18 Ways Getting Older Humbles You In Ways You Never Expected

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If you thought all you’d have to do with is grey hair and arthritic joints as you got older, you’re in for a wake-up call.

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Ageing is a privilege, no doubt, and something we should all be grateful for. However, it also comes with a whole host of changes not just to your physical self but to your lifestyle as a whole that can be hard to swallow, especially if you’re not expecting them. Here are some ways getting older humbles you, but hey, that’s not necessarily a bad thing!

1. Your body doesn’t bounce back like it used to.


Remember those days when you could party all night and still function the next day? Suddenly, a late night leaves you feeling rough for days. It’s a humbling reminder that you’re not as invincible as you once thought. You start to realise that taking care of your body isn’t just about looking good, but about feeling good and staying functional.

2. You realise how little you actually know.

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As a youngster, you might have thought you had it all figured out, but with age comes the dawning realisation that the more you learn, the more you understand how much you don’t know. It’s a humbling but exciting prospect because this awareness opens up a whole new world of curiosity and learning.

3. Your metabolism slows down.

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Gone are the days when you could eat whatever you wanted without consequence. Now, that extra slice of cake goes straight to your waistline — especially if you’re a woman in the menopause! It’s a humbling reminder that you can’t take your health for granted anymore. You start to appreciate the importance of balanced nutrition and regular exercise in a way you never did before.

4. You start forgetting things.

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Walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there becomes a regular occurrence. It’s a humbling experience that reminds you your mind isn’t the steel trap it once was. You might even start developing new strategies to remember things, like keeping lists or setting reminders on your phone.

5. Technology starts to baffle you.

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Remember when you were the go-to person for tech advice? Now you’re asking your niece how to use the latest app. It’s a humbling reminder that the world keeps moving forward, with or without you. You start to appreciate the patience younger people show when explaining new technology to you, remembering when you were in their shoes. (However, you maintain that you’ll never understand TikTok.)

6. You realise your parents were right about a lot of things.

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All those pieces of advice you rolled your eyes at in your youth? Turns out, they were spot on. It’s humbling to realise that your parents had more wisdom than you gave them credit for. You probably even start repeating the same advice to younger people in your life, coming full circle. Admit it, you know it’s true!

7. Your taste in music is no longer ‘cool’.

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One day, you realise that the music you love is now on the ‘oldies’ station. It’s a humbling moment when you accept that your tastes are no longer at the cutting edge, but you also realise that there’s a certain freedom in enjoying what you like, regardless of whether it’s considered cool or not. It’s okay that Sabrina Carpenter and Billie Eilish aren’t your cup of tea — you had your own idols as a young person!

8. You can’t pull all-nighters anymore.

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Whether for work or fun, staying up all night becomes a nearly impossible task and frankly, you’re just not willing to do it anymore. Your body humbles you by demanding its eight hours, no negotiations. You start to prioritise sleep in a way you never did before, realising just how important it is for your overall health.

9. You start making noises when you sit down or stand up.

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Those involuntary grunts and sighs when you move? They’re here to stay. It’s a humbling reminder that your body is changing, whether you like it or not. You might even catch yourself laughing at these new sound effects. Hey, you have to see the funny side of getting older, right?

10. You realise you can’t change the world overnight.

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The youthful idealism of changing the world gives way to a more nuanced understanding of how change happens. It’s humbling to realise that progress often comes in small, incremental steps. The good thing is that understanding this also brings a deeper appreciation for the small positive changes you can make in your immediate environment.

11. Your hangovers get worse.

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What used to be a minor inconvenience now feels like a three-day ordeal. It’s a stark reminder that your body can’t process toxins like it used to. You start to weigh the pros and cons of that extra drink more carefully, often opting for quality over quantity. Good choice!

12. You start relating more to the parents in films than the kids.

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Suddenly, the ‘boring’ adult characters seem sensible and relatable. It’s a humbling moment when you realise you’ve crossed that invisible line. All of a sudden, you’re nodding along with the parent characters’ decisions and wondering why the younger characters are making such reckless choices.

13. You can’t eat whatever you want anymore.

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That spicy curry or greasy burger that was once a staple now gives you indigestion. Sadly, you tend to realise the hard way that your diet needs to change with your age. You start to appreciate lighter, healthier meals, and might even start enjoying foods you used to hate as a kid.

14. You realise happiness is in the simple things.


The pursuit of grand achievements gives way to appreciating a quiet evening at home. It’s humbling to realise that contentment often comes from the things you once took for granted. You start to find joy in small pleasures like a nice meal, some quality family time, or just a quiet walk in the park on a cool autumn day.

15. You start forgetting pop culture references.

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Suddenly, you’re the one not getting the jokes or references in conversations. Basically, you’re not as ‘with it’ as you once were, and that’s a tough pill to swallow. However, you also realise that it’s okay not to know everything, and there’s always something new to learn from younger generations.

16. You appreciate your health more.

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Aches and pains that never existed before start cropping up, and you realise now more than ever that good health is a gift, not a guarantee. You start to prioritise your health more, whether it’s through regular check-ups, better diet, or more consistent exercise.

17. You realise time is finite.

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The sense of having all the time in the world fades. It’s a humbling but motivating realisation that your time is precious and limited, since being aware of this can lead to better prioritisation of your time and energy, focusing on what truly matters to you.

18. You understand that life is complex.

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The black-and-white viewpoints of youth give way to seeing the shades of grey in every situation. It’s humbling to realise that life is far more complicated than you once thought, but understanding this often leads to more empathy and less judgement towards other people. Everyone is fighting their own battles, so it’s important to be kind to one another, right?