How To Deal With The Tough Stuff In Life Without Letting It Overwhelm You

Unsplash/Kristijan Arsov

Life throws some crazy things at you, often when you least expect it.

Unsplash/Kristijan Arsov

What’s worse is that often times, it all seems to come at once, and you barely have a chance to catch your breath before the next big catastrophe hits. It can be incredibly overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how to handle the tough stuff with as much grace as possible.

1. Give your feelings some space.


Ever notice how pushing away those tough feelings only makes them stronger? It’s like trying to hold a beach ball underwater  — it just keeps popping back up. Try giving yourself permission to feel sad, angry, or whatever comes up. These feelings are totally normal, and letting them be there is actually the first step to feeling better.

2. Start your day with something steady.


When life feels like a roller coaster, having a morning routine can feel like solid ground beneath your feet. It doesn’t have to be fancy — maybe it’s just making your bed or enjoying that first quiet cup of coffee. These simple morning moments can set the tone for your whole day.

3. Take baby steps forward.

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Big problems can feel like mountains, but here’s a secret — you don’t have to climb them all at once. Break things down into tiny steps that don’t feel so scary. Maybe today it’s just making one phone call or sorting through one pile of papers. Small wins add up to big progress!

4. Keep your body moving.

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Your body and mind are best friends, and moving around can work wonders for your mood. A walk around the block, some gentle stretches, or even dancing in your kitchen — it all counts! No need for marathon training here — just get that body moving in ways that feel good to you.

5. Notice the good stuff.

Seva Levytskyi

Even on the cloudiest days, little rays of sunshine peek through. Maybe it’s a text from a friend who makes you smile, or your pet’s silly antics. Taking a moment to notice these little bright spots can help balance out the heavy stuff. Try jotting down one good thing each day — it’s like collecting little gems of happiness.

6. Protect your energy.

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Learning to say “no” is like having a superpower during tough times. You don’t have to go to every event or help with every project. Being honest about what you can handle isn’t selfish — it’s smart! Your energy is precious, especially when times are tough.

7. Keep your people close.


We all need our people — those friends or family members who just get it. A quick chat, a coffee date, or even a quiet hangout can make such a difference. You don’t have to pour out your whole heart if you don’t want to — sometimes just being around someone who cares is enough.

8. Cover the basics.

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Remember when your mum used to remind you to eat your vegetables and get enough sleep? Turns out she was onto something! Taking care of these basic needs might seem obvious, but they’re super important. Think of it as giving yourself the same care you’d give a good friend who’s going through a rough patch.

9. Find your quiet moments.

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Life can feel pretty noisy sometimes, can’t it? Finding little pockets of quiet in your day — even just five minutes — can help you catch your breath. Maybe it’s watching the sunrise with your coffee or taking a few deep breaths before bed. These peaceful moments can be like little reset buttons for your mind.

10. Let your thoughts flow onto paper.

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Sometimes our heads get so full of swirling thoughts that it’s hard to make sense of anything. Grabbing a pen and just letting it all spill onto paper can feel like clearing out a cluttered drawer. Don’t worry about making it pretty — just let those thoughts flow.

11. Keep your hands busy.

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Ever notice how doing simple things can actually help clear your mind? Whether it’s pulling weeds in the garden, organising your sock drawer, or washing dishes, these everyday tasks can be surprisingly calming. They give your mind just enough to focus on without being overwhelming.

12. Remember your strength.

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Think back to other tough times you’ve got through. Pretty impressive, right? You’ve already proven you can handle hard things, even if it didn’t feel like it at the time. Those experiences are like badges of honour — they show just how strong you really are.

13. Win small victories.


Set yourself up for success by picking one small thing to accomplish each day. Maybe today’s win is just taking a shower or sending that email you’ve been putting off. Whatever it is, getting it done can give you a little boost of confidence. Write it down somewhere visible — it’s like making a promise to yourself that’s totally doable.