If the loved-up couples you see in public make you want to puke, you’re not necessarily bitter — they can actually be kind of gross.

Sure, love is a beautiful thing and all of that, but some couples seem to take obnoxiousness to a whole new level. When you see them, instead of feeling jealous that they’ve found their person and lonely because you’re on your own, you actually end up feeling kind of… thankful? Weird, but true!
1. They finish each other’s sentences, but not in a cute way.

It might seem sweet at first, but when couples constantly interrupt each other to finish sentences, it can be really annoying for everyone else. That’s because it often leads to misunderstandings and can make conversations with the pair feel like a game of verbal ping-pong. Can they not let each other finish their own sentences?
2. They use irritating pet names in public.

Hearing ‘schnookums’ or ‘baby cakes’ once is bearable, but when every other word is a saccharine nickname, it can quickly become nauseating. Their constant use of pet names in public spaces often makes everyone feel uncomfortable and excluded from conversations. Plus, it just seems very immature and over the top, no matter how in love they are.
3. They engage in public displays of affection that go too far.

A quick peck or hand-holding is one thing, but full-on snogging sessions in the queue at Tesco is quite another. Couples who can’t keep their hands off each other in public often make everyone around them feel like unwilling voyeurs. Get a room!
4. They have their own ‘couple language’ that no one else understands.

Inside jokes and shared experiences are part of any relationship, but some couples take it to the extreme. When their conversations are filled with references and code words that only they understand, it can leave everyone around them feeling completely lost and excluded. Can’t they save that for when they’re on their own?
5. They post overly mushy content on social media.

A few cute couple photos are fine, but when every post is a declaration of undying love or a play-by-play of their date night, it can be overwhelming. Their constant need for public validation of their relationship often comes across as insecure rather than romantic. What are they trying to prove, and to whom?
6. They refuse to do anything separately.

Some couples seem to have forgotten that they’re individual people with their own lives. When they can’t even pop to the shops without their partner, it can seem suffocating. Their lack of independence often leads to an unhealthy dynamic that can be uncomfortable for other people to witness because we all know it’s bound to crash and burn.
7. They have pointless arguments in front of other people.

Disagreements are normal, but some couples seem to enjoy bickering about stupid things in public. Whether it’s debating the correct way to load the dishwasher or arguing about directions, these petty squabbles can make social situations awkward for everyone else.
8. They constantly talk about their relationship milestones.

While it’s nice to celebrate anniversaries, some couples take it to the extreme. When they’re marking every month, week, or even day of their relationship, it can feel excessive. Such a constant need to commemorate their coupledom can be tiresome for their friends and family, not to mention it seems like they’re overcompensating.
9. They make big decisions without consulting each other.

On the flip side of doing everything together, some couples make important choices without involving their partner. Whether it’s booking a holiday or making a large purchase, their lack of communication can lead to tension that’s uncomfortable for other people to witness (and it ALWAYS explodes in public, for some reason).
10. They play the ‘couple card’ to get out of plans.

Using their relationship as an excuse to bail on plans is a common couple quirk. When they consistently prioritise couple time over friendships, it can be frustrating for those who want to maintain connections with them as individuals. Also, please don’t bring your partner to girls’ or guys’ night. You can bear to be apart for a few hours!
11. They have the same argument over and over again.

Some couples seem to be stuck in a loop, rehashing the same disagreements without resolution. Whether it’s about household chores or communication styles, these recurring arguments can be draining for both the couple and their friends who have to listen to it repeatedly.
12. They try to set up all their single friends.

While the intention might be good, couples who constantly try to play matchmaker can be overbearing. Because they’re in a relationship, they suddenly believe that everyone needs to be paired up to be happy, which can be irritating for those who are content with their single status.
13. They give unsolicited relationship advice.

Some couples, especially those in long-term relationships, fancy themselves experts on love. Their tendency to dole out advice, whether asked for or not, can be patronising and annoying, particularly to those who are happily single or in different types of relationships.
14. They have competitive ‘couple wars’ with other pairs.

Couples who constantly try to one-up other couples can be exhausting. Whether it’s about who had the most romantic proposal or who’s more in sync, their competitiveness often leaves single friends feeling like spectators in an unnecessary contest.
15. They have oddly specific routines that can’t be broken.

While routines can be comforting, some couples take it to the extreme. When they refuse to alter their Taco Tuesday or Sunday morning pancake ritual for any reason, it can make socialising with them difficult and inflexible.
16. They refer to themselves in the plural constantly.

Couples who always use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’, even when talking about individual preferences or experiences, can be frustrating. It makes it seem like they’ve lost their individual identities, which can be off-putting to people who value independence.
17. They force their friends to double date.

While double dates can be fun, some couples insist on turning every social interaction into one. This can be particularly annoying for single friends who are constantly left out or for those who prefer to maintain separate friendships outside of their relationship.
18. They have bizarre rituals that make others uncomfortable.

From elaborate handshakes to strange inside jokes, some couples develop rituals that can make other people feel like outsiders. These quirky habits might be endearing to the couple, but they often create awkward moments for everyone else.
19. They can’t make decisions without consulting each other.

When a simple question like ‘What would you like to drink?’ turns into a lengthy discussion between partners, it becomes really annoying to witness. Their inability to make independent decisions, even about small things like whether to get whipped cream on their cappuccino, often slows down social interactions and can be quite irritating.