18 Disadvantages Of Marrying An Older Man

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Many women find themselves attracted to older men thanks to their maturity and wisdom from having more life experience.

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And while there are plenty of advantages to saying “I do” with a man who’s got some years on you, there are some important things you’ll need to consider before making such a huge commitment to someone who’s older, especially if by more than a few years.

1. You might have to play nurse sooner than you’d like.

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Look, nobody likes to think about it, but health issues often crop up earlier for older folks. You might find yourself dealing with doctor’s appointments and medication schedules while your mates are still partying it up. It’s not exactly the glamorous life you might have pictured.

2. Your cultural references might as well be in different languages.

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You’re quoting memes, he’s quoting Monty Python. When you mention TikTok, he thinks you’re talking about the clock. The generation gap can lead to some proper awkward moments and inside jokes that just fall flat. It’s like you’re living in parallel universes sometimes.

3. You’ll probably cop some judgement from others.

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People can be right nosy parkers. Get ready for raised eyebrows, whispers behind your back, and maybe even some rude comments to your face. Some might assume you’re a gold digger, or that he’s having a midlife crisis. It’s rubbish, but it happens.

4. Your energy levels might be seriously mismatched.

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While you’re raring to go out dancing all night, he might be more interested in a quiet night in with a book. You could find yourself feeling a bit held back, or worse, resentful that you’re missing out on youthful experiences.

5. The bedroom action might not be what you expected.

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Let’s be real, as men get older, things don’t always work as well as they used to downstairs. You might have to deal with ED or a lower drive for intimacy than you’re used to. It’s not the end of the world, but it can be a bit of a downer.

6. You might feel like you’re living in a time warp.

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His home decor might be stuck in the 80s, and he might not see the need to upgrade that ancient telly. You could find yourself constantly pushing for modernisation while he’s happy with the way things are. It’s like living in a museum sometimes.

7. Your life goals might be wildly different.


You’re thinking about starting a family, he’s thinking about retirement. You want to travel the world, he’s been there, done that. Trying to align your life plans can be a right headache when you’re at such different stages.

8. You could end up feeling more like a carer than a partner.

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As he gets older, you might find yourself taking on more and more responsibilities. Driving him to appointments, helping with daily tasks — it can start to feel less like a partnership and more like a caretaking role. Not exactly romantic, is it?

9. You might have to deal with baggage from his past.

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Older men often come with ex-wives, kids, maybe even grandkids. You could find yourself navigating complicated family dynamics and feeling like you’re constantly competing with his past. It’s a lot to take on, especially if you’re younger and haven’t had those experiences yourself.

10. Your friends might not mix well with his.

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When you try to get your social circles together, it might be a bit of a disaster. Your mates want to talk about the latest Netflix series, his friends are discussing their investment portfolios. Finding common ground can be a right challenge.

11. He might be set in his ways.

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Older folks can be a bit stubborn about changing their habits. Whether it’s always having dinner at 6 pm sharp or refusing to try new cuisines, you might find yourself constantly butting heads over his rigid routines.

12. You could miss out on growing together.

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There’s something special about navigating your 20s and 30s with a partner who’s in the same boat. With an older man, you might feel like you’re playing catch-up, or that you’re missing out on the shared experience of figuring life out together.

13. Financial disagreements might be more complex.

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He might be focused on saving for retirement while you’re still in the building-your-career phase. Or maybe he’s got alimony payments that eat into your shared budget. Money matters can get complicated when there’s a big age gap.

14. You might feel intellectually outmatched at times.

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With more years under his belt, he’s had more time to accumulate knowledge and experience. While this can be great for learning, it can also make you feel a bit dim sometimes. It’s not always fun feeling like the ‘junior’ partner in conversations.

15. Your career might take a back seat.

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If he’s already established in his career or retiring, there might be an expectation for you to take on more domestic responsibilities. This could mean putting your own ambitions on hold, which might lead to resentment down the line.

16. You could become a young widow.

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It’s a grim thought, but it’s reality. Marrying someone significantly older means you’re likely to lose them earlier. You could find yourself dealing with grief and widowhood while your peers are still enjoying married life.

17. You might face pressure to have kids sooner.

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If he’s keen on having kids, there might be a sense of urgency due to his age. This could mean rushing into parenthood before you feel ready, which is a recipe for stress and potential regret.

18. You could miss out on shared nostalgia.

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There’s something special about reminiscing about shared cultural experiences with your partner. With a big age gap, you miss out on that. No joint memories of school discos or first concerts — your formative years happened in different decades.