Flight attendants see a lot of interesting behaviour on the job (and by interesting, we mean terrible).

The truth is that travellers have become ruder, more inconsiderate, and even outright hostile at times — often thanks to alcohol! — in ways that are trying at best and worthy of getting passengers kicked off the flight and arrested at worst. While the flight attendants are usually polite and patient when dealing with these incidents, there are definitely a few less offensive things they notice and might quietly judge you for.
1. Ignoring the boarding order

When people board before their group is called, it disrupts the flow and makes things take longer for everyone. Flight attendants have seen this enough to know it’s often just impatience. Boarding in your assigned group helps keep things moving smoothly. Waiting your turn shows respect for everyone else’s time, too.
2. Blocking the aisle during boarding

We’ve all seen it: someone stops to put away their bag while a line forms behind them. Flight attendants know that boarding is hectic, but keeping the aisle clear is essential. They appreciate when people quickly stow bags or step aside to let other people pass. A little awareness here can make the whole process smoother.
3. Bringing oversized bags onboard

When passengers try to sneak on bags that are clearly too big, it’s frustrating for both the crew and fellow travellers. Overhead space is limited, and large bags take up space that other people could use. Sticking to the size limits makes things fair for everyone and prevents delays from rearranging luggage.
4. Taking your shoes off during the flight

Some passengers kick off their shoes right after takeoff, and while it might feel more comfortable, it’s not always pleasant for everyone around you. Feet can bring an unexpected smell or take up more space than expected. Keeping your shoes on shows consideration for those sharing close quarters.
5. Leaving the bathroom in a mess

It’s common courtesy to tidy up a bit after using the lavatory, but not everyone remembers this. When passengers leave a mess, flight attendants are often the ones who have to deal with it. A quick wipe down or flushing can make a big difference in keeping things pleasant for everyone onboard.
6. Pressing the call button repeatedly

The call button is there for a reason, but some people treat it like a personal service bell. Flight attendants notice when someone is constantly pressing it, especially for non-urgent requests. Using it sparingly and only when truly needed shows respect for their time and lets them focus on everyone’s needs.
7. Ignoring the safety demonstration

Flight attendants know that most people don’t want to pay attention to the safety demo, but it’s an important part of their job. It’s frustrating when people ignore it or keep talking because they’re responsible for everyone’s safety. Giving it a moment of attention is respectful and ensures you know what to do in an emergency.
8. Ordering complicated drinks

On a plane, the options are limited, and flight attendants don’t have a full bar setup. When passengers request overly complex drinks, it slows down service for everyone else. Sticking to simple requests keeps things moving and ensures the crew can serve everyone efficiently.
9. Trying to change seats during takeoff and landing

When passengers switch seats without permission, especially during takeoff or landing, it can be unsafe and is a big no-no. There are reasons for assigned seats and balanced weight distribution, and flight attendants have to make sure everyone’s in place. Staying put shows you’re aware of these safety rules.
10. Treating the flight as your personal lounge

Some passengers get a little too comfortable, treating their seat like it’s their living room. Feet up on the tray table or armrest? It’s not only unpleasant for other people, but it also breaks basic travel etiquette. Keeping things tidy and respectful helps everyone have a more enjoyable flight.
11. Disregarding the seatbelt sign

The seatbelt sign is on for a reason, usually to keep you safe during turbulence or when the plane is preparing to land. When passengers ignore it, flight attendants have to remind them, which can cause delays or disruptions. Respecting the sign shows you understand that safety is the top priority.
12. Complaining about things beyond their control

Flight attendants know delays and turbulence can be frustrating, but they have no control over the weather or technical issues. Venting to them about these things won’t change anything and just adds stress to their day. Understanding this can make the flight easier for both you and the crew.
13. Leaving your rubbish in the seat pocket

The seat pocket isn’t a dustbin, but some passengers use it as one. This means flight attendants or cleaning crews have to dig through it to collect rubbish, which takes extra time. Throwing away your rubbish when they come around with the bag makes their job easier and keeps the plane cleaner for the next passengers.