14 Inconsiderate Things You Do That Your Neighbours Secretly Hate

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There’s nothing worse than nightmare neighbours, so I’m sure you do your best not to be one of them.

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However, some of the things you think you’re doing out of consideration or kindness for the people who live next door to you may be things they wish you wouldn’t bother with. If you do any of these things, you could be annoying your neighbours rather than endearing yourself to them, so maybe give them a miss next time!

1. Overenthusiastic greetings every single time

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A friendly hello is always appreciated, but bombarding your neighbours with effusive greetings every time you cross paths can feel overwhelming. Some people are naturally more introverted or simply prefer a bit of quiet time. Respect their space and allow for casual, low-key interactions as well.

2. ‘Borrowing’ things without asking

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Even if it’s just a cup of sugar or a garden tool, always ask before taking something that belongs to your neighbour. It’s a matter of respect and basic courtesy. Assuming they won’t mind can lead to resentment and strained relationships.

3. Unannounced visits

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Popping over for a chat might seem friendly, but it can catch your neighbours off guard or interrupt their plans. Always check in first to see if it’s a convenient time to visit. Remember, everyone needs their personal space and downtime.

4. Loud music or DIY projects at inconvenient hours

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While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy your music or tackle those DIY projects, be mindful of the time and noise levels. Blasting loud music late at night or starting construction work early on a Sunday morning can disrupt your neighbours’ peace and quiet. Try to keep noise levels reasonable and be considerate of their schedules.

5. Letting your pets roam freely in their garden

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As much as we love our furry friends, not everyone appreciates them venturing into their gardens. Unattended pets can leave unwanted ‘gifts’, dig up flowerbeds, or frighten young children. Be a responsible pet owner and keep your animals contained within your own property.

6. Parking in front of their driveway or blocking access

Zelma Brezinska

Parking can be a contentious issue, especially in densely populated areas. Avoid parking in front of your neighbour’s driveway or blocking their access, even if it’s just for a few minutes. It can cause inconvenience and frustration, especially if they need to leave in a hurry.

7. Gossiping about them or their family

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Spreading rumours or engaging in gossip about your neighbours is a guaranteed way to create tension and mistrust. Respect their privacy and avoid discussing their personal lives with other people. If you have a genuine concern, address it directly with them in a respectful manner.

8. Overly ‘helpful’ advice or criticism

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Offering unsolicited advice or criticism about your neighbours’ lifestyle choices, gardening skills, or parenting techniques can come across as judgmental and intrusive. Unless they specifically ask for your opinion, it’s best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Focus on building a positive relationship based on mutual respect, not on trying to ‘fix’ them.

9. Ignoring shared boundaries or responsibilities

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If you share a fence, driveway, or any other common area with your neighbours, be mindful of your responsibilities. Neglecting maintenance, leaving rubbish on their side, or encroaching on their space can create friction and resentment. Open communication and a willingness to compromise are key to maintaining harmonious shared spaces.

10. Being overly nosy or intrusive

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While it’s natural to be curious about your neighbours, avoid prying into their personal lives or staring into their windows. Respect their privacy and avoid asking intrusive questions. A friendly wave or a brief chat is fine, but don’t overstep the boundaries of polite neighbourly interaction.

11. Failing to control excessive noise from your property

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Whether it’s loud parties, barking dogs, or DIY projects, excessive noise can be a major source of annoyance for your neighbours. Be mindful of the impact your activities might have on those around you and take steps to minimize noise pollution. If you’re planning a noisy event, let your neighbours know in advance and try to keep it within reasonable hours.

12. Not returning borrowed items in decent time

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If you borrow something from your neighbour, make sure to return it in a timely manner and in good condition. Failing to do so can create inconvenience and give the impression that you’re taking advantage of their kindness. A simple thank-you note or a small gesture of appreciation can also go a long way in maintaining good neighbourly relations.

13. Neglecting your own property’s appearance

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While you don’t need to have the most immaculate garden or the trendiest exterior, keeping your property reasonably tidy and well-maintained shows respect for your neighbours and the overall aesthetic of the neighbourhood. Overgrown lawns, overflowing bins, and general untidiness can negatively impact the curb appeal and create a sense of neglect.

14. Failing to communicate or address concerns directly

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If you have a concern or issue with your neighbour’s behaviour, the best approach is to address it directly with them in a calm and respectful manner. Avoid passive-aggressive notes or complaining to other neighbours. Open communication can often resolve misunderstandings and prevent minor issues from escalating into major conflicts.