17 Phrases That Might Sabotage You Being Successful

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Everyone wants to be successful in life, but sometimes we’re our own worst enemies and stand in the way of our progress.

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The words you use have power, and the wrong ones can not only be self-sabotaging, but also discourage other people from having confidence in you and your abilities. With that in mind, here are some phrases to eradicate from your vocabulary to give yourself the best chance of achieving big things.

1. “I’m not ready yet.”

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Oh boy, this one’s a classic success-killer. Here’s the thing: you’ll probably never feel 100% ready for the big stuff. Waiting until you feel “ready” might mean waiting forever. Instead of this cop-out, try saying, “I’m nervous, but I’m going for it anyway.” Fake it ’til you make it, right? Sometimes you’ve got to jump in the deep end to really start swimming.

2. “I don’t have any good ideas.”

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Geez, talk about selling yourself short! Everyone’s got ideas, some just need a bit more polishing than others. When you tell yourself you don’t have good ideas, you’re basically shutting down your creativity before it even gets started. Try flipping it to, “What if I approached this from a different angle?” It opens up possibilities instead of closing doors.

3. “That’s just how I am.”

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Yikes, this is like slapping a “no growth allowed” sticker on your forehead. Using this phrase as an excuse for bad habits or to avoid change is a guaranteed way to stay stuck. Instead, try “I’m working on improving that about myself.” It shows you’re self-aware and actively trying to grow. That’s the kind of attitude that leads to success, folks.

4. “I’ll start my diet on Monday.”

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Okay, this isn’t just about diets. It’s about that whole “I’ll start later” mindset. Whether it’s a new workout routine, a business idea, or learning a new skill, putting things off is a major success-blocker. Try saying, “I’m starting right now, even if it’s just a small step.” Small steps add up, and before you know it, you’re actually making progress.

5. “I’m too busy.”


Let’s be real, we’re all busy. But constantly saying you’re too busy is like waving a white flag at your goals. It’s often just an excuse to avoid doing the hard stuff. Instead of the busy badge, try “I need to reprioritise my time.” It puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life and forces you to look at what’s really important.

6. “I’m not as good as them.”


Comparison is the thief of joy, and apparently, success too. Measuring yourself against other people is a losing game — there’s always someone who seems to be doing better. Flip this on its head and say, “I’m focusing on my own progress.” It keeps your eyes on your own lane, which is where the real growth happens.

7. “What will people think?”

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Oh man, if I had a dollar for every time this thought held someone back… Worrying too much about other people’s opinions can paralyse you. Try replacing this with, “I’m doing this for me, not for anyone else.” It’s liberating and keeps you focused on what really matters — your own goals and happiness.

8. “I don’t deserve success.”

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Talk about self-sabotage! This sneaky little phrase is imposter syndrome’s best friend. It can make you subconsciously undermine your own efforts. Switch it up to, “I’m working hard and earning my success.” Because guess what? You absolutely do deserve good things, especially when you’re putting in the effort.

9. “It’s too late for me.”

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Nope, nope, nope. It’s never too late to chase your dreams or try something new. This phrase is just fear talking. Instead, try on, “Now’s the perfect time for me to start.” Because really, when is a better time than right now?

10. “I’m afraid of failure.”

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News flash: everyone’s afraid of failure. But letting that fear stop you is the real failure. Try reframing it as, “I’m learning from every attempt.” It takes the sting out of potential setbacks and keeps you moving forward. After all, those who succeed are often just the ones who didn’t give up.

11. “That’s not how it’s done.”


Whoa there, creativity police! This phrase is innovation’s worst enemy. Just because something’s always been done one way doesn’t mean it’s the best way. Try saying, “Let’s explore some new approaches.” It keeps you open to fresh ideas and solutions — that’s where the magic happens.

12. “I don’t have the right connections.”

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This one’s a real mood-killer. It’s easy to blame a lack of success on not knowing the right people, but it’s also a cop-out. Instead of this, try, “I’m going to start building my network today.” Connections aren’t just handed to you — you’ve got to get out there and make them happen.

13. “I’m not lucky enough.”

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Oh please, luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Blaming a lack of luck is giving away your power. Flip this to, “I’m creating my own opportunities.” It puts you back in control and focuses you on what you can actually influence.

14. “I don’t have enough experience.”

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Everyone starts somewhere, right? Using lack of experience as an excuse keeps you stuck in a catch-22. Instead, say, “I’m excited to gain new experiences.” It shows enthusiasm and a willingness to learn — qualities that can often outweigh raw experience.

15. “That sounds too hard.”

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Yep, success is hard. That’s kind of the point. Shying away from challenges means you’ll always stay exactly where you are. Try reframing it as, “This is a great opportunity to challenge myself.” It turns obstacles into opportunities for growth.

16. “I’ll just wing it.”

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While spontaneity has its place, constantly “winging it” can lead to missed opportunities and half-baked efforts. It’s often just procrastination in disguise. Instead, try saying, “I’m going to prepare, so I can do my best.” A little preparation goes a long way in setting yourself up for success.

17. “I don’t need to change.”

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Ooh, danger zone! This phrase is like kryptonite to personal growth. The world’s always changing, and if you’re not changing with it, you’re falling behind. Try this instead: “I’m always looking for ways to improve.” It keeps you adaptable and growing — key ingredients for long-term success.