18 Things People Think Make Them Smart That Are Actually Meaningless

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There’s been a tide of anti-intellectualism for at least the past decade or so, but it seems to have got worse than ever.

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Shockingly, a lot of people actually seem proud of their ignorance, and it’s unclear how or when that will ever change. However, I’m actually not really sure which is worse — the wilfully idiotic or those who want so badly to seem smart that they do a whole bunch of meaningless and cringeworthy things that are the antithesis of intelligence. Here are some things some people think will make them look like modern-day Einsteins, but actually have the opposite effect.

1. Using big words unnecessarily

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Sure, you might know what “antidisestablishmentarianism” means, but dropping it into casual conversation doesn’t make you a genius. It just makes you sound like you swallowed a dictionary. Besides, what is this, Year 7? Real intelligence is about communicating clearly, not confusing everyone around you with fancy words. If you’re using “utilise” instead of “use” just to sound smart, you might want to rethink your strategy.

2. Bragging about their IQ score

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News flash: your IQ score is about as relevant in real life as how many GCSEs you got. Intelligence is way more complex than a single number can capture. Plus, constantly mentioning your IQ is more likely to make people think you’re insecure than intelligent. If you’re truly smart, you probably don’t need to tell everyone about it.

3. Name-dropping philosophers

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Quoting Nietzsche doesn’t automatically make you deep or intelligent. Understanding and applying philosophical concepts is great, but if you’re just throwing around names to sound smart, you’re not fooling anyone. Real wisdom comes from thoughtful reflection, not from memorising a bunch of dead men’s quotes.

4. Correcting minor grammar mistakes


Nobody likes a grammar nerd. Yes, good grammar is important, but pointing out every tiny mistake in someone’s casual speech or writing doesn’t make you look smart. It just makes you look pedantic and annoying. Context matters, and in most casual situations, the message is more important than perfect grammar.

5. Bragging about how little they sleep

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Congrats, you’re sleep-deprived. That’s not a sign of intelligence, it’s a health concern. The idea that smart people don’t need sleep is a myth. In fact, getting enough rest is vital for cognitive function. Bragging about your all-nighters isn’t impressing anyone; it’s just making everyone wonder why you can’t manage your time better.

6. Always playing devil’s advocate

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There’s a time and place for debate, but if you’re constantly arguing the opposite viewpoint just to show off, you’re not coming across as intelligent. You’re coming across as contrarian and exhausting. True intellectual curiosity means being open to different ideas, not just opposing everything for the sake of argument.

7. Dismissing popular culture


Thinking you’re too smart for pop culture doesn’t make you intelligent, it makes you out of touch. There’s nothing inherently unintelligent about enjoying mainstream movies, music, or TV shows. In fact, being able to engage with and analyse popular culture can be a sign of social and cultural intelligence. Also, it’s just a great way to unwind and enjoy something.

8. Bragging about how quickly they read

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Speed reading isn’t a superpower; comprehension and critical thinking matter more than how fast you can flip pages. If you’re racing through books just to up your Goodreads count, you’re missing the point. Quality beats quantity when it comes to reading, every time.

9. Claiming they don’t watch TV

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Saying “I don’t even own a TV” with a smug smile doesn’t make you look smart; it makes you look pretentious. There’s plenty of intelligent, thought-provoking content on television. Dismissing an entire medium doesn’t show intelligence, it shows closed-mindedness. Anyone who doesn’t watch TV must have a very sad life.

10. Overusing sarcasm

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Sarcasm can be witty, but if it’s your default mode of communication, you might be trying too hard. Constant sarcasm often masks insecurity rather than showcasing intelligence. True wit involves knowing when to use sarcasm and when to be sincere.

11. Name-dropping posh schools

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We get it, you went to Oxford. Or your cousin did. Or you once drove past it. Whatever the case, constantly bringing up elite universities doesn’t make you sound smart. It makes you sound like you’re trying to compensate for something. Intelligence and education aren’t limited to brand-name schools.

12. Always having to be right

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Intelligent people can admit when they’re wrong or don’t know something. If you’re the type who can’t let even the smallest mistake go uncorrected, you’re not showing off your smarts. You’re showing off your insecurity. True intelligence involves being open to learning and admitting gaps in your knowledge.

13. Dismissing emotions as inferior to logic

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Priding yourself on being purely logical and dismissing emotions doesn’t make you smart, it makes you emotionally stunted. Emotional intelligence is a crucial part of overall intelligence. Understanding and managing emotions (your own and other people’s) is a key skill in life and work.

14. Wearing glasses just for the look

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Throwing on a pair of non-prescription glasses doesn’t magically boost your IQ. The “smart people wear glasses” stereotype is just that — a stereotype. Your eyewear has nothing to do with your intelligence, and using glasses as a prop is more likely to make you look insecure than intelligent.

15. Exaggerating their coffee addiction

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Bragging about how much coffee you need to function isn’t a sign of intelligence, it’s a sign of caffeine dependence. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying coffee, acting like your massive intake is due to your superior intellect is just silly. Smart people know the importance of a balanced lifestyle, including moderate caffeine consumption.

16. Humblebragging about their busy schedule


Constantly talking about how busy you are doesn’t make you look important or smart. It makes you look like you can’t manage your time effectively. True intelligence often involves knowing how to prioritise and create a balanced life, not running yourself ragged to appear productive.

17. Criticising everything as “overrated”

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Excuse me while I roll my eyes for a second. If your go-to response for popular books, movies, or ideas is always “It’s overrated,” you’re not coming across as someone with refined taste — you’re coming across as a killjoy. Intelligent criticism involves thoughtful analysis, not knee-jerk dismissal of anything widely liked.

18. Claiming they’re “bad at maths” as a humblebrag

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Oddly enough, some people think admitting to being bad at maths makes them sound smart in other areas. It doesn’t. It just means you’re bad at maths. Intelligence comes in many forms, and there’s nothing intellectual about proudly proclaiming a deficit in any area of knowledge.