18 Signs A Narcissist’s True Colors Are Showing

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Narcissists love nothing more than pulling the wool over your eyes with their charm and charisma.

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But here’s the thing — eventually, their true colours will start to show through the cracks in their carefully crafted facade. It might be subtle at first, but if you know what to look for, you can spot a narcissist’s BS from a mile away. Don’t let them gaslight you into doubting your own instincts. If you notice any of these 18 signs, it’s time to face the facts: you’re dealing with a grade-A narcissist.

1. They constantly interrupt you.

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Narcissists love the sound of their own voice and couldn’t care less about what you have to say. They’ll interrupt you mid-sentence, talk over you, and dominate every conversation. It’s not that they’re excited to contribute — they just don’t think your thoughts are worth hearing. If you find yourself constantly fighting to get a word in edgewise, you might be dealing with a narcissist who thinks the world revolves around them.

2. They never apologise sincerely.

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Sure, a narcissist might say “I’m sorry” when backed into a corner, but their apologies are always hollow and insincere. They’ll make excuses, shift blame, and twist the situation to make themselves look like the victim. A genuine apology requires empathy and accountability — two things narcissists sorely lack. If their “sorry” sounds more like a guilt trip than a heartfelt admission of wrongdoing, you’re probably dealing with a narcissist.

3. They’re always fishing for compliments.

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Narcissists need constant validation to feed their fragile egos. They’ll humblebrag about their achievements, fish for compliments, and bask in any praise thrown their way. But here’s the kicker — no amount of admiration is ever enough. They’ll always be searching for their next fix of external approval. If you find yourself constantly reassuring someone of their greatness, only to have them demand more, you might be dealing with a narcissist.

4. They play the victim in every situation.

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Nothing is ever a narcissist’s fault. They’ll twist any situation to paint themselves as the innocent victim, even when they’re clearly in the wrong. If you call them out on their BS, they’ll accuse you of being too sensitive or aggressive. They’ll use guilt trips and gaslighting to make you question your own reality. If someone consistently refuses to take responsibility for their actions, you’re likely dealing with a narcissist.

5. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance.

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Narcissists genuinely believe they’re better than everyone else. They’ll brag about their achievements, exaggerate their abilities, and look down on those they deem inferior. They crave power and status, always angling for the top spot in any social hierarchy. If someone consistently acts like they’re God’s gift to humanity, you might be dealing with a raging narcissist.

6. They lack empathy.

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Narcissists are emotional vampires, sucking the life out of those around them while offering nothing in return. They’re incapable of genuine empathy and view other people as mere tools to be used for their own gain. If someone consistently dismisses your feelings, belittles your struggles, and shows no regard for your well-being, you’re almost certainly dealing with a narcissist.

7. They’re always the centre of attention.

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Narcissists crave the spotlight like moths to a flame. They’ll hijack conversations, make every story about themselves, and throw tantrums when they’re not the centre of attention. They need constant admiration and validation, and will stop at nothing to get it. If someone consistently makes every situation about them, even when it’s wildly inappropriate, you’re probably dealing with a narcissist.

8. They have a massive sense of entitlement.

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Narcissists believe the world owes them everything simply for existing. They’ll demand special treatment, exploit people for their own gain, and fly into a rage when they don’t get their way. They genuinely believe they deserve success and admiration without putting in any actual work. If someone consistently acts like the world should bend over backwards to accommodate their every whim, you’re almost definitely dealing with a narcissist.

9. They’re master manipulators.

Source: Unsplash

Narcissists are experts at pushing people’s buttons to get what they want. They’ll use guilt trips, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail to control those around them. They’ll twist the truth, rewrite history, and do whatever it takes to maintain their power over other people. If you constantly feel like you’re being manipulated and controlled, even when you can’t quite put your finger on how, you’re likely dealing with a narcissist.

10. They have a “rules don’t apply to me” mentality.

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Narcissists believe they’re above the law and social norms. They’ll break rules, disregard boundaries, and do whatever they please, then act indignant when called out on their behaviour. They genuinely believe they’re special and deserve to do as they like without consequence. If someone consistently acts like rules are for other people, you’re almost certainly dealing with a toxic narcissist.

11. They’re pathological liars.

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Narcissists lie as easily as they breathe. They’ll twist the truth, omit key details, and make up entire stories to suit their agenda. They have no qualms about gaslighting you into doubting your own memories and perceptions. If you catch someone in lie after lie, only to have them double down and accuse you of being crazy, you’re definitely dealing with a narcissist.

12. They constantly move the goalposts.

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Narcissists are impossible to please because they’re always changing the rules of engagement. They’ll set unrealistic expectations, then punish you for failing to meet them. If you do manage to succeed, they’ll simply raise the bar higher. It’s a losing game designed to keep you jumping through hoops and seeking their approval. If someone’s standards seem to shift with the wind, you’re likely dealing with a narcissist.

13. They have a Jekyll and Hyde personality.

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Narcissists are master shape-shifters, adapting their persona to suit their audience. They’ll be charming and charismatic in public, then cold and cruel behind closed doors. This sudden switch can be jarring and leave you questioning your own reality. If someone’s personality seems to change on a dime, you might be dealing with a two-faced narcissist.

14. They project their own flaws onto other people.


Narcissists are deeply insecure and cannot tolerate the thought of being flawed. Instead, they project their own shortcomings onto those around them. If they’re cheating, they’ll accuse you of being unfaithful. If they’re lying, they’ll call you dishonest. This projection serves to deflect blame and keep their fragile ego intact. If someone is constantly accusing you of things you know you haven’t done, you’re likely dealing with a narcissist.

15. They give backhanded compliments.


Narcissists are skilled at cloaking insults in the guise of praise. They’ll say things like, “You’re so brave for wearing that” or “You’re smarter than I thought,” then act offended when you don’t appreciate their “compliment.” These backhanded remarks are designed to undermine your self-esteem and keep you seeking their approval. If someone’s compliments always leave you feeling worse about yourself, you’re probably dealing with a narcissist.

16. They have a history of tumultuous relationships.

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Narcissists leave a trail of broken relationships in their wake. They’ll idealise new partners, then devalue and discard them when they’ve served their purpose. They’ll badmouth exes, blaming them for all the issues in the relationship while taking no responsibility themselves. If someone has a string of failed partnerships and always paints themselves as the victim, you’re almost definitely dealing with a narcissist.

17. They refuse to respect your boundaries.


Narcissists see boundaries as challenges to be overcome, not lines to be respected. They’ll invade your privacy, disregard your needs, and trample all over your personal space. If you try to assert yourself, they’ll accuse you of being selfish or controlling. If someone consistently ignores your clearly stated boundaries and makes you feel guilty for having them, you’re undoubtedly dealing with a narcissist.

18. They leave you feeling drained and exhausted.


Dealing with a narcissist is utterly exhausting. Their constant demands for attention, endless drama, and emotional manipulation will leave you feeling drained and depleted. You’ll find yourself walking on eggshells, second-guessing your every move, and twisting yourself into knots to please them. If your interactions with someone consistently leave you feeling emotionally hungover and questioning your own sanity, you’re almost certainly dealing with a toxic narcissist.