Just because someone is incredibly attractive on the outside doesn’t mean the person they are inside is very nice.

Especially in the dating world, it’s easy to be charmed by a pretty/handsome face, totally overlooking what lies beneath. However, if you notice any of these signs, that person with the model-level good looks is kind of ugly inside.
1. They treat service staff poorly.

One of the most revealing signs of inner ugliness is how someone treats people in service positions. If they’re rude, demanding, or dismissive towards waiters, shop assistants, or cleaners, it’s a clear indication that they lack respect and empathy for others. This behaviour often stems from a sense of superiority and a disregard for those they see as being beneath them.
2. They constantly put people down to elevate themselves.

People who are ugly on the inside often boost their own ego by belittling those around them. They make snide comments about someone’s appearance, intelligence, or achievements. This constant need to criticise people reveals deep-seated insecurity and a lack of genuine self-confidence, despite their attractive exterior.
3. They never apologise or admit when they’re wrong.

An inability to acknowledge mistakes or apologise is a massive red flag. These people often deflect blame, make excuses, or gaslight people to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This behaviour demonstrates a lack of humility and an unwillingness to grow or improve as a person.
4. They’re kind only when they want something.

Watch out for people who suddenly become charming and attentive when they need a favour. This manipulative behaviour shows that their kindness is merely a tool to get what they want, rather than a genuine expression of care or concern for other people. Once they’ve achieved their goal, they quickly revert to their true, less pleasant selves.
5. They gossip constantly about friends and colleagues.

While a bit of gossip can be harmless, those who constantly spread rumours or share private information about other people are often harbouring inner ugliness. This behaviour betrays trust and reveals a person’s need to feel superior by putting people down. It’s a clear sign of insecurity and a lack of integrity.
6. They’re always the victim in their own stories.

People who are ugly inside often have a perpetual victim mentality. They consistently portray themselves as the wronged party in every situation, never taking responsibility for their role in conflicts or failures. This constant victimhood narrative reveals a lack of self-awareness and an inability to engage in honest self-reflection.
7. They’re overly competitive in inappropriate situations.

While healthy competition can be positive, those with inner ugliness often take it to extremes. They try to outdo people in inappropriate contexts, like turning a friend’s success into a competition or one-upping someone’s misfortunes. They always need to be seen as the best, even when they’re clearly not.
8. They lack empathy for other people’s struggles.

An attractive exterior can’t hide a lack of compassion. If someone consistently dismisses or minimises everyone else’s problems, it’s a sign of inner ugliness. They usually respond to friends’ troubles with indifference or impatience, revealing an inability to connect with and support people on an emotional level.
9. They use their charm to manipulate situations.

Those who are beautiful outside but ugly inside often weaponise their charm. They use their attractiveness or charisma to manipulate situations in their favour, whether it’s to get out of trouble or to gain unfair advantages. This calculated use of charm reveals a self-serving nature and proves how little they care about fairness and honesty.
10. They’re quick to anger over minor inconveniences.

An ugly interior often manifests as disproportionate reactions to small setbacks. If someone flies into a rage over trivial matters like a delayed order or a minor mistake, it’s a clear sign of poor emotional regulation and a lack of patience. They clearly have a sense of entitlement and don’t care about anyone else’s feelings.
11. They consistently break promises and commitments.

Reliability is a key aspect of inner beauty. Those who regularly fail to follow through on their word, whether it’s cancelling plans at the last minute or not delivering on promises, demonstrate a lack of respect for other people’s time and feelings. It proves just how self-centred they are and how little they care about how their behaviour affects the people around them.
12. They’re overly materialistic and status-obsessed.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying nice things, those who are excessively focused on material possessions and social status often have inner ugliness. They judge people based on how much money they have or constantly name-drop to appear important. Such a superficial focus reveals a lack of depth and an inability to value more meaningful aspects of life and relationships.
13. They’re quick to judge based on stereotypes.

Inner ugliness often manifests as closed-mindedness and prejudice. If someone consistently makes snap judgements about people based on stereotypes or superficial characteristics, it reveals a lack of empathy and understanding. It showcases a real unwillingness to see the complexity and individuality in human beings.
14. They take credit for other people’s work or ideas.

A person who is ugly inside often has no qualms about claiming credit for work they didn’t do. Whether it’s presenting a colleague’s idea as their own or downplaying other people’s contributions to a project, it points to a lot of insecurity and a willingness to succeed at other people’s expense.
15. They’re inconsiderate of people’s time and boundaries.

Respect for people’s time and personal space is a sign of inner beauty. Those who consistently show up late, cancel at the last minute, or intrude on people’s privacy shows a lack of consideration. It also reveals a self-centred world-view where their convenience trumps other people’s needs and boundaries.
16. They enjoy schadenfreude.

Taking pleasure in other people’s misfortunes is a clear sign of inner ugliness. If someone seems genuinely happy when people fail or encounter difficulties, it reveals a lack of empathy and a twisted sense of self-worth. This usually boils down to deep-seated insecurities and a need to feel like they’re better than everyone.
17. They’re unwilling to share the spotlight.

Those who are ugly inside often struggle to celebrate other people’s successes. They tend to change the subject when a friend shares good news or find ways to brush off other people’s achievements. Their inability to be genuinely happy for people reveals a deep-seated insecurity and a constant need for attention and validation.
18. They’re cruel to animals.

How someone interacts with animals can be very telling of their inner nature. If they’re cruel, dismissive, or unnecessarily rough with pets or other animals, it’s a significant red flag, as it usually indicates a lack of empathy and compassion that extends beyond their treatment of humans, revealing a truly ugly inner self.