If You Want A Peaceful Life, Stop Doing These 16 Things

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Life can be hectic, but often, we’re our own worst enemies when it comes to finding peace.

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Many of us have a lot of bad habits that make our days a lot harder — and a lot more miserable — than they have to be. If you’re sick of feeling a bit “blah” and want a calmer, more relaxed existence, here are some behaviours to do away with once and for all. Trust me, you’ll be much happier if you do!

1. Stop trying to please everyone.

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The desire to make everyone happy can be exhausting and ultimately pointless. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, and trying to do so often leads to stress and disappointment. Instead, focus on being true to yourself and your values. Prioritise the opinions of those who truly matter in your life, and accept that it’s okay if not everyone agrees with or likes you.

2. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

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Constant comparison is a thief of joy, as they say. Whether it’s comparing your career, relationships, or possessions to those of others, you’re bound to feel sad and inadequate if you keep this up. Remember that social media often shows a curated version of people’s lives. Focus on your own growth and progress, and celebrate your unique journey and achievements.

3. Stop holding so many grudges.

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Harbouring resentment towards other people only hurts your own peace of mind, and grudges are like carrying a heavy emotional burden that weighs you down. Learning to forgive, not necessarily for the other person’s sake but for your own mental and emotional health, can be incredibly liberating. This doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning the ways people have hurt you, but rather freeing yourself from the negative emotions associated with them.

4. Stop procrastinating on important tasks.

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Putting off things you know you need to get done might feel good in the moment, but it often leads to increased stress and anxiety later. The weight of unfinished business can loom over you, disrupting your peace. Try breaking large tasks into smaller, manageable steps and tackling them bit by bit. The sense of accomplishment from completing tasks can massively contribute to your overall sense of peace and wellness. Plus, it’ll probably only take, like, 20 minutes!

5. Stop overcommitting yourself.

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Saying yes to every invitation or request can quickly lead to burnout and overwhelm. It’s important to recognise your limits and respect them. Learning to say no politely but firmly to commitments that don’t align with your priorities or energy levels is important for maintaining peace in your life. Remember, saying no to some things allows you to say yes to what truly matters.

6. Stop dwelling on the past.

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Constantly revisiting past mistakes or regrets can prevent you from fully enjoying the present. While it’s important to learn from the past, obsessing over what can’t be changed only makes you anxious and upset. Practise mindfulness to stay grounded in the present moment, and when past thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgement and gently redirect your focus to the here and now.

7. Stop neglecting your physical health.

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Your physical health has a huge impact on your mental peace. Eating rubbish every day, not exercising, and scrimping on sleep can lead to increased stress and an inability to deal with your daily life. Make time for regular physical activity, aim for a balanced diet, and prioritise getting enough quality sleep. Taking care of your body provides a strong foundation for a peaceful mind.

8. Stop avoiding tough conversations.

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While it might seem easier to avoid confrontation, unaddressed issues often snowball and create more tension over time. Learning to have calm, honest conversations about problems can clear the air and prevent misunderstandings. Approach these discussions with empathy and a willingness to listen, focusing on finding solutions rather than placing blame.

9. Stop multitasking all the time.

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Contrary to popular belief, multitasking often leads to decreased productivity and increased stress. Constantly switching between tasks can leave you feeling scattered and unfulfilled. Instead, try to focus on one task at a time, giving it your full attention. This practice of single-tasking can lead to better results and a greater sense of calm and accomplishment.

10. Stop surrounding yourself with negative people.

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The company you keep can really impact your mental state. Constantly being around people who complain, criticise, or bring negativity into your life can drain your energy and disrupt your peace. While it’s not always possible to completely avoid negative people, you can limit your exposure and set boundaries. Look for relationships that are supportive, positive, and uplifting.

11. Stop neglecting self-care.

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Between work, family commitments, your social life, and everything else, it’s easy to put self-care on the back burner. However, neglecting your own needs can lead to burnout and resentment. Make time for things that make you feel good, whether it’s reading a book, having a bath, or pursuing a hobby. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for maintaining inner peace and being your best self for other people.

12. Stop overthinking every decision.

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While it’s important to consider your choices carefully, excessive deliberation can lead to anxiety and indecision. Learn to trust your instincts and accept that not every decision needs to be perfect. For less crucial decisions, try setting a time limit for making a choice and stick to it. After all, taking action, even if it’s not the ideal choice, is often better than being paralysed by indecision.

13. Stop trying to control everything.

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The desire for control can be a major source of stress and frustration, especially when faced with situations beyond your influence. Recognise that many things in life are outside of your control, and learn to accept this reality. Focus your energy on what you can control – your own actions, reactions, and attitudes – and practise letting go of the rest.

14. Stop ignoring your financial health.


Financial stress can be a significant barrier to peace of mind. Ignoring bills, overspending, or failing to plan for the future can create constant worry and anxiety. Take steps to get your finances in order, even if it means starting small. Create a budget, start saving regularly, and educate yourself about personal finance. Having a clear picture of your financial situation and a plan for improvement can bring a sense of control and peace.

15. Stop seeking validation from other people.

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Constantly seeking approval from other people can leave you feeling insecure and unfulfilled. While it’s natural to want people to like and appreciate you, basing your self-worth on external validation is a recipe for discontent. Work on developing self-confidence and self-acceptance. Learn to trust your own judgement and values, and let your actions be guided by your own sense of right and wrong rather than other people’s opinions.

16. Stop putting off your dreams.

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Postponing your aspirations and dreams can lead to regret and a sense of unfulfillment. While it’s important to be realistic, constantly pushing your goals to ‘someday’ can rob you of joy and purpose. Start taking small steps towards your dreams now, even if they seem distant. The act of working towards something meaningful can bring a sense of peace and satisfaction to your daily life.