15 Reasons To Embrace Your Average-ness

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The world wants you to believe you’re supposed to be extraordinary in every way, but I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.

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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being average. In fact, it can actually lead to a less stressful, much happier life for a number of reasons. Here’s why you should be more willing to embrace being ordinary a bit more often.

1. You can fly under the radar when you want to.

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Being average means you’re not always in the spotlight. Sometimes, that’s a real blessing. You can choose when to shine and when to blend in with the crowd. No one’s expecting you to perform miracles or save the day every time, and this gives you the freedom to pick your moments. Want to step up and be a hero? Go for it. Rather hang back and observe? That’s cool too. You’ve got options.

2. There’s less pressure to maintain a reputation.

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When you’re not known for being the best at something, you don’t have to stress about living up to expectations. You can have an off day without disappointing hordes of people. Think about it — no one’s going to write headlines about how Average Joe had a mediocre performance at work today. That’s liberating! You can focus on doing your best without the weight of the world on your shoulders.

3. You’re more relatable to most people.

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Most of us are pretty average in most areas of life. When you embrace your average-ness, you become instantly more relatable to the majority of people around you. You’re not intimidating or out of reach. People feel comfortable around you because they see themselves in you. Oddly enough, this can lead to deeper connections and more genuine relationships. After all, who wants to be friends with someone who’s perfect all the time?

4. You have more room for improvement.

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Being average means you have plenty of space to grow and improve. You’re not stuck at the top with nowhere to go — every small step forward is a victory, and there are lots of those steps ahead of you. All this potential for growth can be really exciting. It’s like having an endless supply of mini-achievements waiting for you. Plus, when you do improve, people notice and appreciate it more.

5. You can enjoy a wide variety of experiences.

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When you’re not hyper-focused on being the best at one thing, you’re free to try lots of different things. You can dip your toes into various hobbies, skills, and experiences without the pressure of mastering them all. Maybe you’ll be an okay painter, a decent cook, and a so-so guitarist. But hey, you get to enjoy all these activities without the stress of perfection.

6. You’re less likely to be a target of envy.

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Being at the top can make you a target for jealousy and resentment, but when you’re comfortably average, people are less likely to envy you. This means you can go about your life without worrying about other people trying to bring you down or competing with you all the time. It’s a more peaceful existence, really. You can be happy for other people’s achievements without feeling threatened, and they can do the same for you.

7. You can surprise people when you excel.


When you’re known for being average, any above-average performance is a happy surprise because you’ve set the bar low. People don’t expect greatness from you, so when you deliver it, it has a bigger impact. Having the element of surprise can work in your favour in many situations, from job interviews to social gatherings. You become the underdog everyone loves to root for.

8. You have a more balanced perspective on life.


Being average often means you’ve experienced both success and failure, which gives you a more balanced view of life. You understand that neither triumph nor defeat is permanent. A bit of perspective can help you get through life’s ups and downs with more grace. You’re less likely to get too high on your wins or too low on your losses. It’s a steadier, more even-keeled way to approach life.

9. You can appreciate the little things more.


When you’re not always chasing the next big achievement, you have time to notice and appreciate the small joys in life, and they become more meaningful. You’re not constantly comparing yourself to some impossible standard, so you can find happiness in the everyday stuff. High achievers don’t always notice these things, and they end up missing out.

10. You’re more adaptable.

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Being average often means you’ve developed a wide range of moderate skills, rather than specialising in one area. This makes you incredibly adaptable. You can fit into various situations and take on different roles as needed. Especially these days, this adaptability is a superpower. Maybe you’re not the best at any one thing, but you’re handy in all sorts of situations.

11. You have more realistic expectations.

Seva Levytskyi

Embracing your average-ness means you’re more likely to set realistic goals and expectations for yourself. This doesn’t mean settling for less, but rather understanding what’s achievable and what might be a stretch. You’re less likely to be disappointed because your expectations align more closely with reality. In the long run, you end up with greater satisfaction and happiness.

12. You’re less likely to burn out.

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The constant pressure to be the best can lead to burnout, but when you’re comfortable being average, you’re less likely to push yourself to unhealthy extremes. You understand the importance of balance and self-care, which doesn’t mean you don’t work hard, but you’re more likely to pace yourself and maintain a sustainable level of effort.

13. You can be more authentic.

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When you’re not trying to be exceptional all the time, you can be more true to yourself. You don’t have to put on a show or pretend to be something you’re not. Your authenticity is refreshing, both for you and for the people around you. You can admit your flaws, laugh at your mistakes, and be open about your struggles. That’s the kind of person I want to be around!

14. You have more time for what really matters.


Being average often means you’re not spending all your time and energy trying to be the best. This frees up time for the things that truly matter to you — whether that’s family, friends, hobbies, or personal growth. You’re not sacrificing everything else on the altar of achievement. Instead, you can cultivate a well-rounded life filled with a variety of experiences and relationships. It’s about quality of life, not just quantity of accomplishments.

15. You can find your own definition of success.

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When you embrace your average-ness, you free yourself from society’s narrow definition of success. You can decide for yourself what a good life looks like. Maybe for you, success is having a job you don’t hate, a few good friends, and time for your hobbies. Or maybe it’s being a reliable partner and parent. Whatever it is, you get to define it. You’re not chasing someone else’s idea of success, but creating your own. And that, ironically, is pretty exceptional.