You probably consider yourself a good judge of character, but that doesn’t make you immune to toxic people.

Sometimes someone comes into your life and they seem okay at first. However, the more time you spend with them, the more signs the universe seems to be sending you that not everything is what they seem. If you notice these little red flags popping up, don’t ignore them — they’re stark warnings that you’re dealing with someone who’s very bad news.
1. You feel drained after being around them.

If every encounter leaves you feeling tired or depleted, it might be a gentle nudge from the universe. Good people tend to leave you feeling positive, not like you need a nap afterward. Pay attention to this feeling—it’s often a sign that they may be taking more than they’re giving.
2. They always seem to bring chaos.

From constant complaints to last-minute changes, their life might feel like a never-ending drama. If you notice that things always seem to go awry when they’re around, the universe might be signalling a warning. Sometimes, that whirlwind energy can end up being contagious, dragging you into stress you didn’t sign up for.
3. You catch yourself avoiding their messages.

Ever find yourself hesitating to respond to their texts or calls? It might be your intuition trying to keep you from unnecessary stress. If you keep putting off replying, it could be a sign that you’re mentally distancing yourself for good reason.
4. Your friends and family aren’t fans.

When the people who know you best feel uneasy around someone, it’s often for a reason. Loved ones can sometimes see things that are harder to spot from the inside. When the people you trust don’t feel good about someone, it’s worth taking their concerns seriously.
5. Strange coincidences happen when they’re around.

If you notice odd things happening whenever they’re near, it could be the universe giving you a nudge. From missed buses to misplaced keys, small mishaps may be adding up to something more significant. Sometimes, these little signals are the universe’s way of protecting you from potential headaches.
6. Conversations with them feel oddly heavy.

If chats leave you feeling more anxious or uncertain, it might be a sign that their energy isn’t meshing well with yours. The universe often gives us clues through how conversations feel, not just what’s said. When someone’s words weigh on you, it can be a sign they’re bringing negativity into your life.
7. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells.

Constantly worrying about how they’ll react or respond isn’t a great sign. When someone’s mood affects your peace, the universe could be hinting that they’re not a calming presence. If you’re tiptoeing around them, it might mean that their energy is more stressful than supportive.
8. They never seem to have good news.

If their updates always lean toward the negative, it might be a hint that they carry some heavy energy. We all have bad days, but consistent negativity can drain the joy out of interactions. Being around someone who constantly sees the glass half empty can pull you down with them.
9. Their plans always seem to fall through.

If every plan with them ends up being cancelled or “rescheduled,” the universe may be doing you a favour. There’s something to be said about consistency, and flaky behaviour can be a subtle red flag. If you’re always left hanging, it might be a sign that this connection isn’t as solid as you’d like.
10. You find yourself venting about them a lot.

If you’re constantly talking to other people about how they’re bothering you, it might be a sign that they’re not a positive influence. The need to vent frequently often suggests there’s more at play than minor annoyances. If they’re becoming a regular topic of complaint, it’s worth considering why.
11. Your body feels tense around them.

Notice if your shoulders feel tight or if you’re clenching your jaw when they’re nearby. Physical reactions are often your intuition’s way of saying, “Pay attention.” Trusting your body’s response can give you valuable insight into how this person is impacting your well-being.
12. You feel like you’re always “helping” them.

If every interaction turns into you solving their problems, the balance might be off. Friendships shouldn’t feel like a constant counselling session. If they’re constantly in need but rarely there for you, it could be time to re-evaluate how much energy you’re investing.
13. They’re strangely competitive with you.

When someone turns every achievement into a comparison, it’s worth considering if they’re a supportive presence. The universe often reveals motives through little competitive moments. Relationships thrive on mutual support, not constant one-upmanship.
14. There’s always drama surrounding them.

If they’re always caught in the middle of some saga, it could be a warning sign. People with constant drama can bring that chaos into your life too. The universe might be nudging you toward calmer waters if drama seems to follow them wherever they go.
15. You feel relieved when they leave.

Feeling a sense of relief when someone heads out the door can be a powerful clue. The universe might be telling you that their absence feels better than their presence. If being around them feels like a weight lifted, that’s a signal worth heeding.