If you’re sick of being surrounded by people who bring more stress to your life than happiness, it’s time for a change.

No matter how friendly you are, or how likely you are to see the best in everyone, there are certain types of people who just don’t belong in your life — or anyone else’s, for that matter. When you spot these toxic people coming, run away as fast as you can.
1. The constant critic

This person always has something negative to say about you or your choices. Nothing’s ever good enough for them. They’ll pick apart your outfit, your job, or your relationships. At first, you might think they’re just trying to help, but over time, their constant criticism chips away at your self-esteem. It’s exhausting to be around someone who never sees the good in anything you do. Their negativity can start to seep into your own thoughts, making you doubt yourself even when they’re not around.
2. The energy vampire

Hanging out with this person leaves you feeling drained and exhausted. They’re always in crisis mode, dumping their problems on you without ever asking how you’re doing. They might talk non-stop about their issues, leaving no room for you to share or even catch your breath. While it’s good to support friends, this person takes without giving back. You find yourself dreading their calls or texts, knowing you’ll need a nap afterward just to recover.
3. The flake

This is the friend who’s always cancelling plans at the last minute. They’re full of excuses and “maybe next time.” At first, you give them the benefit of the doubt, but after a while, it becomes clear they don’t value your time. Their flakiness can leave you feeling unimportant and frustrated. You might find yourself hesitating to make plans with other friends, worried you’ll have to cancel if this person suddenly decides to show up.
4. The gossip

They always have the latest dirt on everyone, and they’re eager to share it with you. It might feel exciting at first to be in the know, but soon you start to wonder what they’re saying about you when you’re not around. This person thrives on drama and often stirs the pot to create more. Their gossip can create tension in your friend group and make it hard to trust anyone. Being around them can make you feel like you’re back in high school, dealing with petty rumours and backstabbing.
5. The one-upper

No matter what you’ve done or experienced, this person has done it bigger and better. If you ran a 5K, they’ve run a marathon. If you got a promotion, they’re about to become CEO. They can’t seem to let you have your moment in the spotlight. Conversations with them feel like a competition you can never win. Over time, you might find yourself hesitating to share your achievements or joys, knowing they’ll just be overshadowed.
6. The guilt-tripper

This person is a master at making you feel bad for not meeting their expectations. They might use phrases like “after all I’ve done for you” or “I guess I’m just not important to you.” Their manipulation can leave you feeling constantly on edge, worried about disappointing them. You find yourself doing things you don’t want to do just to avoid their guilt trips. This dynamic can be emotionally exhausting and make it hard to set healthy boundaries.
7. The fair-weather friend

They’re all about hanging out when things are good, but they’re nowhere to be found when you’re going through a tough time. This person loves to celebrate your successes but disappears when you need support. Their inconsistency can make you feel used and unsupported. You might find yourself hesitating to reach out when you’re struggling, unsure if they’ll actually be there for you.
8. The constant victim

Nothing is ever this person’s fault. They’re always being wronged by the world, their boss, their ex, or their family. While everyone goes through tough times, this person seems to be in a perpetual state of crisis. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions or make changes to improve their situation. Being around them can feel draining, as they constantly seek sympathy without ever taking steps to address their problems.
9. The green-eyed monster

This person can’t seem to be happy about your successes. Instead of celebrating with you, they make snide comments or try to downplay your achievements. Their jealousy can cast a shadow over your happy moments. You might find yourself hesitating to share good news with them, knowing it’ll just lead to tension or backhanded compliments. Their inability to be genuinely happy for other people can create a toxic atmosphere in your relationship.
10. The boundary pusher

This person doesn’t seem to understand or respect personal boundaries. They might show up uninvited, ask intrusive questions, or pressure you to do things you’re not comfortable with. No matter how many times you try to set limits, they keep pushing. Their disregard for your boundaries can leave you feeling violated and stressed. You might find yourself avoiding them just to get some peace and maintain your personal space.
11. The chronic liar

From small fibs to big deceptions, this person has a hard time telling the truth. At first, their stories might seem exciting or interesting, but over time, you start to question everything they say. Their dishonesty makes it impossible to build trust or have a genuine connection. You find yourself fact-checking their stories or second-guessing their motives. Being around them can leave you feeling confused and unsure of what’s real.
12. The attention seeker

This person needs to be the centre of attention all the time. They might interrupt conversations, make a scene in public, or create drama just to get all eyes on them. While it might be entertaining at first, their constant need for the spotlight can be exhausting. You might find group hangouts becoming all about managing their behaviour rather than enjoying time with friends. Their antics can make it hard to have meaningful conversations or enjoy low-key gatherings.
13. The perpetual mooch

They’re always asking to borrow money, crash on your couch, or use your stuff. While helping friends out is normal, this person takes without ever giving back. They seem to have an endless list of reasons why they can’t repay you or return the favour. Over time, you might start to feel used and resentful. Their constant taking can strain your finances and your patience, making it hard to maintain a balanced friendship.
14. The judgmental know-it-all

This person has an opinion on everything, and they’re not shy about sharing it. They judge your choices, your friends, and your lifestyle, always thinking they know best. Conversations with them often feel like lectures rather than exchanges. Their know-it-all attitude can make you feel belittled and defensive. You might find yourself avoiding certain topics around them or hesitating to share your thoughts, knowing they’ll just shoot them down.
15. The ghost

They pop in and out of your life unexpectedly. One minute they’re your best friend, the next they’ve disappeared for months. When they do resurface, they act like nothing happened. This inconsistency can be emotionally draining, leaving you unsure of where you stand. You might find yourself hesitant to invest in the relationship, knowing they could vanish again at any moment. Their unreliability makes it hard to build any real trust or depth in the friendship.
16. The emotional blackmailer

This person uses your feelings against you to get what they want. They might threaten to end the friendship if you don’t do what they ask, or they’ll bring up past favours to manipulate you. Their tactics can leave you feeling guilty, anxious, and trapped. You might find yourself walking on eggshells around them, afraid of triggering their manipulative behaviour. This dynamic can be incredibly stressful and make it hard to maintain healthy boundaries or assert your own needs.