13 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Time Off Work

Unsplash/Vitaly Gariev

Sadly, most of us don’t have the option of not working full-time.

Unsplash/Vitaly Gariev

That means around 40 hours of our week is sucked up by our jobs — which we’re lucky to have, of course. Still, with so little free time to our names, it’s important that we make the most of it. That doesn’t mean being on the go all the time, but it does mean being thoughtful and intentional about what you do with your days and hours outside of work. Here are some ways you can maximise this time off.

1. Put your notifications in timeout.

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Turn off those work notifications the moment your break starts. Delete Slack and Teams if you need to — you can always reinstall them later. Set up an email auto-reply that sets clear boundaries about your absence. The world won’t end if people wait a few days for responses. Time off only works when you’re actually off. Your brain needs a complete break from work signals to truly reset.

2. Take care of future-you first.


Handle the basics before you check out. Clean your space, do the laundry, stock up on groceries. Get those small tasks out of the way so they don’t eat into your free time. Remove the mental load of undone tasks hanging over your head. Your time off feels different when you start with a clean slate. Starting with order creates space for genuine rest.

3. Leave some empty space.


Resist the urge to schedule every moment of your break. Keep some days completely open with no plans or commitments. Let yourself wake up without an agenda. Empty time creates room for genuine rest. Unplanned hours often become the most refreshing ones. Freedom from schedules allows natural energy to emerge.

4. Break your normal patterns.

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Change up your usual daily rhythm. Stay up late if you want, eat breakfast for dinner, take the long way home. Step out of your usual routines and time blocks. Let your natural energy guide your day. Breaking patterns helps your brain register this time as different. New rhythms create deeper rest.

5. Move without pressure.

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Find ways to move that don’t feel like exercise. Take walks without tracking steps, dance in your kitchen, stretch when your body asks for it. Let go of workout goals and schedules. Movement feels different without performance pressure. Your body knows how to rest actively. Natural movement restores energy without depleting it.

6. Create something without rules.

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Pick up that hobby you never have time for. Draw badly, write without editing, cook without a recipe. Make something just for the joy of making it. Let go of the need to be good at it. Creating freely changes your relationship with time. Pure creation energises rather than depletes.

7. Get lost somewhere new.


Explore places in your area you’ve never been. Walk down different streets, try new cafés, visit unknown neighbourhoods. Don’t plan the route — just wander. Fresh surroundings wake up your senses. New spaces shift your perspective. Discovery refreshes your mental map.

8. Connect on your terms.

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Reach out to people you miss but rarely see. Meet up without time limits or obligations. Have conversations that wander and flow naturally. Social time hits different when it’s not squeezed between commitments. Real connection needs space to breathe. Unhurried time together creates deeper bonds.

9. Let yourself get bored.

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Stay in bed longer than necessary. Watch clouds move. Sit in silence without reaching for your phone. Give your mind space to wander. Boredom often leads to the rest we actually need. Empty moments fill themselves if we let them. Stillness reveals what busyness hides.

10. Feed your senses.

Source: Unsplash

Notice textures, sounds, smells around you. Feel the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, grass under your feet. Taste your food without rushing through meals. Your senses reconnect you to the present moment. Full awareness restores your energy. Sensory engagement grounds you in now.

11. Clear your digital clutter.


Delete old photos, clear your downloads folder, unsubscribe from emails you never read. Organise your files, clean up your desktop, update your passwords. Digital mess creates mental noise. A cleaner digital space brings mental clarity. Order in your virtual world calms your actual world.

12. Find your natural rhythm.

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Notice when you naturally feel hungry, tired, or energetic. Follow your body’s cues instead of the clock. Eat when hungry, sleep when tired, move when restless. Your natural patterns emerge when given space. Internal rhythms restore themselves without force. Your body knows the schedule it needs.

13. Make space for nothing.


Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing. Lay on the floor, watch your thoughts drift by, breathe without counting. Let time pass without filling it. Empty space creates room for renewal. Sometimes nothing is everything you need. Emptiness holds its own kind of fullness.