20 Reasons Why Some Extroverts Might Be Introverts Too

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We often think of introverts and extroverts as being on complete opposite ends of the spectrum, but that’s not necessarily the case.

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Like most things in life, personality types are usually a bit more nuanced than that, and very few people are 100% one thing. In fact, as a study published in Psychological Science points out, a vast majority of people are actually ambiverts, which means a bit of both. No matter how loud and outgoing they are, here’s why some extroverts often have plenty of introverted tendencies and traits that you wouldn’t expect.

1. They need alone time to recharge after socialising, too.

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Sure, they might be the life of the party, but if they need a day of Netflix and chill to recover, there’s some introvert lurking in there. Even social butterflies who occasionally need to retreat into a cocoon. Being ‘on’ all the time is exhausting, even for the chattiest people.

2. They enjoy deep, one-on-one conversations.

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If your extrovert mate prefers intimate chats over small talk, their inner introvert is showing. They might rock at working the room, but they truly shine in those heart-to-hearts. They just happen to be good at adapting to their audience, so they can do both.

3. They sometimes feel overwhelmed in large crowds.

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There are some extroverts that occasionally find loud parties or packed concerts a bit much, believe it or not. They might love people, but sometimes too many bodies in one space feels like sensory overload. It’s not claustrophobia — it’s their inner introvert screaming for space.

4. They’re selective about their close friends.

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An extrovert with a small, tight-knit group of besties has an inner introvert who’s being very picky.  They might chat up everyone at work, but when it comes to real friendship, quality trumps quantity. They have plenty of acquaintances, sure, but it’s their few true friends they really value.

5. They enjoy solo hobbies.

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If your extroverted pal has a passion for painting, reading, or any solo activity, their introverted side is peeking through. They might love a good party, but they also cherish their ‘me time’. They know that they need a balance to stay in a good place mentally, and lucky for them, this comes naturally.

6. They sometimes struggle with being the centre of attention.

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Not all extroverts want to hog the spotlight 24/7 — some actually shy away from it because they have an introverted side too. They might usually love being in the limelight, but sometimes they’d rather blend into the background. It really all depends on their mood on the day.

7. They need time to process their thoughts before speaking.

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If your chatty friend sometimes pauses to gather their thoughts, they’re showing introverted tendencies. They might be quick thinkers, but when it comes to important topics, they prefer to think before they speak. They don’t just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind for the sake of it — they’re capable of being much more considered.

8. They enjoy working independently.

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Not all extroverts would rather work as a group — some prefer solo projects any day of the week, and that’s indicative of introversion. They might be team players, but sometimes they produce their best work on their own. There are fewer distractions that way, and they can work at their own pace, which they find refreshing.

9. They sometimes feel drained after giving presentations or speeches.

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If your outgoing mate needs downtime after public speaking, their inner introvert is demanding a break. They might nail the performance, but the aftermath requires recovery. They don’t find it a struggle, but they do need to regroup after having it all together for so long.

10. They cherish their personal space.


There are some extroverts who get territorial about their room or office, and that’s the introvert in them setting boundaries. They might love having people around, but they also need their own sanctuary. This is their space to decompress and recharge their batteries — introverts know the importance of this space all too well!

11. They occasionally turn down invitations to social events.

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If your party-loving friend sometimes opts for a quiet night in, their introverted side is calling the shots. They might usually be up for anything, but sometimes Netflix and a takeaway win out. We all need a rest day every once in a while, don’t we?

12. They enjoy nature and quiet surroundings.

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Extroverts who find peace in the great outdoors or silent spaces clearly have an introvert side that prefers tranquillity and quiet. They might thrive in bustling cities, but sometimes they need to escape the noise. A weekend away in the countryside does them wonders, and then they can get back to being their outgoing selves.

13. They sometimes feel awkward in new social situations.

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If your confident mate gets jittery in unfamiliar social settings, that’s a sign of more introverted tendencies. They might be social pros in their comfort zone, but new territories can be daunting. While they adapt well, sometimes quick changes leave them feeling awkward and unsure, even momentarily.

14. They value their privacy.

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Not all extroverts shout TMI from the rooftops — a lot of them prefer to keep their cards a bit closer to their chests. That’s their introverted side guarding personal information. They might be open books in many ways, but some chapters remain private. It’s only when they truly get to know and trust someone that they’re willing to open up more.

15. They sometimes prefer texting to calling.

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If your talkative friend often opts for messaging over phone calls, their inner introvert is tapping out the texts. They might love a good chin-wag, but sometimes they prefer the control and space that texting provides. And hey, we introverts get that — it’s easier to express yourself in written form, I think!

16. They need time to switch between tasks or environments.

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Extroverts who struggle with quick transitions are very much like introverts, who often need a moment to adjust. They might be adaptable, but sometimes they need a buffer between activities. It won’t take them long to catch up, but a bit of grace is appreciated.

17. They enjoy introspection and self-reflection.

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If your outgoing friend has a contemplative side, their inner introvert is doing some soul-searching. They might love external stimulation, but they also value looking inward. They know they can’t ever evolve as people if they’re not willing to dig deep.

18. They sometimes feel exhausted after extended periods of socialising.

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Believe it or not, there are some experts who crash after a week of non-stop social events, just like us introverts. They might love the social whirlwind, but eventually, they need to touch ground. They always use this time wisely, which is why when they are at the party, they’re the life of it!

19. They appreciate comfortable silences in conversations.

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If your chatty friend can enjoy quiet moments without feeling the need to fill them, they’re more introverted than you probably imagined. They might be great at keeping the conversation flowing, but they also understand the value of shared silence. It’s actually pretty comforting!

20. They have a rich imagination and a lot of deep thoughts.


Extroverts with vivid imaginations or complex inner lives are very much like introverts. They might love external experiences, but they also have a lot going on upstairs. Don’t sell them short!