16 Signs Your Partner Will Be A Nightmare If They Ever Become Your Ex

Unsplash/JD Mason

Breakups are never easy, but some people take things to a whole new level of drama and chaos when a relationship ends.

Unsplash/JD Mason

Things might be going really well in your relationship at the moment (well, kinda...), but if you’re noticing certain behaviours now, it might be a sign that your partner could become a serious problem if things ever go south. If you ever become exes, you might see a whole other side of them you really don’t like.

1. They constantly bring up your past mistakes.

Envato Elements

If your partner has a habit of bringing up your past mistakes during arguments or when things aren’t going their way, this could carry over into a breakup. It shows that they hold grudges and might use these things against you later. This pattern of behaviour can make things really messy if you ever split.

2. They go out of their way to make you feel guilty.

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If guilt-tripping is their go-to move when they don’t get what they want, you can bet they’ll do the same if you break up. They might try to make you feel bad about the relationship ending, and that could lead to even more conflict down the road. It could be their way of controlling the situation after the fact.

3. They love airing out your personal business.


Partners who share too much about your relationship with friends, family, or even on social media could be setting you up for a public breakup. If they’re not keeping things private now, they probably won’t respect your privacy if the relationship ends. It really could make an already difficult situation even worse.

4. They hate losing, even in small arguments.


If they always have to win every argument, no matter how small, it’s a sign they might handle a breakup with the same attitude. A breakup could feel like a loss to them, and they might do everything they can to “win” or make you feel like the loser in the situation. It can lead to a lot of unnecessary tension.

5. They’re quick to cut off people who upset them.

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If they tend to cut off friends or family over minor disagreements, it’s a sign that they don’t handle conflict well. When it comes to breaking up, they might be quick to block you out completely, or worse, they could make it very difficult to stay on good terms. Their all-or-nothing approach can cause a lot of drama.

6. They don’t take rejection well.

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If they can’t handle hearing “no” in everyday situations, they’re likely to react badly to rejection in a breakup. You might find yourself dealing with angry outbursts, or they could try to guilt you into staying. Their inability to handle rejection can make separating much harder than it needs to be.

7. They manipulate you to get what they want.

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If they’re already using manipulation to influence your decisions or emotions, that behaviour isn’t going to stop if you break up. They might try to manipulate you into staying, or use other tactics to control how the breakup plays out. It’s a red flag that things could get really complicated post-breakup.

8. They have a habit of lying.

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If your partner lies about little things, or even bigger things, that habit isn’t going to magically disappear when the relationship ends. They might spread lies about you or twist the truth to make themselves look better. Dishonesty now is a big warning sign for how they’ll handle the aftermath.

9. They need to know where you are all the time.

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If they’re overly controlling or always want to know where you are, it could escalate if you break up. They might try to keep tabs on you even after the relationship ends, making it hard for you to fully move on. This kind of controlling behaviour often gets worse when things fall apart.

10. They don’t respect your boundaries.

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If your partner pushes past your boundaries now, they’re not likely to respect them during a breakup either. Maybe it manifests as ignoring your requests for space or continuing to contact you even after you’ve asked them to stop. Boundaries are important, and someone who doesn’t respect them will make things difficult after the relationship ends.

11. They’re very possessive.

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Partners who show signs of possessiveness during the relationship are more likely to become even more possessive during a breakup. They might act like you still belong to them, even after things have ended, which can make moving on a lot harder. It can lead to extremely unhealthy post-breakup behaviour.

12. They’re passive-aggressive when things don’t go their way.


If they use passive-aggressive tactics to deal with disappointment, you can expect that behaviour to carry over into a breakup. They might not say how they really feel but instead use subtle jabs or make things difficult for you in other ways. This kind of behaviour can drag out the breakup process.

13. They can’t let things go.

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If they tend to hold on to grudges or bring up old issues, it’s likely they won’t let go of the breakup easily. You might find them constantly bringing up the relationship after it’s over, making it harder for you to move on. Their inability to move on can create ongoing tension long after the breakup.

14. They thrive on drama.

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If they seem to enjoy drama and conflict, a breakup might bring out the worst in them. They could turn a relatively simple situation into something much bigger, dragging other people into it or creating unnecessary drama just to keep things stirred up. Unfortunately, it will only make the breakup messier than it needs to be.

15. They use people to get what they want.

Konstantin Postumitenko

If your partner is the type to use people to achieve their goals, they might try to do the same during a breakup. They could manipulate mutual friends, family members, or even social media to turn things in their favour. It makes the whole situation feel like a game, and you could get caught in the middle.

16. They have a history of messy breakups.

David Pereiras

If you know that their past relationships ended badly, with lots of drama or unresolved issues, it’s a sign that your breakup could go the same way. People often repeat patterns in relationships, and if their exes were left with problems, it’s possible you’ll face the same situation. Their history can be a good predictor of how they’ll act if your relationship ends.