Relationships thrive on balance, mutual effort, and respect.

That being said, sometimes you might end up giving a whole lot more than you’re getting, and that can leave you feeling exhausted and unappreciated. If you’re putting in more than your fair share of energy, time, or emotions, don’t ignore it. If you do these things for your partner, you’re in more of a one-sided relationship than you’d probably like to admit, and you can’t go on like this. It’s probably time for a very serious chat with your other half.
1. You’re always the one initiating plans.

If you’re the one constantly texting, calling, or making plans, it might feel like the relationship depends entirely on your effort. A healthy dynamic should involve equal enthusiasm and initiative from both partners. If it doesn’t, you might be carrying the relationship alone.
2. You compromise far more often than they do.

Compromise is essential in any relationship, but if you’re the one constantly bending to accommodate their needs, it’s a red flag. Sacrificing your preferences every time can leave you feeling resentful and unheard.
3. Your emotional support isn’t reciprocated.

Being there for your partner during tough times is part of a strong relationship, but it should go both ways. If you’re always the one offering support while your needs are overlooked, the imbalance can weigh heavily on your emotional health.
4. They don’t put effort into resolving conflicts.

Every couple has disagreements, but it takes effort from both sides to resolve them. If your partner avoids difficult conversations, dismisses your feelings, or expects you to fix things on your own, it’s a sign they’re not fully invested in the relationship.
5. You’re constantly defending their behaviour.

Whether it’s to friends, family, or even yourself, having to justify your partner’s actions can be exhausting. If you’re frequently making excuses for their lack of effort or inconsiderate behaviour, it might be time to reevaluate the dynamic.
6. You invest more time and energy into the relationship.

If you’re the one rearranging your schedule, making sacrifices, or going out of your way to maintain the relationship while they put in minimal effort, the imbalance becomes glaringly obvious. Relationships require mutual investment to thrive.
7. Your accomplishments aren’t celebrated.

When you achieve something important, your partner should be your biggest cheerleader. If they downplay your successes or seem indifferent, it’s a sign they’re not valuing your growth or happiness as much as they should.
8. They take you for granted.

When your efforts go unnoticed or are expected as a given, it can feel like your contributions are undervalued. A partner who appreciates you will show gratitude for what you bring to the relationship, no matter how small.
9. They rarely apologise.

If your partner struggles to take accountability for their actions or refuses to apologise when they’ve hurt you, it shows a lack of respect and effort. A one-sided relationship often leaves you carrying the emotional burden alone.
10. You feel like their therapist.

Being supportive is one thing, but if your partner treats you like their therapist—unloading their problems without showing interest in yours—it can be emotionally draining. A healthy relationship involves mutual sharing and support, not one-sided emotional labour.
11. You’re constantly walking on eggshells.

Feeling like you have to tiptoe around your partner to avoid upsetting them is a sign of an unhealthy dynamic. If you’re putting all the effort into keeping the peace while they show no willingness to meet you halfway, it’s not sustainable.
12. They don’t prioritise your needs.

In a balanced relationship, both partners should make an effort to meet each other’s needs. If your partner routinely dismisses or ignores what’s important to you, it signals that they aren’t fully invested in creating a supportive partnership.
13. Your partner’s needs always come first.

If you’re constantly prioritising their happiness at the expense of your own, it’s a clear sign of imbalance. Relationships are about mutual care and effort—your needs deserve just as much attention as theirs.
14. They only reach out when they need something.

If your partner only contacts you when they need a favour, emotional support, or help with something, it’s a red flag. A healthy relationship involves connecting for the joy of it, not just for convenience.
15. You feel drained rather than fulfilled.

Relationships should add to your life, not deplete you. If spending time with your partner leaves you feeling exhausted, unappreciated, or emotionally spent, it’s a sign that you’re giving too much without receiving enough in return.
16. They don’t show interest in your life.

Your partner should care about your passions, hobbies, and day-to-day experiences. If they rarely ask about your life or seem disinterested when you share, it’s a sign that the relationship is one-sided.
17. You’re the one solving all the problems.

If your partner avoids addressing issues or relies on you to manage everything, it creates an unequal dynamic. Problem-solving should be a shared responsibility, not something that falls entirely on one person’s shoulders.
18. You’re constantly justifying why you stay.

If you find yourself frequently questioning your relationship and coming up with reasons to stay, it’s a sign that the partnership may not be meeting your needs. Healthy relationships shouldn’t require constant justification—they should feel right without overthinking.
19. You feel unappreciated and undervalued.

If your partner doesn’t express gratitude for your efforts or acknowledge your contributions, it can lead to feelings of unworthiness. Being in a relationship where you’re not valued is emotionally draining and unsustainable in the long term.
20. You’ve lost your sense of self.

When you invest too much in a relationship without receiving the same energy in return, it’s easy to lose touch with your own identity. If your goals, passions, or friendships have taken a bback seat it’s time to reevaluate whether the relationship is serving you or holding you back.