20 Signs You Possess Extra-Sensory Perception

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Have you ever had a hunch that turned out to be spot on, or experienced déjà vu so strong it gave you goosebumps?

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While sceptics might brush these off as coincidences, some believe these experiences could be signs of extra-sensory perception, or ESP. I’m not saying it’s true or that it even exists, but for those who believe in it, these experiences are clear indicators of possessing this special ability.

1. You often know who’s calling before you check your phone.

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You think of someone and suddenly, they ring. If this happens to you a lot, it might be more than just chance. This could be a sign of telepathy, a form of ESP where you’re picking up on other people’s thoughts or intentions before they act on them. Hey, it could happen!

2. You have vivid dreams that sometimes come true.

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If you’ve ever had a dream that later played out in real life, you might have experienced precognitive dreaming. This doesn’t mean every dream is a prophecy, but if you notice a pattern of dreams accurately predicting future events, it could be a sign of ESP.

3. You get strong gut feelings about people or situations.

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Do you often have instant likes or dislikes about people you’ve just met? Or, maybe you’ve had a sudden urge to avoid a certain place or situation? These intuitive feelings could be your ESP picking up on energies or information that your conscious mind hasn’t processed yet.

4. You’re highly sensitive to other people’s feelings.

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If you’re easily affected by the moods of those around you, even when they’re trying to hide their feelings, you might be an empath. This heightened emotional sensitivity could be a form of ESP that allows you to pick up on other people’s emotional states on a deeper level.

5. You experience déjà vu a lot.

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While occasional déjà vu is common, if you regularly feel like you’ve experienced a moment before, it could be a sign of ESP. Some believe this sensation occurs when your intuitive mind has already experienced an event before it happens in real time.

6. You can sense when someone is staring at you.

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Have you ever felt eyes on you, only to turn around and catch someone looking? This could be your ESP at work, picking up on the energy or intention directed towards you even when you can’t see it.

7. You’re really good at finding things that are lost.

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If you’re often the go-to person when something goes missing, you might have a touch of psychometry — the ability to sense information about an object or its owner through touch or proximity. This could guide you to lost items more easily than others.

8. You’ve experienced unexplainable physical sensations.

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Sudden chills, tingling sensations, or goosebumps that aren’t related to temperature could be signs of clairsentience — the ability to physically sense energies or presences around you that other people might not notice.

9. You often finish other people’s sentences.

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While this can happen in close relationships, if you frequently know what someone is going to say before they say it, even with people you don’t know well, it could be a sign of telepathic abilities (or a deep connection with the person that’s a bit more down to earth).

10. You have a strong connection with animals.

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If animals seem naturally drawn to you, or if you feel you can understand their needs without obvious cues, you might have a form of ESP that allows you to communicate with or sense animals on a deeper level.

11. You’ve had out-of-body experiences.

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Feeling like you’ve left your body or viewed yourself from outside is often associated with astral projection, a form of ESP where consciousness can separate from the physical body.

12. You’re highly intuitive about health issues.

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If you often sense when you or other people are about to get sick, or if you can pinpoint health issues without obvious symptoms, you might have a form of medical intuition, an ESP ability related to health and the body. Does this exist? That’s up for debate, but if you’ve experienced it, who am I to say otherwise?

13. You’re sensitive to changes in energy.

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Do you notice subtle shifts in the atmosphere of a room or between people? This sensitivity to energy changes could be a sign of clairsentience that lets you pick up on even the most understated vibes.

14. You’ve experienced synchronicities frequently.

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If you often encounter meaningful coincidences or see repeated numbers or symbols, it could be your ESP guiding you towards important insights or decisions.

15. You have a strong sense of direction.

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An uncanny ability to navigate or find your way in unfamiliar places without maps could be a sign of ESP related to spatial awareness and location. Or, you know, you could just be very good at directions.

16. You’ve had premonitions that came true.


If you’ve experienced sudden, strong feelings about future events that later occurred, it could be a sign of precognition, a form of ESP related to foreseeing the future. That, or people’s behaviour is just incredibly predictable…

17. You can sense the history of objects or places.

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If you’ve ever touched an object or entered a place and suddenly felt overwhelmed with impressions of its past, you might have psychometric abilities, an ESP skill related to reading the energy imprints of things or locations.

18. You’re highly creative with sudden bursts of inspiration.

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While creativity itself isn’t ESP, if you experience sudden, intense bursts of inspiration or ideas that seem to come from nowhere, it could be your intuition tapping into a broader consciousness.

19. You’ve experienced telepathic communication.

woman in coffee shop looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

If you’ve ever felt like you’ve communicated with someone without speaking, or known exactly what a loved one was thinking, it could be a sign of telepathic abilities.

20. You’re often right about your hunches.

sad blonde woman head in handsSource: Unsplash

While everyone has hunches, if yours consistently turn out to be correct, even when you have no logical reason for them, it could be a sign that your ESP is guiding your intuition.