

5. Asking for help when you need it

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We all need help sometimes. Asking for support doesn’t make you weak or a burden—it makes you human. You never need to apologise for reaching out, whether it’s for advice, a favour, or just someone to listen. People who care about you *want* to help.

6. Changing your mind


Guess what? You’re allowed to change your mind. Whether it’s about plans, goals, or opinions, life evolves, and so do you. Apologising for deciding something different implies you’ve done something wrong—but changing your mind is part of growth.

7. Needing rest

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Feeling tired isn’t a moral failing. If you need to sleep in, cancel plans, or have a nap, you don’t owe anyone an apology. Rest is essential, not a luxury. Your body and mind deserve a break without guilt.

8. Having personal boundaries

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Saying “I’m not comfortable with that” or “I need some space” is perfectly okay. Boundaries protect your mental and emotional health. You never have to apologise for establishing limits that make you feel safe and respected.

9. Not responding immediately

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Just because someone texts or calls doesn’t mean you have to drop everything and reply. Life is busy, and it’s okay to get back to people when you’re ready. You’re not a robot, and you don’t need to apologise for not being available 24/7.

10. Taking up space

Unsplash/Gerardo Marrufo

You deserve to exist fully, whether it’s speaking up in a meeting, sitting comfortably on public transport, or expressing your opinions. You don’t need to shrink yourself or apologise for being visible and taking up space. You belong here.

11. Ending toxic relationships

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Cutting ties with someone who drains you or treats you poorly is an act of self-respect. You don’t owe anyone an apology for walking away from a relationship that’s harmful. Protecting your peace isn’t mean; it’s necessary.

12. Following your dreams

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Pursuing a career change, starting a passion project, or going after your goals isn’t something you need to apologise for. Even if it doesn’t fit other people’s expectations, your dreams are yours to chase. You deserve to live a life that excites you.

13. Not being perfect


Newsflash: No one’s perfect, and that includes you. Making mistakes, forgetting things, or having off days is normal. You don’t need to apologise for being human. Perfection is overrated—progress and authenticity matter more.

14. Standing up for yourself

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Defending your ideas, beliefs, or boundaries isn’t rude. You have the right to advocate for yourself without feeling guilty. Apologising for standing up for yourself can undermine your worth. Own your voice and your right to be heard.

15. Choosing what’s best for you


Whether it’s a career move, relationship decision, or lifestyle choice, doing what’s right for you is never something to apologise for. You know yourself better than anyone else. Trust your instincts and remember that your happiness matters.

16. Not fitting into someone else’s expectations

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You’re not here to live up to everyone else’s idea of who you should be. Whether it’s your career path, your personality, or your choices, you don’t need to apologise for being true to yourself. The only expectations that matter are the ones you set for yourself.