How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Boredom


Everyone gets bored sometimes, but it’s how you deal with it that says a lot about you.


Whether or not you believe in horoscopes or astrology, it’s fun to consider the way each sign reacts to those days when y0u have no plans, no one’s around to talk to, you don’t feel like practising any of your hobbies, and you’re just a bit at a loss. Look for your sign and see if this seems true — mine actually is!

1. Aries (March 21–April 19): Starts a fight

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When an Aries gets bored, you should prepare for chaos. These fiery rams can’t stand inactivity, so they’ll create drama if there isn’t any. They might pick a fight with their partner over something trivial or start a heated debate on social media. Anything to get the blood pumping. If you’re an Aries, maybe try a boxing class instead of burning bridges, yeah?

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20): Comfort eating

Philippe Degroote

When a Taurus is bored, they head straight for the fridge. These earth signs find solace in sensory pleasures, and what’s more pleasurable than demolishing a family-size bar of Dairy Milk? They’ll justify it as “trying new recipes” but we all know it’s just fancy boredom eating. Maybe take up something like knitting instead. It keeps your hands busy and away from the biscuit tin.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20): Starts seventeen new hobbies

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Geminis don’t do bored. When tedium strikes, they’ll suddenly develop an interest in everything from beekeeping to Bolivian folk dancing. They’ll buy all the gear, talk everyone’s ear off about their new passion, then drop it entirely a week later. Maybe consider finishing one thing before starting another? Just a thought.

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22): Emotional deep dive

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When Cancers are bored, they turn inward. These sensitive souls will use the downtime to analyse every interaction they’ve had in the last decade. They’ll re-read old texts, overthink past conversations, and probably end up in an emotional puddle. Have you considered a hobby that doesn’t involve crying? Just asking.

5. Leo (July 23–August 22): Impromptu photoshoot

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A bored Leo is a dangerous thing — for their social media followers, that is. These attention-loving lions will stage an elaborate photoshoot, complete with costume changes and multiple locations around their house. Expect a flood of new profile pictures and a plea for likes. Maybe read a book instead of fishing for compliments?

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22): Cleans and organises

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Virgos see boredom as an opportunity to alphabetise their spice rack or colour-code their wardrobe. These perfectionists will deep clean areas of their home that haven’t seen the light of day in years. While it’s productive, it’s not exactly exciting. Ever thought about using your organisational skills for something fun? No?

7. Libra (September 23–October 22): Online shopping spree

Source: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

When boredom strikes, Libras open their laptops and flex their credit cards. These indecisive air signs will spend hours comparing products, reading reviews, and filling (then emptying) their online shopping baskets. They might not buy anything, but they’ll certainly kill time. Try to balance your budget instead of draining your bank account.

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21): Deep internet dive


Bored Scorpios are a search engine’s best friend. These intense water signs will disappear down an internet rabbit hole, researching obscure conspiracy theories or unsolved mysteries. They’ll emerge hours later with bloodshot eyes and a head full of useless facts. Your investigative skills would be much better used for something practical.

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21): Books a spontaneous trip

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Sagittarians don’t do bored. If they feel even a hint of tedium, they’ll book a last-minute flight to somewhere they can’t pronounce. These adventure-seekers would rather be broke than bored. While it’s exciting, it’s not great for job security or long-term plans. Ever heard of a staycation?

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19): Works overtime

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Capricorns see boredom as a sign they’re not being productive enough. These workaholics will find some extra work to do, even if it means logging in on their day off. They’ll reorganise their entire workflow system just to feel busy. You do know there’s more to life than work, right?

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18): Invents something

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When an Aquarius is bored, watch out. These innovative air signs will start inventing solutions to problems that don’t exist. They’ll try to revolutionise toast or create a new language. It’s creative, sure, but not always practical. If this is you, maybe solve some real-world problems instead of reinventing the wheel.

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20): Daydreams

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

Bored Pisces? Good luck getting their attention. These dreamy fish will float off into their own fantasy world, crafting elaborate scenarios in their head. They might not actually do anything, but they’ll have a great time in their imagination. Pisces, how about turning those daydreams into something tangible? Write a story, paint a picture, do something other than stare into space.