You love your partner and can’t believe how lucky you are to have finally found your person.

However, just because you’re crazy about someone doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right for you. You may already have the gut feeling that you’ve got a good thing going, but if you notice any (or hopefully all!) of these signs, you can rest assured that you’re absolutely right.
1. You’re comfortable being your authentic self around them.

There’s no need to put on a façade or pretend to be someone you’re not when you’re with them. You can be your true self, quirks and all, without fear of judgement. Whether you’re in your pyjamas with bedhead or all dolled up, they appreciate you just the same.
2. They make you laugh, even on your worst days.

Life isn’t always fun and games, but the right person has a knack for brightening even your gloomiest moments. Their silly jokes or goofy antics can turn your frown upside down when you need it most. No one can put a smile on your face quite like they can.
3. You can have deep, meaningful conversations that last for hours.

From discussing your dreams and fears to debating the meaning of life, you never run out of things to talk about. These conversations leave you feeling energised and understood, rather than drained or bored. You feel like you learn something new about them every single day.
4. They support your goals and ambitions.

The right person is your biggest cheerleader. They encourage you to pursue your passions and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. They’re there to offer a helping hand or words of encouragement when you need them because they believe in your potential.
5. You trust them completely.

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. With the right person, you never doubt their loyalty or intentions. You feel secure in your relationship, knowing they have your back no matter what.
6. They respect your boundaries and personal space.

While you enjoy spending time together, they understand the importance of maintaining your individuality. They respect your need for alone time or nights out with friends without making you feel guilty. They know that having your own lives outside of the relationship makes the relationship itself that much better.
7. You can disagree without it turning into a massive row.

Disagreements are normal, but with the right person, you can have healthy discussions without resorting to shouting or name-calling. You both listen to each other’s perspectives and work towards a compromise. There’s no obstacle too big to overcome together.
8. They make an effort to get along with your friends and family.

The right person understands that your loved ones are important to you. They make a genuine effort to build relationships with them, even if they don’t always see eye to eye. You’ve become part of their family, so they want to be part of yours.
9. You feel comfortable discussing finances together.

Money talks can be awkward, but with the right person, you can have open and honest conversations about your financial situation, goals, and concerns without judgement or secrecy. You’re committed to building a healthy financial future together.
10. They remember the little things that matter to you.

Whether it’s your favourite ice cream flavour or the name of your childhood pet, they pay attention to the details that make you who you are. These small gestures show they truly care about your happiness, and that’s really sweet.
11. You can be vulnerable with them.

Sharing your fears, insecurities, and past experiences can be scary, but with the right person, you feel safe opening up. They listen without judgement and offer comfort and support when you need it most. You never feel self-conscious or scared of judgement with them.
12. They bring out the best version of yourself.

The right person inspires you to grow and become a better version of yourself. They challenge you in positive ways and help you see your potential, even when you doubt yourself. You’re great on your own, but with them by your side, you’re even more amazing.
13. You have similar values and life goals.

While you don’t have to agree on everything, sharing core values and long-term goals is a must. With the right person, you’re on the same page about important life decisions like marriage, children, or career aspirations.
14. They’re willing to compromise and find solutions together.

Relationships require give and take. The right person is willing to meet you halfway and work together to find solutions that benefit both of you, rather than always insisting on having their way. Wherever you’re at, they’re happy to meet you halfway.
15. You feel physically and emotionally safe with them.

Safety is vital in any relationship. With the right person, you never feel threatened or afraid. They create an environment where you feel secure, both physically and emotionally.
16. They show appreciation for you regularly.

The right person doesn’t take you for granted. They express gratitude for both the big and small things you do, making you feel valued and appreciated in the relationship. They would never take you for granted because they never forget how lucky they are to have you by their side.
17. You can be silly and playful together.

Life’s too short to be serious all the time. With the right person, you can let loose, be goofy, and embrace your inner child without fear of judgement or embarrassment. What’s the fun in being serious all the time, anyway?
18. They’re there for you during tough times.

When life throws you curveballs, the right person stands by your side. They offer support, comfort, and practical help to get you through challenging periods, showing their commitment to the relationship.
19. You feel excited about building a future together.

Thinking about the future with the right person fills you with joy and excitement rather than dread or uncertainty. You can envision a life together and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead.
20. You simply feel at peace when you’re with them.

At the end of the day, being with the right person brings a sense of calm and contentment. Their presence feels like home, and you can’t imagine making your way through life with anyone else by your side.