17 Phrases Vegetarians Are Sick And Tired Of Hearing

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Choosing not to eat meat is a personal decision, but some people seem to really have a problem with it.

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Meat eaters are entitled to enjoy a nice steak without criticism (though the impact of the world’s obsession with carnivorous diets is worth discussing as a whole), so why do vegetarians have to listen to so much hate and ignorance about their own dietary choices? Here are some of the most annoying things you probably hear if you follow a plant-based (or at least a meat-free) diet.

1. “But where do you get your protein?”


This is probably the most common question vegetarians face. There are plenty of plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, nuts, and tofu. Many vegetarians are well-versed in nutrition and have carefully considered their dietary choices.

2. “I could never give up bacon.”

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While this might be true for some, it’s not particularly helpful or relevant to a vegetarian’s choices. Everyone has different priorities and tastes, and for vegetarians, their reasons for not eating meat outweigh any cravings they might have.

3. “Don’t you miss meat?”

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Some vegetarians might miss certain meat dishes, while others don’t at all. Either way, their choice to abstain from meat is more important to them than any fleeting cravings. It’s a personal decision that they’ve likely thought about extensively.

4. “Plants have feelings too, you know.”

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This argument is often used to try to point out perceived hypocrisy in vegetarianism. However, there’s no scientific evidence that plants feel pain or have consciousness in the way animals do. Most vegetarians have already considered and dismissed this line of reasoning.

5. “Just pick the meat out, it won’t kill you.”

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For many vegetarians, it’s not just about the act of eating meat, but also about not wanting to support the meat industry. Suggesting they just pick out the meat undermines their ethical stance and can be seen as disrespectful.

6. “How do you know someone’s a vegetarian? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.”

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This joke has been overused to the point of exhaustion. Most vegetarians only mention their diet when it’s relevant, like when ordering food or being offered a meal. They’re not looking for attention, just trying to navigate social situations.

7. “Humans are meant to eat meat.”

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While humans can digest meat, we’re also capable of thriving on a plant-based diet. Many vegetarians have done their research and are comfortable with their choice, regardless of what our ancestors may have eaten.

8. “You’re not getting enough nutrients.”

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A well-planned vegetarian diet can provide all the necessary nutrients. Many vegetarians are very conscious about their nutrition and make sure to eat a balanced diet. Unsolicited nutritional advice can come across as patronising.

9. “It’s just a phase, you’ll grow out of it.”

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This dismissive comment undermines the thoughtful decision many vegetarians have made. For many, vegetarianism is a lifelong commitment based on deeply held beliefs, not a passing fad.

10. “But you eat fish, right?”

Dragos Condrea

Fish are animals, and vegetarians don’t eat animals. This is different from pescatarianism, which does include fish. It’s a common misconception that can be frustrating for vegetarians to repeatedly explain.

11. “What if you were stranded on a desert island with only animals to eat?”

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This hypothetical situation is so unlikely that it’s not really relevant to day-to-day vegetarianism. Most vegetarians make their dietary choices based on their current reality, not extreme survival scenarios.

12. “You must be so healthy.”

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While a vegetarian diet can be very healthy, it’s not automatically so. Vegetarians, like anyone else, can have varied diets ranging from very healthy to less so. This assumption can create unrealistic expectations.

13. “Isn’t it boring to eat vegetables all the time?”

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Vegetarian cuisine is diverse and flavourful, spanning cuisines from around the world. This comment often comes from a lack of understanding about the variety of vegetarian dishes available.

14. “A little bit won’t hurt you.”

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For many vegetarians, their diet is a moral choice, not just a health one. Suggesting they compromise their beliefs, even a little, can be offensive and shows a lack of respect for their decisions.

15. “Do you judge me for eating meat?”

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Most vegetarians are more concerned with their own choices than judging others. This question can put vegetarians in an uncomfortable position and make social situations unnecessarily tense.

16. “What if this plant was fertilised with animal manure?”

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This level of scrutiny is rarely applied to other dietary choices and can feel like an attempt to catch vegetarians out. Most vegetarians do their best within reason and don’t claim to be perfect.

17. “I feel bad for you.”

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Many vegetarians are happy with their choice and don’t feel they’re missing out. Pity is unnecessary and can come across as condescending. Most vegetarians would prefer understanding and respect for their choices.