We all know the obvious ways to show disrespect: insults, name-calling, and blatant disregard.
But sometimes, disrespect can be subtle, creeping into our interactions in ways we might not even realise. Here are some of the less obvious behaviours that can leave someone feeling undervalued and unappreciated.
1. You dismiss their feelings.

When someone shares their emotions with you, whether it’s excitement, sadness, or frustration, brushing it off with a dismissive comment like “Don’t worry about it” or “You’re overreacting” can be incredibly hurtful. It invalidates their feelings and makes them feel unheard.
2. You constantly interrupt them.

Cutting someone off mid-sentence or finishing their thoughts for them sends the message that you don’t value their input. It can be frustrating and demoralising to have your voice consistently silenced. Remember, everyone deserves the chance to express themselves fully.
3. You belittle their accomplishments.

Downplaying someone’s achievements, even in a seemingly light-hearted way, can chip away at their confidence and self-esteem. Instead of celebrating their successes, you might make comments like “It was just luck” or “Anyone could have done that.” Such remarks can make them feel insignificant and unappreciated.
4. You make decisions without consulting them.

When you consistently make choices that affect someone else without asking for their input or considering their preferences, it can make them feel like their opinions don’t matter. It’s important to include them in the decision-making process, especially when the outcome directly impacts them.
5. You compare them to other people.

Constantly comparing someone to someone else, whether it’s their siblings, friends, or colleagues, can make them feel inadequate and insecure. Instead of focusing on their unique strengths and qualities, you might highlight their perceived shortcomings in comparison to someone else.
6. You make jokes at their expense.

Even if you intend it as playful teasing, making jokes that target someone’s appearance, personality, or vulnerabilities can be deeply hurtful. Humour should be light-hearted and inclusive, not at the expense of someone’s feelings.
7. You ignore their boundaries.

Everyone has personal boundaries, whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental. Disregarding those boundaries, even if it’s unintentional, can make someone feel violated and disrespected. It’s important to be mindful of people’s limits and respect their personal space.
8. You don’t keep your promises.

When you consistently break your promises or fail to follow through on commitments, it destroys trust and makes people feel undervalued. Your word should be your bond, and consistently letting people down can damage your relationships and reputation.
9. You offer backhanded compliments.

Compliments that come with a hidden insult or qualification can be more hurtful than no compliment at all. Saying things like “You look great for your age” or “That’s a surprising choice for someone like you” can make someone feel self-conscious and undermine their confidence.
10. You talk down to them.

Using a condescending tone or explaining things in a way that makes someone feel foolish is a guaranteed way to make them feel disrespected. It’s important to communicate with people on an equal footing, regardless of their knowledge or experience.
11. You take credit for their ideas or work.

Stealing someone’s thunder by taking credit for their ideas, contributions, or accomplishments is a major sign of disrespect. It can be demoralising and frustrating to have your hard work go unrecognised or attributed to someone else.
12. You exclude them from social gatherings or conversations.

Deliberately leaving someone out of social activities or conversations can make them feel isolated and unwanted. Even if it’s not intentional, consistently excluding someone can damage their sense of belonging and make them feel like they don’t fit in.
13. You gossip about them behind their back.

Talking negatively about someone behind their back is a hurtful and disrespectful behaviour. It breaches trust and can damage relationships. If you have concerns or issues with someone, it’s important to address them directly and respectfully.
14. You ignore their requests or needs.

Consistently ignoring someone’s requests, whether it’s for help, support, or simply a listening ear, can make them feel unimportant and unheard. It’s essential to be attentive to other people’s needs and offer assistance when possible.
15. You are always late or cancel plans at the last minute.

Being chronically late or cancelling plans without a valid reason shows a lack of respect for someone’s time and consideration. It can be frustrating and inconvenient for the other person and can make them feel like their time is not valued.
16. You make them feel like they are a burden.

When someone expresses a need or asks for help, responding with sighs, complaints, or a reluctant attitude can make them feel like they are a burden. It’s important to offer support willingly and without making them feel guilty or indebted.
17. You don’t apologise when you’ve hurt their feelings.

Everyone makes mistakes and says things they regret. However, refusing to apologise or acknowledge the harm you’ve caused shows a lack of remorse and respect for the other person’s feelings. A sincere apology can go a long way in mending fences and rebuilding trust.