Do You Have a Dark Side? 14 Traits We All Possess (But Don’t Like To Admit)

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We all love to think of ourselves as good people, kind, compassionate, and always doing the right thing.

However, we all have a shadow side, a part of us that’s not so pretty. It’s those little quirks, those less-than-admirable traits that we try to keep hidden away, even from ourselves. But the truth is, acknowledging our darker side is a crucial step towards self-awareness and personal growth. Here are some of the qualities we’re probably not all that proud of.

1. We can be judgmental.

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We might preach tolerance and acceptance, but deep down, we all have moments of judgment. We size up people based on their appearance, their choices, or their lifestyles. We might even catch ourselves making assumptions about their character based on limited information. It’s a natural human tendency, but it’s important to be aware of it and try to challenge our own biases.

2. We can be selfish.

man onlySource: Unsplash

Yes, even the most selfless among us have moments of self-interest. We tend to put ourselves first, make decisions that benefit us at the expense of someone else, or simply indulge in a little self-indulgence now and then. While it’s important to take care of ourselves, it’s equally important to be mindful of how our actions impact everyone around us.

3. We can be jealous.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Envy is a universal human emotion. We might feel a pang of jealousy when we see a friend’s success, a neighbour’s new car, or a colleague’s promotion. We might even experience envy towards strangers we see on social media. While jealousy can be a painful emotion, it’s important to acknowledge it and understand its roots. Often, jealousy stems from our own insecurities and fears.

4. We can be insecure.

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We all have moments of self-doubt. We might question our abilities, our appearance, or our worthiness. We might compare ourselves to other people and feel like we’re not good enough. These insecurities can be deeply rooted and difficult to overcome, but recognising them is the first step towards building self-confidence and self-acceptance.

5. We can be manipulative.

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Sometimes, we might resort to subtle manipulation to get what we want. We might try to guilt-trip someone into doing us a favour, play on their emotions to influence their decision, or use passive-aggressive tactics to avoid confrontation. While these behaviours might seem harmless in the moment, they can damage relationships and erode trust.

6. We can be vengeful.


When someone hurts us, it’s natural to feel anger and resentment. But sometimes, those feelings can turn into a desire for revenge. We might fantasise about getting back at the person who wronged us, or even act on those impulses. While revenge might provide temporary satisfaction, it ultimately perpetuates a cycle of negativity and pain.

7. We can be hypocritical.

Philipp Nemenz

We might preach one thing but practice another. We criticise people for behaviours that we’re guilty of ourselves, or hold ourselves to different standards than we hold other people. Hypocrisy can be a difficult trait to confront, but acknowledging it is an important step towards personal growth and integrity.

8. We can be lazy.

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We all have moments when we just don’t feel like doing anything. We might procrastinate, avoid responsibilities, or simply choose to relax instead of tackling our to-do list. While a little laziness is perfectly normal, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t become a habit that hinders our productivity and personal growth.

9. We can be petty.

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We might hold grudges, dwell on past slights, or find satisfaction in seeing someone who wronged us get their comeuppance. We might engage in gossip or spread rumours, even if we know it’s not kind or constructive. Petty behaviour can stem from insecurity, a need for control, or a desire to feel superior.

10. We can be jealous of what other people have that we don’t.

woman mobileSource: Unsplash

Materialism can rear its head in unexpected ways. We might covet a friend’s designer handbag, a neighbour’s fancy car, or a colleague’s luxurious holiday. Even if we have our own nice things, we can still feel a twinge of envy when we see other people with something we want. This is a reminder that our wants are often insatiable, and true contentment comes from within.

11. We sometimes wish bad stuff would happen to people we don’t like.

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This is a tough one to admit, but we’ve all experienced those fleeting moments of wishing misfortune on someone, even if it’s just a fleeting thought. It could be a rival at work, a person who cut us off in traffic, or even someone who simply annoys us. These thoughts might be rooted in anger, frustration, or a sense of injustice.

12. We can be dishonest, even in small ways.

Dmytro Adamov

We might tell little white lies to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, exaggerate our accomplishments to impress people, or omit details to make ourselves look better. While we might justify these actions as harmless, they can erode trust and damage our relationships.

13. We can be afraid of vulnerability.

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Opening up to people and showing our true selves can be scary. We might fear rejection, judgment, or ridicule. So, we put up walls and wear masks to protect ourselves. But in doing so, we miss out on the opportunity for deeper connections and authentic relationships.

14. We all have the capacity for cruelty.

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This is perhaps the darkest truth we all possess. We might not act on it, but we all have the capacity for cruelty, whether it’s through hurtful words, gossip, or even physical harm. It’s a reminder of our shared humanity and the importance of empathy, compassion, and self-awareness.