The dictionary defines integrity as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”

It’s a quality that I imagine everyone would like to assume they have, but their behaviour might prove otherwise. The problem is that those who lack it have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to get what they want in life, even if that means lying, stealing, or betraying other people. Those who have no integrity aren’t the type of people you want in your life, so make sure you’re on the lookout for these warning signs.
1. They consistently break promises.

A person who regularly fails to keep their word is showing a clear lack of integrity. Whether it’s small commitments or significant promises, consistently breaking them shows they really don’t care about other people’s trust and time. Their behaviour sends the message that their words hold little value, and they prioritise their convenience over their commitments.
2. They gossip about people all the time.

While sharing a bit of gossip occasionally is normal, someone who does it constantly and maliciously is dangerous. Spreading rumours or sharing private information about other people behind their backs shows a disregard for privacy and respect. It also suggests they might be doing the same about you when you’re not around.
3. They take credit for other people’s work.

Claiming credit for someone else’s ideas or efforts is a clear sign of dishonesty, and it not only shows a lack of integrity, but also a willingness to exploit people for their own personal gain. It also undermines team dynamics and destroys trust in professional environments. They should be willing to give credit where it’s due (and it’s not to themselves).
4. They lie, even about small things.

Habitual lying, especially about unimportant things, is a red flag. If someone is comfortable deceiving people about minor details, it’s likely they won’t hesitate to lie about more significant issues. Their pattern of dishonesty makes it hard to trust anything they say, and it’s probably better if you don’t.
5. They shift blame onto other people and always point the finger.

A person lacking integrity refuses to take responsibility for their mistakes. Instead, they’re quick to point fingers at other people or make excuses for why things went wrong. They’re clearly unwilling to be accountable for their actions, and they definitely don’t care how their mistakes affect the people around them.
6. They manipulate situations for personal gain.

Someone who consistently twists circumstances to benefit themselves, often at the expense of other people, lacks integrity. Their methods might involve emotional manipulation, selective truth-telling, or creating drama to achieve their goals. No matter the way they go about it, their behaviour proves they don’t care about fairness or about the people their actions affect.
7. They treat people differently based on status.

A person who changes their behaviour dramatically depending on someone’s perceived importance or usefulness to them isn’t someone you want in your life. Being kind to superiors while dismissive of those they deem less important reveals a lack of genuine respect for people and a self-serving nature. Avoid at all costs!
8. They’re unwilling to admit when they’re wrong.

An inability to acknowledge mistakes or accept being wrong is a sign of low integrity, and it shows a prioritisation of ego over truth and fairness. Someone with integrity can admit their mistakes, learn from them, and make amends when necessary.
9. They betray confidences.

Sharing information that was told in confidence is a significant breach of trust. Whether it’s personal secrets or professional information, someone who can’t keep things confidential demonstrates a lack of respect for other people’s privacy and trust. Eventually, people will stop telling them anything because they know their business will be all over the office/throughout their friend group.
10. They’re inconsistent in their principles.

A person of integrity adheres to their moral principles consistently. If someone’s values seem to shift depending on what’s most advantageous for them at the moment, it’s a sign of questionable integrity. Their inconsistency makes their behaviour unpredictable and unreliable.
11. They use loopholes to skirt rules or laws.

While not technically breaking rules, constantly looking for loopholes to bypass regulations shows a shady side to a person. They’re clearly willing to violate the spirit of rules for personal benefit, even if adhering to the letter. This behaviour often leads to ethical grey areas and can destroy trust. Why can’t they just play by the rules like everyone else?
12. They’re overly defensive when questioned.

Reacting with extreme defensiveness or anger when their actions or motives are questioned can point to a lack of integrity. Someone with nothing to hide is usually open to explaining their behaviour calmly. Excessive defensiveness might suggest they’re trying to cover up wrongdoing or dishonesty.
13. They engage in two-faced behaviour.

Acting differently with different groups of people, beyond normal social adjustments, is a red flag. If someone is overly friendly to your face, but you hear they speak negatively about you to other people, it shows a lack of sincerity and integrity in their relationships. You definitely don’t want to be around someone like this.
14. They cut corners when no one is looking.

True integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. If someone consistently takes shortcuts or does sloppy work when they think they won’t be caught, it reveals a lack of personal integrity and pride in their actions.
15. They refuse to apologise sincerely.

When someone hurts people but refuses to offer a genuine apology, they’re not a very nice person. Insincere apologies or refusing to apologise at all demonstrates an unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions and their impact on other people. In fact, it’s almost as if they enjoy upsetting people!
16. They’re willing to compromise other people for personal gain.

If someone readily throws other people under the bus to save themselves or advance their interests, it’s a clear sign of low integrity. They also clearly have a lack of loyalty and a willingness to hurt people for self-preservation or advancement.
17. They regularly engage in virtue signalling.

While supporting good causes is admirable, constantly broadcasting one’s moral high ground, especially when actions don’t match words, can indicate a lack of genuine integrity. True integrity is lived, not just proclaimed for social approval.
18. They have different private and public personas.

While everyone shows different sides of themselves in various contexts, a stark contrast between someone’s public image and private behaviour can be troubling. If their behind-closed-doors actions consistently contradict their public persona, it suggests a fundamental lack of authenticity and integrity.