There are some things that are better left unsaid, even in the most open relationships.

No matter how much love and trust there is, men often prefer a bit of mystery when it comes to certain topics in their partner’s lives. There are a few things in particular that most men really don’t want to know about their wives, so you might be better off keeping them to yourself.
1. How much your beauty treatments actually cost

He appreciates that you look fabulous, but he probably doesn’t want to know that the “simple haircut” set you back the equivalent of a fancy dinner out. When it comes to facials, highlights, and manicures, a little mystery goes a long way. He’ll be happier thinking you effortlessly glow.
2. Your detailed thoughts on his mum

Even if he jokes about his mum’s quirks, hearing your *full* opinion might be a step too far. Whether she’s a little too opinionated or insists on feeding him to bursting point, some topics are best handled with gentle diplomacy. He loves his mum, and he wants you two to get along — let’s leave it there.
3. Every tiny detail about your exes

A brief mention here and there? No problem. But a deep dive into your ex’s favourite songs, romantic gestures, or how he styled his hair? No, thanks. The past is the past, and while he knows you had a life before him, he doesn’t need a front-row seat to it. Keep those comparisons locked away.
4. How many pillows you actually need

In his mind, two pillows are plenty. Maybe four if you’re feeling luxurious. The fact that you have a carefully curated ecosystem of decorative pillows, support pillows, and emergency pillows might baffle him. If he asks, just smile and say, “They’re all necessary.” No further details required.
5. What you really think about his mates

He knows some of his friends are loud, weird, or perpetually stuck in their teenage years. But hearing your uncensored thoughts on them might sting. Unless they’re truly awful, let him have his friendships. If they’re not crossing any lines, a little tolerance goes a long way.
6. How many hours you spend scrolling online

He doesn’t need to know you spent two hours deep-diving into obscure TikTok trends or stalking your old classmate’s wedding photos. As long as it’s not interfering with real life, keep those scrolling marathons between you and your phone. Mystery makes your screen time seem far more productive.
7. Your exact thoughts during a fight

In the heat of the moment, some thoughts are best left unspoken. You might think he’s being stubborn, clueless, or downright ridiculous, but unloading those thoughts can escalate things fast. Take a breath, filter what you say, and remember: a little tact can save a lot of regret.
8. How much you talk about him with your friends

He knows you vent or share funny stories, but imagining his quirks being dissected over brunch? Yikes. Keep the finer details between you and your mates. He doesn’t need to know his clumsy attempts at DIY were a hot topic over mimosas last weekend.
9. The number of times you’ve re-watched your favourite show

He might not understand why you need to binge-watch *Friends* or *Gilmore Girls* for the tenth time. Explaining that it’s comforting or therapeutic probably won’t help. Let him believe you’re just casually revisiting it — not memorising every line. Some habits are best kept on the down-low.
10. Your detailed skincare routine

He’s happy knowing you take care of yourself, but the full rundown of serums, acids, and jade rollers? He’ll be lost after the first five steps. When he asks how you get your skin glowing, a simple “I just wash my face” keeps the magic alive.
11. Your secret snack stash

We all need a secret stash of chocolates, crisps, or sweets for emergencies. He doesn’t need to know you’ve got a backup stash for your backup stash. If he discovers it, just smile and say, “They’re for both of us!” even though we all know they’re not.
12. How often you check his social media

It’s normal to be curious, but he probably doesn’t need to know that you’ve clocked his every like, comment, or new follower. He’s not hiding anything, but knowing you’re keeping that close an eye might make him uneasy. A little digital distance keeps things healthy.
13. What you *really* think of his fashion choices

Those trainers he refuses to throw away, or that “vintage” band tee he still wears? He loves them. Unless his wardrobe is a full-blown disaster, sometimes it’s best to let him live in blissful ignorance. Gentle nudges are fine, but brutal honesty? Maybe not.
14. Your weird personal habits

We all have them — singing into a hairbrush, watching oddly satisfying videos, or reorganising the fridge for fun. While they’re harmless, some things are just easier to enjoy without an audience. Let him think you’re only slightly quirky, not a full-on fridge-shelf alignment enthusiast.
15. How often you Google random symptoms

We all fall into the WebMD rabbit hole occasionally, convinced a headache means something dire. He doesn’t need to know you’ve diagnosed yourself with five different illnesses before breakfast. Keeping your online medical sleuthing private helps avoid unnecessary panic.
16. How long it actually takes you to get ready

If he thinks you roll out of bed looking effortlessly put together, let him. The full breakdown — from skincare to outfit indecision to hair drama — might overwhelm him. Let him keep believing it’s just a quick 15-minute routine, even if it’s closer to an hour.
17. Your elaborate daydreams

We all have little fantasies about winning the lottery, moving to a remote island, or opening a cute café. Sharing every intricate detail might make him feel like your current life isn’t enough. A bit of dreamy escapism is healthy, but keeping some fantasies private maintains a balanced outlook.