13 Best Excercises To Improve Your Focus


Distractions are all around us, making concentration and focus a real struggle sometimes — I know this first-hand.

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However, sometimes you’re doing things that really do require your full attention, or you simply get to a point where you can’t stand your mind being scattered all the time. When that happens, you need to work on improving your ability to zone in rather than zoning out. Here are some things you can try to improve your focus. These aren’t fix alls, by any stretch, but they can help!

1. Use meditation as a mental gym.

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Starting a regular meditation practice is like lifting weights for your mind, and even just five or 10 minutes a day can make a big difference. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. When your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring it back. It’s all about building that focus muscle.

2. Try the Pomodoro Technique as a productivity hack.

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This time management method involves working in focused 25-minute bursts, followed by short breaks. Set a timer, work on a single task without distractions, then take a 5-minute breather. After four “pomodoros,” take a longer break. It’s a great way to train your brain to focus intensely for short periods.

3. Start doing more puzzles.

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Whether it’s jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, or Sudoku, these brain-teasers are excellent for improving concentration. They require sustained attention and problem-solving skills. Plus, they’re fun, which makes it easier to stick with the habit. Try to do a little bit each day to keep your mind sharp.

4. Do more mindful reading as a daily ritual.


Given how much time we spend scrolling, sitting down with a book and really focusing on it is a powerful exercise. Start with short periods, maybe 15 minutes, and gradually increase. Pay attention to the words, visualise the scenes, and resist the urge to check your phone. It’s about training your mind to stay engaged with a single task.

5. Use the”One Thing” as a focus mantra.

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It’s super simple and surprisingly effective. Choose the most important task for the day and focus solely on that until it’s done. No multitasking allowed. It’s about learning to prioritise and give your full attention to what truly matters. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish when you’re not constantly switching between tasks.

6. Do more yoga stretches.

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Yoga isn’t just good for your body; it’s a workout for your mind too. The practice of holding poses and focusing on your breath helps improve concentration and mindfulness. You don’t need to be super flexible or join a fancy studio. Even a simple home practice can make a difference in your ability to focus.

7. Take more walks in nature as a form of reset.

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Regular walks in nature can do wonders for your focus. It’s a form of attention restoration, giving your brain a break from constant stimulation. Pay attention to your surroundings — the trees, birds, or the feel of the wind. It’s a mindful exercise that helps refresh your ability to concentrate when you return to tasks.

8. Follow the “Five More” rule.

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When you feel your concentration slipping, challenge yourself to focus for just five more minutes. It’s like adding an extra rep at the gym. Often, you’ll find you can go even longer. This exercise helps build mental stamina and teaches you to push through moments of distraction.

9. Incorporate mindful eating into your daily routine.

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Instead of scrolling through your phone while eating, try focusing entirely on your meal. Notice the flavours, textures, and smells. It’s a daily opportunity to practise sustained attention. Plus, you might enjoy your food more and make better eating decisions as a bonus.

10. Do more memory games to level up your concentration skills.

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Games like “Simon Says” or memory card games aren’t just for kids – they’re great exercises for improving focus and working memory. You can find plenty of memory game apps, or go old school with a deck of cards. Make it a daily challenge to beat your previous score.

11. Do less multitasking and more single-tasking.

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In a world that glorifies multitasking, deliberately doing one thing at a time can be revolutionary. Pick a task, set a timer, and focus solely on that task until the timer goes off. No checking emails, no quick social media peeks. It’s harder than it sounds, but it’s a powerful way to train your focus.

12. Try breathwork exercises.

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Simple breathing exercises can quickly improve your concentration. Try the 4-7-8 technique: inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Do this for a few minutes before you need to focus. It calms your mind and preps you for concentrated work. It’s like a quick meditation you can do anywhere.

13. Give the “Brain Dump” method a go.


Before starting focused work, take a few minutes to write down everything on your mind — tasks, worries, ideas, whatever. This clears your mental space, making it easier to focus on the task at hand. Think of it as closing unnecessary browser tabs in your mind. You can always come back to the list later.