21 Questionable Things Religion Wants You To Believe

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Religion has shaped human society for millennia, but that doesn’t make it right.

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Many religious teachings don’t stand up to scrutiny in the modern world. While faith is highly personal and should never be mocked or belittled, it also shouldn’t be followed blindly. Here are some of the more questionable teachings that should make you raise an eyebrow.

1. Blind faith is a virtue.

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Religious leaders often praise unquestioning belief as the highest form of devotion. They claim that doubting or questioning religious teachings shows a lack of faith. This stance discourages critical thinking and intellectual growth. It’s a convenient way for religious institutions to maintain control over their followers and avoid tough questions about inconsistencies in their doctrines.

2. Your life has a predetermined plan.

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Many religions push the idea that a higher power has mapped out your entire existence. This belief can lead to passivity and a reluctance to take charge of one’s life. It can also be used to justify inequality and suffering, as people are told to accept their circumstances as part of a divine plan. This mindset limits personal growth and social progress.

3. Morality comes only from religion.

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Religious institutions often claim a monopoly on ethical behaviour. They argue that without their guidance, people would have no moral compass. This ignores the fact that empathy and cooperation are innate human traits that evolved for our survival. It also dismisses the countless non-religious people who lead ethical lives based on reason and compassion.

4. Science and faith are incompatible.

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Some religious groups promote the false dichotomy that one must choose between scientific understanding and religious belief. This stance pits faith against reason, forcing people to reject evidence-based knowledge in favour of ancient texts. It hinders progress and understanding by encouraging wilful ignorance of scientific discoveries that contradict religious doctrines.

5. Suffering is noble.

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Religions often glorify suffering as a path to spiritual growth or divine favour. This belief can lead people to endure unnecessary hardship or abuse. It can also be used to justify oppression and inequality. While resilience in the face of genuine challenges is admirable, the idea that suffering itself is inherently good is harmful and manipulative.

6. Your body isn’t truly yours.

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Many religions claim ownership over followers’ bodies, dictating how they should dress, behave, and even procreate. This control extends to personal choices about sexuality, reproduction, and medical care. It’s a form of control that infringes on personal autonomy and bodily integrity. These rules often disproportionately target women and LGBTQ+ individuals.

7. Doubt is a sin.

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Religious teachings often frame doubt as a moral failing or a sign of weakness. This attitude stifles intellectual curiosity and personal growth. It creates an environment where questioning or critical thinking is seen as rebellion against divine authority. This mindset can trap people in harmful beliefs and prevent them from exploring alternative perspectives.

8. Children are born sinful.

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Some religions teach that humans are inherently flawed or evil from birth. This belief can instil unnecessary guilt and shame in children, potentially leading to long-term psychological issues. It also sets up a power dynamic where religious authorities position themselves as the sole source of redemption, creating a cycle of dependence and control.

9. Natural disasters are a form of divine punishment.

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Attributing natural disasters to divine wrath is a common religious trope. This belief ignores scientific explanations and promotes a cruel, vengeful image of deity. It can lead to victim-blaming and prevent practical approaches to disaster prevention and relief. This mindset can also increase anxiety and fear in communities prone to natural disasters.

10. Prayer is more effective than action.

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While prayer can provide comfort, some religions emphasise it as a solution to real-world problems. This can lead to neglect of practical actions and responsibilities. It can also create a false sense of having addressed an issue without actually doing anything tangible. This belief can hinder personal growth and societal progress by discouraging proactive problem-solving.

11. Afterlife matters more than present life.

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Many religions place greater importance on the afterlife than on the present. This can lead to neglect of current responsibilities and relationships. It can also be used to justify enduring injustice or hardship in this life with the promise of rewards in the next. This focus on the afterlife can prevent people from fully engaging with and improving their current circumstances.

12. Miracles supersede science.

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The belief in miracles as explanations for unexplained events undermines scientific inquiry and rational thinking. It can lead to dangerous practices like refusing medical treatment in favour of faith healing. This mindset also discourages critical thinking and can leave people vulnerable to charlatans claiming miraculous powers.

13. Holy books are infallible.

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Many religions claim their sacred texts are perfect and without error. This belief ignores historical context, translation issues, and contradictions within the texts. It can lead to rigid interpretations that are at odds with modern knowledge and ethics. This stance also discourages critical reading and analysis of these important cultural documents.

14. Obedience is more important than ethics.

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Some religious teachings prioritise obedience to authority over personal moral judgement. This can lead to people committing unethical acts in the name of faith. It also discourages the development of individual ethical reasoning. This mindset can be particularly dangerous when religious leaders abuse their authority or promote harmful ideologies.

15. Guilt is a useful tool.

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Religions often use guilt as a means of control and behaviour modification. While reflection on one’s actions can be healthy, excessive guilt can lead to low self-esteem and mental health issues. This tactic is particularly harmful when applied to natural human desires or unchangeable aspects of one’s identity.

16. Faith healing works.

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The promotion of faith healing as an alternative to medical treatment can have deadly consequences. It often preys on vulnerable people desperate for cures. This belief can lead to delays in seeking proper medical care, resulting in unnecessary suffering and death. It also exploits people’s hopes and fears for financial gain.

17. Prosperity gospel is valid.

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The idea that faith and donations will lead to material wealth is a manipulative teaching found in some religions. It exploits people’s financial desperation and can lead to reckless financial decisions. This belief often enriches religious leaders while leaving followers in debt. It also promotes a materialistic view of spirituality that contradicts many religious teachings.

18. End times are imminent.

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Many religions have long promoted the idea that the world is about to end. This belief can lead to neglect of long-term planning and environmental stewardship. It can also cause anxiety and fear, especially in children. This mindset can be used to justify extreme actions or to dismiss real-world problems as unimportant in the face of imminent apocalypse.

19. Demons cause mental illness.

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Attributing mental health issues to demonic possession or spiritual failings is a dangerous religious belief. It stigmatises mental illness and can prevent people from seeking proper treatment. This mindset can lead to harmful practices like exorcisms instead of medical care. It also perpetuates misunderstanding and fear around mental health issues.

20. Celibacy is superior.

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Some religions elevate celibacy as a more spiritual or pure state than sexual relationships. This belief can lead to unhealthy attitudes towards physical intimacy and relationships. It can also create unrealistic expectations and guilt around natural human desires. This mindset has contributed to scandals in religious institutions and personal struggles for many believers.

21. Your worth depends on your beliefs.

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Many religions teach that a person’s value is tied to their faith. This can lead to discrimination against non-believers and create divisions in families and communities. It promotes an us-versus-them mentality that can fuel conflicts. This belief undermines the inherent worth of all humans, regardless of their religious views.