15 Easy Ways To Make Your Parents Happy

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Your parents dedicated their lives to raising you right and supporting you, so the least you can do is make them proud as a form of payback.

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Doing so doesn’t mean you have to have a high-powered job or buy them a mansion — you just need to do a few things that confirm to them that they did right by you and that you’re grateful for their love, support, and encouragement over the years.

1. Call them regularly.

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A quick ring can brighten your parents’ day. Even if it’s just a five-minute chat about what you had for lunch, hearing your voice reminds them you’re thinking of them. Try to make it a habit, like calling on your way home from work or uni.

2. Show interest in their lives.

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Ask about their hobbies, work, or friends. Remember details they’ve shared before and follow up on them. Your parents will appreciate that you care about what’s going on in their world, not just your own.

3. Share your achievements, big and small.

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Parents love to hear about your successes. Whether it’s acing an exam, getting a promotion, or finally mastering that tricky recipe, let them know. Their pride in you will make you both feel good. They’ll be thrilled to hear about the progress you’re making (and the fact that you’re keeping them in the loop about it).

4. Help out around the house.

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If you live at home, pitch in with chores without being asked. If you’ve moved out, offer to help when you visit. Mow the lawn, fix that leaky tap, or organise the garage. These gestures show you care about their home and health, especially since they may find mobility harder as they get older.

5. Remember important dates.

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Mark your calendar with their birthdays, anniversary, and other important dates. Send a card, give them a call, or plan a special celebration. It shows you value these milestones as much as they do. It’s not just up to parents to remember the kids’ big dates!

6. Spend quality time together.


Plan activities you can enjoy as a family. It could be a weekly dinner, a day trip, or just watching their favourite programme together. The key is giving them your undivided attention and let them know that spending time with them is as important to you as it is to them.

7. Be honest with them.

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Trust is vital in any relationship, so be open about your life, your challenges, and your decisions. They might not always agree, but they’ll appreciate your honesty and feel included in your life. The more vulnerable you’re willing to be with them, the better. They don’t need to know every single thing about your life, but share what you feel comfortable sharing.

8. Show a bit of gratitude.

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Thank them for the things they do, big or small. Appreciate the advice, the home-cooked meals, or the lifts to the station. Recognising their efforts makes them feel valued and strengthens your bond. They never stop being your parent, no matter how old they get — let them know how grateful you are for it all.

9. Introduce them to your friends.

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Letting your parents meet the people in your life helps them feel connected to you. It also shows you’re not embarrassed by them (a common parental worry) and trust them to interact with your social circle.

10. Ask for their advice.

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Even if you don’t always follow it, asking for their input on decisions shows you value their opinion and experience. It makes them feel needed and respected. Plus, they have a lot of valuable life experience that might actually come in handy and offer you some interesting perspectives.

11. Learn about their interests.

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Take time to understand their hobbies or passions. Watch that classic film they love, listen to their favourite music, or try out their beloved hobby. Sharing interests can lead to great conversations and shared experiences. Just because they’re your parent doesn’t mean they’re not a multifaceted person!

12. Be patient with them.

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As parents age, they might repeat stories or struggle with technology. Practise patience and kindness. Remember, they had endless patience for you when you were young, and likely to continue to be even today in ways you’re not aware of.

13. Share your skills with them.

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If you’re good at something, teach them. Whether it’s using a smartphone, baking bread, or doing yoga, sharing your knowledge can be a fun bonding experience and make them proud of your abilities. Plus, it gives you things you can do together!

14. Respect their rules and boundaries.

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If you’re living at home or visiting, follow their house rules. If they prefer you don’t smoke in the house or want quiet after 10 pm, respect that. It shows maturity and consideration for their space. Their house, their rules, right?

15. Tell them you love them.

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It might seem obvious, but saying “I love you” can mean the world to your parents. Don’t assume they know — tell them regularly. A heartfelt expression of love can make their day and strengthen your relationship.